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  • Branston Beans….
  • highclimber
    Free Member

    All over my cupboard

    anyone care to explain how this happened?

    Free Member

    Classic failed escape scenario.


    Free Member


    good luck with the rest of them

    Free Member

    Wouldn’t eat the others imagine it happened in your stomach!

    Free Member

    I was wondering what the smell was that I thought was coming from the drains. Apparently not!

    Full Member

    Inexplicable. If it was Heinz Beans and Bangers then I could understand it……

    Free Member

    They heard they’d been included in the iDave diet and the excitement was too much for them?

    Full Member

    Have a 4 pack of them in the cupboard at the moment, should I don protective gear and take them into the garden 😉

    Full Member

    It has to be said you have a nice selection of cooking sauces there

    Full Member

    Suicide beans.


    Full Member

    youve seen alien right,
    well theres one loose in your kitchen now

    Full Member


    good luck with the rest of them

    In all seriousness, I suspect it might well be something like that.

    Free Member

    Are you sure you didn’t buy the 29er version?

    Free Member

    I must have been out when it went as I think I would have heard it pop looking at the carnage. I think it’s been like that for a few days as there are a few dessicated haricots dotted around the cupboard and it smells like cheese and baby sick after being left in a cupboard for a day or two.

    Full Member

    Wouldn’t the cooking kill off most bacteria? If not, how much pressure does it take to rupture a can like that?

    Full Member

    it smells like cheese and baby sick after being left in a cupboard for a day or two.

    How would you know?

    I’d email Crosse & Blackwell, send ’em the pics. You might get some free beans (and a few dishcloths).

    Full Member

    Wouldn’t the cooking kill off most bacteria?

    The bacteria creates toxins that cooking doesn’t get rid of, and it’s the toxins that kill you not the bacteria.

    Free Member

    I phoned Premier Foods and they have explained that this sometimes happens to four-packs. When in transport the tins get bashed together and sometimes one or more tins can be punctured but reseal and bacterial gasses build up until BOOM-SPLAT.

    The guy was very apologetic and said he would send some reimbursement and I didn’t need to send any evidence!
    He was also fairly confident that the other tins will be fine to consume. I think I’ll just get some new ones!
    it still smells even after being Mr Muscled…TWICE!

    Free Member


    Imagine the trumping beans with that sort of power would cause. 😯

    Can I have the other three tins please?

    Free Member

    Labels on cans not lined up correctly…

    Full Member

    Labels on cans not lined up correctly…


    Full Member

    The guy was very apologetic and said he would send some reimbursement and I didn’t need to send any evidence!

    To which you replied, “it’s ok, it’s all over the Internet(*) anyway.”

    (* – and my walls, shelves…)

    Full Member

    I have an unrelated food explosion story, incidentally.

    A while ago, I was microwaving a tin of soup (Heinz’ Cream of Tomato, fact fans). I’ve done this a thousand times; in for a minute and a half, stir, in for another minute and a half, eat. Adjust up or down according to oven power.

    I was returning to the kitchen during the second phase when there was an almighty ‘kin *BANG* like you’ve never heard. I tore the oven door open to find a mostly empty soup bowl and an entirely internally orange microwave.

    A bit of subsequently hungry legwork on the Internet lead me to think that it ‘superheated,’ whatever that meant. Just glad that the oven caught it rather than (a child’s or) my face. Be careful out there.

    Free Member

    I was microwaving a tin of soup

    you put a tin in the microwave? 😯

    Free Member

    Thread of the week! Made me chuckle lots.

    Free Member

    Labels on cans not lined up correctly…

    … and beans all over the place – what were you thinking with that photograph ??


    Full Member

    you put a tin in the microwave?

    Don’t be an arse.


    Free Member

    Don’t be an arse

    I keep trying but I fail every time. :lol

    Free Member

    Ive no comment on the state of your kitchen cupboard (don’t place heavy tins of syrup on top of less stable cardboard boxes) but your grass needs cutting

    (ps Ive right clicked, saved and am emailing your pics off to Premier Foods straight away, I want free beans for life and Im not settling for anything less. This is a travesty, all over my newly installed kitchen. The shock just sent my wife into labour, and she is not even pregnant)

    Free Member

    Glad you phoned the manufacturers, could have been a child’s face.

    Free Member

    What’s all the fuss about tins in micowaves? I’veheard about metal in them but that’s nonsense.
    Used to work in a pub and we had a 2000W microwave, around 2 1/2 times as powerful as a standard one. I gave a spoon about 3mins in it with no effect at all. It was the hotest thing I haveever touched though, and lef a spoon-shaped mark on my hand…

    Free Member

    You inadvertanetly picked up an IED intended for a high street near you. You took it on the chin / in the tin cupboard for your country. You are a tomato sauce based hero.

    Victoria cross and everyfink!

    Free Member

    hahahaaha lol that will take some cleaning …oh dear proper suicidal beans 😉 maybe the beans decided to go on an aeroplane whilst you were alseep and quickly returned cos of all that jet lag and just decided to self combust (they’ve had a very long nite you see” 😉 :mrgreen:

    Full Member

    Is that some “own brand” salad cream on the right of the lower shelf?

    What have you got against Heinz? Racist.

    Full Member

    Shame on you for not buying heinz beans…

    Full Member

    Another excuse (based on no logic at all) to keep paying more for Heinz. What were you thinking buying anything else?

    Full Member

    Yep, 57 varieties and not one of them will declare Jihad against your condiments and dried packet sauce mixes.

    Branston – Axis of tinned food evil.

    Free Member

    it could have bean much worse.

    Free Member

    I’d email Crosse & Blackwell, send ’em the pics. You might get some free beans (and a few dishcloths).

    Tell them you were asleep in the cupboard at the time of the explosion and sustained a serious personal injury.

    Full Member

    that’ll teach you to stray from the messiah that is Heinz beans.

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