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  • Bob Crow – May a thousand wasps infest his scrotal area….
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    Free Member

    and all the wages that will be saved by staff not turning up for work, and all the new jobs that will be created when the old staff are sacked by Borris, then theres the cost of power that want be used,sad about all the congestion on the new blue bike lanes though.

    Free Member

    You’re right, my figures are unproveable, I don’t know how you do measure the social and economic impact of a tube strike but still, how can a dispute between 2, TWO! men and their employer lead to millions of people not being able to get around our most economically valuable city for a day….

    Free Member

    You’d better ask the management that.

    Free Member

    It’s not between 2 men and their employer, it’s between a trade union and TFL.

    TBH I can’t see the point of one day strikes, which have became very fashionable in recent years – with everyone concerned with minimising the disruptions. Until the men are reinstated there should be no return to work. If you’re going to go on strike, then what’s the point of returning to work when the dispute hasn’t been resolved ?

    Free Member

    did they get a majority of the those who voted?
    What a glib way of venting your anti union spleen. Do you want to force people to vote?I doubt any of use are excited about low turnouts in elections but they occur in all elections except for those ones on the tv where you phone in.

    Full Member

    Being a union member (FBU) and having in the past withdrawn my labour, i can assure you that what ever is published in the papers will most certainly be inaccurate and misleading. There is always two sides to a story, why don’t you go down to one of the picket lines and talk to the strikers and hear their side of the story? You might just be surprised if you bother.

    Free Member

    If we make the city’s transport unreliable, international visitors will just go elsewhere. We shouldn’t underestimate the impact to UK economy of this.

    Shame they didn’t think of that when it all got privatised, and is now one of the most expensive transport networks in the world to travel on.

    You might just be surprised if you bother.

    They are not interested in the other side of the story.

    Free Member

    ernie_lynch – Member

    I like Bob Crow, in fact he’s my hero. Part of the reason I like him is ’cause he tells it as it is. There’s no spin from him, he’s a Millwall supporter, and he doesn’t give a toss what you think of him Flashheart. He’s there to fight for his members and his industry. It’s because there aren’t more people like him that we’re in the shit.

    FTFY. Bob Crow is a thug and a relic of (failed) 80s unionism. Even other unions have been distancing themselves from him for years. He refuses negotiation and withdraws labour at the drop of a hat.

    I can see why the STW socialists would be drawn to him as the last bastion of their beliefs.

    Free Member

    Both members of staff are off on paid indefinite leave, but would like to return to work. One of them argued with a manager on a picket line, which resulted in a campaign against him that led to where we are now. I believe (and I accept there is a chance this might be a ‘simple’ explanation) that Bob Crow and the union has accepted that both employees should face some form of disciplinary action, but that the current situation is wholly disproportional. The members would like to continue their work, rather that languish at home on full pay.

    In the interests of fairness, Crow did get bitch-whipped a little bit on LBC yesterday morning. I was a bit disappointed…

    Free Member

    What the RMT, not the media, say is the reason for the strike:

    TUBE UNION RMT announced today that members have voted by almost two to one for strike action in a ballot of all train operator and instructor operator members in the on-going disputes over the victimisation of union activists including two driver members – Eamon Lynch and Arwyn Thomas – over their trade union activities. RMT will now consider the appropriate course of action.

    Eamon Lynch, RMT Bakerloo Line drivers’ health and safety rep, has been sacked by LU and although he remains on full pay following the union’s victory on Eamon’s behalf at an “interim relief” Employment Tribunal hearing the company has shown total contempt for the Tribunal process and have upheld his sacking. Interim relief is only ever granted by the Employment Tribunal where there is the clearest possible evidence that an employee has been dismissed on the grounds of their trade union activities. RMT is currently awaiting the outcome of Eamon’s full tribunal hearing.
    Arwyn Thomas, a long-standing RMT activist and driver at Morden has been sacked on trumped-up disciplinary charges following unproven allegations made against him by strike breakers. Arwyn has been an RMT/NUR member for over 29 years and has held various positions in the union. Arwyn has also won an interim relief hearing at the Employment Tribunal on the grounds of his victimisation as an RMT activist and has been put back on full pay as a result.
    RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said:
    “This massive vote for action by tube drivers shows that they are well aware of the consequences of allowing our activists and safety reps to be picked off while we hear daily reports of breakdowns and failures on the network as a direct result of the very cuts that our members have been fighting.
    “The attack on Eamon Lynch and Arwyn Thomas is the clearest cut case of victimisation on the grounds of trade union activities that you will ever see and it’s no wonder that the Employment Tribunal was swift to see through the management lies and grant both these members “Interim Relief” – an award which requires the strongest possible proof that their sackings were down to their union activities.
    “Eamon and Arwyn have been victimised for fighting cuts to jobs and services that would turn the tube into a death trap. This vote for action sends out the clearest signal that workers who stand up for tube safety will get the full support of RMT members.

    Free Member

    TooTall iin TryingTooHard shocka!

    Free Member

    I like also that Bob Crow has annoyed Tootall. 🙂

    I can see why the STW socialists would be drawn to him as the last bastion of their beliefs.

    Ooh, isn’t it Socialist ideologies that have brought us free healthcare, education and stuff like that? Cos they weren’t Selfservative ideas, were they? Hmm? No, they weren’t.

    Why don’t you just go and live in America?

    Free Member

    No wonder the country is a trllion pounds in debt when we have a system that allows two train drivers and a union rep to hold the Capital to ransome. 🙄

    Free Member

    No wonder the country is a trllion pounds in debt when we have a system that allows two train drivers and a union rep to hold the Capital to ransome.

    Have you been reading the Standard again?

    The capital will get on with business for the days of the strikes. Yes, people will be inconvenienced, but “ransom”? What bollocks right wing rhetoric!

    Free Member

    why not rejoice in the death throes of socialism too tall?
    PS You may wish to wait till Thatcher has died to measure the extent of socialism in the UK
    Goes off to prepare patriotic bunting

    Free Member

    I knew i could get DD to bite from a one liner, good old Londonderry boys.

    Free Member

    I knew i could get DD to bite from a one liner, good old Londonderry boys.

    Ah right, fair enough. In your hurry to get me to bite, you just wrote a load of bollocks. That’s good.

    I have no idea what you’re going on about with the “londonderry” thing though…or are you just talking bollocks again?

    Full Member

    Ho hum and London is such a happy place

    Withdrawing your labour is a fundamental right otherwise we will become a 3rd world country

    Ops might have missed the last couple of decades long hours poor pay high cost of living for the masses

    Free Member

    Can someone explain this please:

    “The RMT’s announcement follows a 2-1 vote in favour of industrial action by union members in protest at the dismissal of a Northern line driver”

    “only 29% of the 1,300 drivers balloted had voted in favour of strike action”


    Free Member

    “The RMT’s announcement follows a 2-1 vote in favour of industrial action by union members in protest at the dismissal of a Northern line driver”

    “only 29% of the 1,300 drivers balloted had voted in favour of strike action”

    Maybe lots of people didn’t respond (as opposed to voting against the action) and they have not included those people in your first quotation?

    Free Member

    Though I’m not a huge fan of Bob Crowe (ironic understatement), I do find it laughable that MP’s who are elected with the active participation of roughly 30% of the voting population, are demanding that 100% of Trade Unionists turn out for strike ballots…

    Free Member

    CPt knows the answer a low turnout like in all elections hence he was able to misrepreprsent the reality of the vote to fuel his anti union stance
    For example the London mayoral election got a turnout of 48% which was the highest turnout so far but still less than 50% of the electorate with boris winning with less that the headline figure quoted here by Flashy. It did not make flashy oppose this result nor stop Boris suggesting that Unions should not strike without 50% of the electorate saying yes.
    Spinning like this is one of the reasons peole do not enegage iwth politics and it is bad enought o se eit in career politicians without seeing it on a forum as well from the politically interested members of STW …shamefulll and piss porr and it tirns manty peoel away from politics and acting which is a far biige rissue/problem.
    As I said low turnouts is an issue in all politics and too use it to make a political point is glib and shortsighted as it can be used in all directions against all outcomes.
    In this case of those who expressed an opinion they voted 2:1 in favour of action but with a low turnout.

    Free Member

    TooTall – Member

    ernie_lynch – Member

    I like Bob Crow, in fact he’s my hero. Part of the reason I like him is ’cause he tells it as it is. There’s no spin from him, he’s a Millwall supporter, and he doesn’t give a toss what you think of him Flashheart. He’s there to fight for his members and his industry. It’s because there aren’t more people like him that we’re in the shit.

    FTFY. Bob Crow is a thug and a relic of (failed) 80s unionism. Even other unions have been distancing themselves from him for years. He refuses negotiation and withdraws labour at the drop of a hat.

    I can see why the STW socialists would be drawn to him as the last bastion of their beliefs.
    Posted 5 hours ago # Report-Post

    Well TooTall you’re the second person on this thread who wants to tell me how I think, but I’ll stick with my original statement. Mind you, your post did make me smile and amused me, so thanks for that 8)

    I particularly like the claim that Britain is in the shit because of people like Bob Crow………so nothing to do with greedy incompetent bankers then ? 😀 And btw, how many people like Bob Crow do you know ?

    I also found your reference to ‘failed trade unionism’ highly amusing. RMT membership increased by more than a third in the first five years of Bob Crow’s leadership. Pretty impressive stuff by any standard, and it reflects his popularity based on the fact that he delivers.

    And of course Bob Crow’s detractors like yourself are the first to whinge and complain about the favourable wages and conditions which RMT members enjoy……now there’s failure for you ! 😀

    And as for claim that he’s a “thug”, really, look into those baby-blue eyes and say that again

    The more Bob Crow is despised by greedy selfish money-grabbing Tories who want to shaft and stitch up British workers, and the Tory press, the more I love the guy.

    Free Member

    Conshystertives don’t like people like Bob Crow cos strong unions mean businesses might actually have to pay workers decent wages and ensure safe working conditions and have proper workers rights and things like that.

    I’m sure the likes of Flashy and Tootall would be only too happy if their employers started cutting their wages, increasing their hours, giving them poor working conditions etc…

    As usual, we’ve got a couple of ignorant blinkered right-wingers who don’t actually have any idea of the working conditions and situation of the people they feel so vitriolic towards. Because unless something affects them personally, like not being able to get to work on time, they really don’t give a stuff about what affects others. Pure selfishness and a complete lack of empathy.

    Ironic though how both of them enjoy many rights in their jobs because of the work done by UK trade unions though, innit?

    Free Member

    this is why I HATE politics.
    even those who talk about politics just act like politicians throwing petty insults at each other and repeating what everyone else has said.
    I’d take an interest in these political threads if they didn’t just end up with the same people attacking each other, trolling and winding each other up.

    Free Member

    Surely Elfin these days workers rights and safe working environments are just as much protected by legislation as the unions.

    Free Member

    “Britain will remain with the most restrictive trade union laws anywhere in the western world”
    – Tony Blair 1997

    Trade unions are the first line of defence against attacks on the rights of workers.

    Free Member

    Surely Elfin these days workers rights and safe working environments are just as much protected by legislation as the unions.

    Only brought about – by Labour governments, the Tories never have – because of collective union representation
    To idly stand by and let it look after itself would be folly

    Free Member

    Well, as Labour was in power for a number of years, the volume of health and safety legislation was obviously going to increase, as before with the Tories and some rather important landmark legislation during their stay in office.

    Its also interesting that the level and quality of health and safety enforcement fell during Labour’s latest stay in office.

    Free Member

    Perhaps you’d like to let us know what piece of landmark social legislation the Tories have ever brought in?

    clue, it’s a very short list indeed

    Free Member

    Perhaps you’d like to let us know what piece of landmark social legislation the Tories have ever brought in

    the Poll tax?

    Free Member

    I was specifically talking about health and safety legislation, but never mind.

    Free Member

    Many argue that Crow is a failed relic of militant unionism. Yet he has presided over a significant growth in membership, and has been highly effective in protecting the terms and conditions of his members. Like him or not, that is what he is paid and elected to do.

    Free Member

    Its also interesting that the level and quality of health and safety enforcement fell during Labour’s latest stay in office.

    yes it is an interestng assertion that you have made there. Do you feel like adding any evidence to the assertion or is just saying it enough for you? You have offered nothing to convince me of the merits of your point of view.

    Full Member

    or do we live in a world of responsibility without accountability?

    Judging by the number of senior staff in the banking sector who are still in jobs despite having presided over the wrecking of the global economy, I’d say the evidence pointed strongly to the answer being “yes”

    Free Member

    Junkyard – no FACTS at my fingertips i’m afraid, just ancedotal evidence from myself and my H&S colleagues over the last 20 years.

    Free Member

    Yes scamper, as a health and safety professional I’d be VERY interested to hear your opinion.

    Go on then

    Free Member

    piss porr and it tirns manty peoel

    Junkyard, when you go off on one you start speaking lolcat! Awesome!

    Train drivers earn £10k on average more than a nurse. Nursing must be a doddle. I suppose that is why they don’t strike all the time, too scared of losing their cushy number.

    Free Member

    Train drivers earn £10k on average more than a nurse. Nursing must be a doddle. I suppose that is why they don’t strike all the time, too scared of losing their cushy number.

    I think nurses should have more militant representation. Politicians are more than happy to pander to public opinion by saying what a marvellous job nurses do and how vital they are – perhaps they should be made to back it up with more cash?

    Doesn’t mean the train drivers are worth less though.

    Free Member

    Actually, as token right winger nutter here – I have no problem at all with RMT’s actions in this case – in fact I think that protecting their members statutory employment rights and backing them to the hilt if an employer is breaking those rules (whilst themselves also sticking to the rules) is more than fair, and 100% what a Union should be doing, I’ll defend that to the death.

    Thats entirely different from a union playing politics and trying to usurp the role of democratically elected governments by militant action, and trying to hold the nation hostage over payrises.

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