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  • Brexit 2020+
  • dudeofdoom
    Full Member

    A minor inconvenience the actual truth :-)

    Free Member

    That graph a couple of pages back, how come it was 20% overall yet not a single detail item got near 20%?

    Full Member

    This one?


    All the extra is the warm feeling of being sovereign and letting our politicians wreck things in a UK GB only way

    Full Member

    Let them eat sovereignty

    Full Member

    [ to be clear, politicians in EU countries can also get a lot wrong, both collectively and nationally… but a small minority of people in this country will always say Brexit has a good impact on the UK even if they can only actually list negative impacts… simply because the mistakes made on our behalf can be seen as British mistakes ]

    Full Member

    More seriously… that graph… many of those replying will think that Brexit has only been positive in one or two areas… but those areas really matter to them so consider the overall impact as positive.

    Free Member

    Kelvin – yep, that one, just didn’t add up or is it like usual, folk unable to actually support their ‘beliefs’ with facts?

    Full Member

    Another poll. Things are moving from “Brexit is bad” to “I’d vote to rejoin” quite quickly. I wonder where we’ll be in 5 years time…?


    Full Member

    I wonder where we’ll be in 5 years time…?

    Hopefully with the heads of Tice, Banks, Farage etc…etc on spikes outside parliament

    Full Member

    Is a sample size of 1519 representative?

    I wouldn’t consider extrapolating anything from that.

    EDIT: sample size would need to 2400 for it to be representative, using 95% confidence interval, +/-2% margin of error and accepted sampling techniques.

    Full Member

    That’s normal polling. I was just linking to the data rather than another graph (because I find it in quite telling how the answers vary by age group). All these polls are a similar sample size.

    Free Member

    Thing is, that polling looks like most of the polling before the 2016 referendum despite many of the old **** who voted Brexit being dead. There seems to be a new generation of old **** to replace them.

    Full Member

    I wonder where we’ll be in 5 years time…?

    Willing to perform any number of illegal, immoral and improbable acts in return for being allowed back into the EU on far worse terms than we left.

    And still being blocked by the French.

    Full Member

    Thing is, that polling looks like most of the polling before the 2016 referendum despite many of the old **** who voted Brexit being dead. There seems to be a new generation of old **** to replace them.

    Indeed, but Brexit happened due to voter apathy, especially in the younger age groups in whom the importance of voting has not really been instilled.  If it were re-ran today, I’d wager that the pro Europe campaign would specifically target those groups.

    Interestingly – there are now more over 65s in the UK than there are under 12s, which means that 65+ represents a pretty sizable voter percentage.

    Free Member

    See Dyson moaned to Hunt about post brexit brain drain and corporation tax, **** both of them.

    Full Member

    Him and Tim Martin can get in the **** sea. ****.

    Free Member

    You can’t run an economy on an ideology, history is littered with worked examples.

    Full Member

    Whinge on the beeb about passport validity. Multiple cases of moaners all saying the same thing – it’s someone else’s responsibility.

    I thought it was particularly interesting because of their shared demographics…

    Full Member

    That whinge about passports, each of them needs a buff around the ears.

    Bad Europe not letting people travel on our of date passports. You know like before brexit when you couldn’t travel abroad on our of date passports.


    Full Member

    You know like before brexit when you couldn’t travel abroad on our of date passports.

    I’ve no particular time for the people caught out, check your documents yourself etc, but the passports  weren’t out of date, they were in date but more than ten years old and they could travel on them before brexit so this is a proper brexit bonus

    Full Member

    ‘Losing’ a load of money on a holiday because you didn’t check if your passport was still valid is just stupidity tax

    Full Member

    Whenever the BBC prints an interview with one of these people, they should have to flag whether they voted for Brexit or not.

    My suspicion is that all the people interviewed wanted to “take are country back”.

    Free Member

    For years I din’t need a passport, my ID card was good enough to visit the UK. Even fewer French people have a Passport than Americans.

    Realising that the need for a passport was one of the things that had killed the séjour linguistique business the UK government has allowed French kids in on a French ID card since 12/23. Still no trips from Madame Edukator’s school though because some of the kids in the school aren’t European and need a passport and an expensive Visa not just an ID card. The school won’t excluded the children of immigrants  because that would be discrimination so there are still no trips. Well there are trips, Madame Edukator is off on a jolly to Hambourg with her group while others head for Spain.

    Free Member

    Ed, I think you’ve brought that up before. Utterly predictable and a loss all round.

    Full Member

    ‘Losing’ a load of money on a holiday because you didn’t check if your passport was still valid is just stupidity tax

    they did check their passport – their passport was in date. It was more than ten years old but hasn’t expired.

    Full Member

    I have no sympathy for the passport moaners.

    Full Member

    People who voted for tighter border controls are shocked at the implementation of tighter border controls!

    It’s an outrage! Lol!

    Full Member

    UK government has allowed French kids in on a French ID card since 12/23

    I didn’t know that.

    As you say, school trips are now elsewhere and won’t be coming back. Connections lost. Ireland now a popular destination with schools I know of in Northern France. Learning English is still valued. Taking groups of kids to England less so.

    Full Member

    Whinge on the beeb about passport validity. Multiple cases of moaners all saying the same thing – it’s someone else’s responsibility.

    I thought it was particularly interesting because of their shared demographics…

    Can folk under 55 not afford foreign holidays these days, or do they lack the sense of entitlement that leads to the “I’m British and therefore my passport is valid” attitude?

    Full Member


    I do know that if want to swim in safe water, off safe beaches, we need to get out of England and into the EU.


    Full Member

    they did check their passport – their passport was in date. It was more than ten years old but hasn’t expired.

    In date but not valid as is made absolutely clear on the GOV travel website which is the same sire that tells you how many months you need left on it as well.

    Full Member

    Scotland isn’t in the EU.

    Full Member

    Yeah, I know, but I’m not hard enough.

    Full Member

    Full Member

    In date but not valid as is made absolutely clear on the GOV travel website which is the same sire that tells you how many months you need left on it as well.

    Which is something you probably don’t feel any need to check, when your passport is still within date. That’s kind of what “in date” means. I mean, I’d check it, because I am a sack of anxiety, but it’s completely understandable that people don’t, and for sure I don’t think it’s been publicised widely enough.

    What’s not understandable is blaming anyone or anything except brexit and the government and yourself. It’s not something “the airline should be able to sort out” or something the french are doing to us out of dastardly frenchness. It’s somethign we did.

    Free Member

    I’m as remoaner as they came, but I think you’re being unfair. That’s a very technical and obscure rule – that other states will not accept passports issued for a duration longer than 10 years even when those passports are within their stated validity period. This is different from the “you need 6 or 9 or 13 months validity when you travel out” rule.

    It’s not like UKPA was checking people’s views on EU membership before giving them passports of 10+ years duration. You’re being smug but I bet you wouldn’t have checked.

    Full Member

    I know i would have because i have done so

    Full Member

    It’s not like UKPA was checking people’s views on EU membership before giving them passports of 10+ years duration. You’re being smug but I bet you wouldn’t have checked.

    I checked last month when we finalised our European holiday that all three of us have passports in date – and it’s on the Gov web page about the 10years/3months thing.

    Full Member

    People who voted for tighter border controls are shocked at the implementation of tighter border controls!

    This 100%.

    (It’s a minor detail that the rule existed prior to Brexit).

    Full Member

    I know i would have because i have done so

    Me too. I renewed my passport as a result to a ‘proper’ blue one, printed in France by a Polish company on Swedish paper, or whatever it now is

    The rules are clear. English Exceptionalism isn’t actually a thing outside Engerland.

    As the BBC didn’t really need to highlight, but did, we all know exactly the kind of people who didn’t read the small print and we could probably hazard a pretty accurate guess at how they voted in the referendum

    Full Member

    TBH I expect our exit negotiations could have covered the fact that some of our passports can be over 10 + years but the mad rush to leave not like they were worried about detail.

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