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  • Bird shoots close to roads?
  • aP
    Free Member

    What are the restrictions against/ of shooting birds close to a road?

    Free Member

    Shot shouldn’t go beyond the boundaries and safe lines need to be observed but in practice it depends how rural it is

    Free Member

    Think it’s 50 feet from the centre of a highway.

    Feel free to shoot me down though….

    Free Member

    Think it’s 50 feet from the centre of a highway.

    Feel free to shoot me down though….

    correct, but with the proviso that its a highway that constitutes a carriageway, and only an offence if a user of highway is injured, interrupted or endangered.

    fifty feet isn’t very far, the vast, vast majority of gun users are extraordinarily conscious of safety

    the fall of spent shot is not a safety issue.

    Free Member

    You can stand quite close to the road provided you are firing away from it. I can’t think of any examples where we have ever shot over a road, even the quietest country lane

    Free Member

    Plenty of shoots in Gods own Hampshire at the moment, always well attended by beaters and controlled by them too. Always on small lanes, never seen one cross either a B or A road.

    I’ve got no problem with them at all, country living innit.

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