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  • Brexit 2020+
  • onehundredthidiot
    Full Member

    Pretty sure Everytime I’ve flown to Barcelona the airline has said I need X Months left on my passport. I’ve not been since before covid.

    Full Member

    Ah but it’s to do with the start date, eu recognise the passport validity 10 years from the start date and the U.K. used to allow you to renew earlier and add the extra time to the new passport so it’s expiry date is longer than the ten years which is catching people out.

    I get why people are getting caught out.

    Full Member

    I’m also surprised that it’s become news which makes me think no-one really thought about it until a few people have been caught out.

    TBH honest I’d not be thinking about checking my start date, but I’ve always ran mine out before getting a new one as I was always a one holiday a year as opposed to frequent flyer.

    Full Member

    Didn’t this come up last year? It’s just a lazy rehash of the same story because people are taking holidays.

    Full Member

    Get your tasty goodies before the end of the month. Proper independent delicatessens are about to have yet more taxes dropped on them:

    Full Member

    kelvinFull Member
    Get your tasty goodies before the end of the month. Proper independent delicatessens are about to have yet more taxes dropped on them:

    It’s almost as if none of this was thought through….this Beeb article summarises it somewhat.


    Full Member

    From the Beeb:

    The government said the fees would pay for “world-class border facilities”.

    That is the most counterintuitive, pointless justification yet for the sh*t fest that is Brexit regulations and increased costs.

    Both things Brexit was ment to reduce!

    Full Member

    Was about to post that meaningless quote- but Poops beat me to it.

    Most times an individual or organisation (inc government) refers to world class or world leading you can be 100% certain that what they’re referring to is not and never reach that status.

    So, the government are saying the current facilities are not world leading; how should they be described? Adequate, average, piss poor?

    Saying something is world class of world leading does not make it so.

    Didn’t the gov incur a hefty cost in developing a site at Ramsgate (?) which will now not be used?

    They’re a bunch of rank amateurs – at best; in truth, that would be high praise for them.

    Full Member

    I posted this on the Brexit Benefits thread – so world class they’re thinking of demolishing it:

    Free Member

    I think I will be able to cope with a 0.2% price increase.

    Full Member

    Lucky you.

    This will ruin many a small UK food importing company. The international owned supermarkets will do just fine though of course.

    Yet more power to the arm of globalisation and hinderance for UK SME businesses. Like every step of the Brexit process.

    Full Member

    I seem to be hearing a lot of you won’t be coming to Spain as we’ve put a rule that you need x  Britannic Pounds and you are so outraged that you will be going elsewhere 🙂

    Sounds awfully familiar to this,each%20day%20of%20their%20trip.

    I’m not really getting why these things are getting recycled other than your news sites are now just purely click-baiting  all the time for advertising.

    Full Member

    I actually have a benefit!…… my knew job

    I work at the biggest science institute in the country. Importing/ exporting animals, eggs, sperm, human tissue and radioactive stuff thrown in is such a mess that they’ve created a new team to deal with it all, and there’s not many people who’ve worked with all that, so I got it by default.

    Now we’re back in Horizon, sorting out clinical trials is a shitshow weve got to address too (its mostly blood for that)

    Weve had so many cases of things being stuck in customs because the shipper/ receiver/ courier has the wrong commodity code, its costing us a fortune. Vet inspections also a nightmare, we just had to pay £6k! to ship some chunks of frozen marmot that’ve been stuck in a freezer for a couple of years after the rest of the lab moved to Berlin.

    Anyway Ive got a salary bump and more wfh

    vive la Brexit red tape!

    Full Member

    I seem to be hearing a lot of you won’t be coming to Spain as we’ve put a rule that you need x Britannic Pounds and you are so outraged that you will be going elsewhere

    You always needed to be self sufficient since brexit…the biggest change recently for spain it they are getting rid of the ‘golden visa’ which basically gave you a free pass if you invest 500,000+ euros in spain, in property or business, so if you were to buy a £285k home in spain (avarage UK house price), you would already be well over half way there.

    Scuppered a lot of retirement plans, I imagine.

    Full Member

    ship some chunks of frozen marmot

    As ever, STW triumphs again; has someone who’s an expert in the most obscure subjects. Well done that man!

    Full Member

    The Group Leader that brought it in actually went hunting in the Tyrol with some hunters and some of his students, they bagged some marmot, drank a lot of brandy and then brought it back pre-Brexit, but to take it with them after Brexit when he moved his lab has been a nightmare of paperwork & cost

    Full Member

    That link has definitely expanded my knowledge of the alpine marmot!

    Yet more proof that every day truly is a school day on STW!

    Full Member

    I’d like to see the total number of jobs created in the UK that are pure (or mostly) Brexit overheads.

    Full Member

    Full Member
    I’d like to see the total number of jobs created in the UK that are pure (or mostly) Brexit overheads.

    We all remember those halcyon days when apart from all the other benefits Brexit would bring us it would reduce red tape. 😁

    Full Member

    You always needed to be self sufficient since brexit…the biggest change recently for spain it they are getting rid of the ‘golden visa’ which basically gave you a free pass if you invest 500,000+ euros in spain, in property or business, so if you were to buy a £285k home in spain (avarage UK house price), you would already be well over half way there.

    Scuppered a lot of retirement plans, I imagine.

    Ah I was on about the holiday makers needing to show x Euros a day.

    Interestingly there was a way that you could do it for way less  500k.

    I don’t think it will actually cause a problem for retirement ,if you have enough pension,savings you should still be able to get a NLV , the difference is the amount of time you can be out of Spain and people get twitchy over being a tax resident.

    There’s still oldies retiring here,it just the entry price is a lot higher than before.

    (TBH why you would want to retire here, it’s grim,I’ve had to apply my sunscreen this lunchtime as it’s 30c 🙂 )

    Full Member

    In a move that will require Daily Mail and Express traders to stock up on beta blockers! 😂

    Tomorrow’s headline: They are Stealing Your Brexit!

    EU proposes UK free movement deal for young people

    Free Member

    I was just about to post that. Hopefully the thin end of the wedge to opening things up again.

    Full Member

    ^^ I think it’s how Brexit will gradually be undone, a bit at a time.

    Labour distancing themselves from it at the moment but they have to or they are handing the Tories/reform UK an easy attack line.

    Get into power, then start the negotiations on things like this. 👍

    That’s not to say I expect us to return to the EU for a decade or two but we can start prepping the ground.

    Free Member

    Great, I’ll send my kids over there, they can work for 5 years then they’ll be eligible to bring us over on a family visa.

    Free Member

    “^^ I think it’s how Brexit will gradually be undone, a bit at a time.

    Labour distancing themselves from it at the moment but they have to or they are handing the Tories/reform UK an easy attack line.

    Get into power, then start the negotiations on things like this. 👍

    That’s not to say I expect us to return to the EU for a decade or two but we can start prepping the ground.”

    Word for word what I’m thinking. 👍

    Full Member

    ^^ ITV even reporting that many think this has been announced with a “new Labour government in mind.” The EU know what we know, the Tory nutters will be out soon.

    I likey a lotey.😉

    Full Member

    I seem to remember that for economic reasons free movement had to be inseparable from free trade. Not just political reasons.

    Applying that to this proposal, the country has lost a lot of customers in the EU for goods and services, but to some extent compensated by EU citizens leaving. So there are now fewer (skilled) jobs but also fewer people wanting them. Would the new proposal thus disadvantage British because there’d be no more work yet more competition for it?

    Free Member

    Martin Kettle in the Guardian put it excellently.

    In essence, Starmer can probably wait for the state of the economy to do his arguing for him.

    The more the Tories salt the earth for Labour, the easier the economic argument could become. The Tories are so screwed that they are now in a position where their natural vindictiveness could speed up the kind of result they don’t want.

    The UK will be back in some kind of European bloc within 20 years come what may. The sooner the better, IMO.

    Full Member

    Another brexit bonus is its made medicine shortages more likely and more severe.  An entirely predictable outcome of making a separate system for approvals

    Full Member

    Oh ffs

    “New post-Brexit border checks ‘set to zero’ to avoid what Defra calls risk of serious disruption”

    From the grauniad.  Thats tbe 6th time the checks have been delayed.. its almost like this is a stupid idea🙄😜

    Full Member

    Full Member
    Oh ffs

    “New post-Brexit border checks ‘set to zero’ to avoid what Defra calls risk of serious disruption”

    From the grauniad. Thats tbe 6th time the checks have been delayed.. its almost like this is a stupid idea🙄😜

    What a friggin surprise… Let the next government sort it out. Just like everything else.

    It’ll have the farmers frothing though!

    Full Member

    We can no longer take our van into Europe for smaller shows as we’d need an operators license and to get that we’d need to employ or need to contract a qualified transport manager. So if the show doesn’t warrant a truck then it’s uneconomic for us to do it. Fortunately most of what we do requires an 18t or larger truck so the loss to us isn’t too bad. Still it’s money going to “foreigners” instead of us fine British folk.

    Oh and don’t forget the cost and hassle of getting a ATA carnet for every job 🙄

    Full Member


    Last week the EU offered the UK a youth mobility scheme to allow people between the ages of 18 and 30 to study and live in the EU, effectively freedom of movement that of course the EU would expect to be reciprocated. However it’s been rejected by Rishi Sunak and, disappointingly, by Labour too. How can you do that to young people? They should enjoy the same freedom these politicians had when they were the same age.

    I expect if Labour didn’t solidly reject this, the Tories would use it as a stick to beat them over the head with. Undermining brexit etc.

    I’d also guess that most people moving around in the EU days would have been in that age bracket, so the proposal could restore a substantial share of the movement that was happening.

    Disappointing of course for people who wanted to move, but for those who don’t I expect they appreciate reduced competition for jobs and housing, like if you’d just graduated. There’s no associated removal of trade barriers that’s going to bring all that business we lost back at the same time.

    Full Member

    You’ve described the sentiment at play perfectly… but it’s all nonsense factually of course.

    Allowing people to study and work abroad builds bridges… that facilitate future business.

    Cutting young people off from opportunities, to placate older voters scared of the world, causes untold damage to our economy and culture.

    Full Member

    I read you’re politely saying that what I said is nonsense 😉

    Cutting people from abroad off from British opportunities, reserves and protects those opportunities for British people who don’t wish to emigrate in search for opportunities. The pie is smaller than it used to be, and isn’t growing.

    It’s a narrow view but if I were a young person at the start or early stages of my career, I’d be happy to not have other countries’ smart and ambitious folk competing with me for the available jobs.

    Full Member

    I’d be happy to not have other countries’ smart and ambitious folk competing with me for the available jobs.

    Thats a valid point, but from a narrow view. By the same effort you also deny yourself (if you are smart and ambitious) an easy way to take a job or work experience, and potential career in an EU Country, such as France, germany, Spain, etc.. it works both ways, that’s kind of the whole point.

    Full Member

    reserves and protects those opportunities for British people

    It’s a sentiment… many people feel that way… but without forming connections between countries the economy is held back and job opportunities reduced. And anyway… as a youngster,  if you were to really think it’s about competition for a finite number of jobs (or education places, which is at the heart of the proposals rejected)… wouldn’t you want to give people the opportunity to go abroad and free up a place for yourself? It’s mostly the mindset of older generations anyway, younger people tend to want the mixing and the opportunities that brings… even if they don’t want to study or work abroad for a few years themselves.

    Full Member

    It is a narrow view, as I said. Having a wider view and considering the greater good is however an indulgence when you’re making that crucial first step onto the career ladder.

    Yes, it’s denying an opportunity, however this is of no concern for people (the majority) who don’t want to emigrate anyway.

    Forming connections, holding back the economy… these are long-term strategic things. They don’t help you when you’ve got your engineering degree and didn’t get onto a graduate scheme, working in Tesco and living in your child bedroom.

    I don’t think it’s just a sentiment. It’s practically advantageous for many people on an individual level short-term, if not strategically for the population longer term.

    And anyway… as a youngster,  if you were to really think it’s about competition for a finite number of jobs (or education places, which is at the heart of the proposals rejected)… wouldn’t you want to give people the opportunity to go abroad and free up a place for yourself?

    Ah I spotted you elaborated while I was typing. It really is competition for a finite number of jobs/places on the best courses and grad schemes, isn’t it. Not just a way of thinking, it literally is a competition and the number of places is fixed. I see your balancing point, however I believe the UK tended to attract more students/workers in our direction.

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