Home Forums Bike Forum Bleeding Maguras w/o a bleed kit?

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  • Bleeding Maguras w/o a bleed kit?
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    Free Member

    Got some new julies and read somewhere on a thread bleeding can be done without a bleed kit. So what does the bleed kit offer you? And are there any pointers or guides on how to do it w/o the kit?


    Free Member

    I used to bleed my old Julies with the kit without any problems. Not sure if it can be done with the newer version.

    I just made sure that the resevoir was level, made sure the fluid level was kept high and then just pumped the lever until no more bubbles arrived. Ensure the fluid level is kept high so no extra air is sucked in.

    Never had a problem with air getting back in afterwards. Only ever had to bleed them if I did an overhaul on them. I started to use the syringes etc but found the above method worked just fine !

    Free Member

    I assume you placed a clear hose on the caliper end. What attachment screw did you use on the caliper itself? (09 julies don’t have a bleed nipple)

    Free Member

    No, didn’t bother having anything on the caliper end ! I found all of the air would bleed straight up through to the lever without the need to mess about with the caliper.

    Free Member

    The Magura oil in these brakes has a very low viscosity, meaning that the air can travel easily through the system, espacialy compared to systems with DOT that has a higher viscosity. If you have Magura brakes then the service kit is a good piece of kit to have. For the £20, or so, you get a whole load of spares, olives + 2 syringes with bleed adapters. This should help make bleeding a synch and stop the kitchen floor getting soaked in mineral oil. 😉

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