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  • bike thieves….
  • gonzy
    Free Member

    spotted a post on here about someomes garage roof being peeled back and 4 bikes being taken…and it was the second time in 6 months…
    i’ve had mine pinched twice…i feel for the guy and even to this day still boils my pi$$ but it made me think about something that happened this morning
    i stopped off at the doctors surgery this morning on my way to work to sollect a prescription for the little one. i’d brought the bike inot the surgery and while i was waiting in the queue i scruffy scally walked past me and spotted the bike
    his comment was ohh thats a nice bike then he looked at me and then said oh its yours i see…if you werent there i’d have been off on that

    part of me just wanted the prescription but another part of me wanted him to try so i could go and give him a good kicking with my SPD’s

    question is what would you do if you busted a scrote trying to make off with your pride and joy?

    Full Member

    question is what would you do if you busted a scrote trying to make off with your pride and joy?

    In time honoured tradition….


    Full Member

    It happened at a race once at Eston on the NAMBS i think, he got a good shoeing!

    Free Member

    Dont try and have a fight wearing cleats

    Free Member

    In time honoured tradition….

    shirley these would do more damage Binners?


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    Free Member

    i bow down to your superior weaponry Cookeaa… 😆

    Free Member

    It was my roof and my garage that has been broken into…twice. It is all secure now but my MTB looks good in the hall or dining room.

    Not sure what I’d really do. I used to carry my U-lock in my back pocket when I lived in Wolves. I know what I’d like to happen…

    In a cafe 20+ years ago with our bikes locked up across the way I said isn’t that chap trying to nick your bike to my mate. Mate jumps up and is out the door and across the road in seconds. Grips up thief with his good hand and starts pailling him with his arm that has a plater cast on. We eventually tell him the chap has had enough now! Oh and my mate was a large Jamaican bouncer :mrgreen:

    *Edited to add vital detail – it was a fluro dipped Marin with the matching stem.

    Free Member

    Happened to me, saw it getting taken from the work bike shed as I walked back from a meeting. There was 2 of them, one riding and the other walking behind, not in a particular hurry as they didn’t realise they had been seen and I was chasing. I pushed the one walking into a bush (as he was in the way of getting to the bike), grabbed the saddle of the bike as the rider tried to speed off, which left him stumbling onto the top tube before promptly running away.
    In hindsight I wish I’d smacked both of them round the head, but with the adrenaline pumping all I could think of was getting the bike back as quickly as possible.

    Free Member

    I’ve been in the situation a few times. 1st time was when my dad had his bike knicked and we spotted the scrote going into some woods whilst we were in the car. My dad dropped me off on one side, he went to the other side, tyre-iron in hand. We got the bike back.

    2nd time, same woods, my motorbike had been stolen. Cycling through the woods I hear it coming towards me. I wait and throw my Spesh P3 under the wheels and charge them. The scrotes crash, 1 pegs it the other stands his ground and we get into an argument as he claims some guy at the other end of the woods let him have a go. He wants money for his torn trackies but in the end he runs off. I ride off on the motorbike with the mangled P3 across the tank.

    3rd time motorbike gets stolen and I go hunting in the usual spots: council estates with woods/fields. I find fresh motorbike tyreprints on bmx jumps so I return at night and wait. I hear the bike but it’s not close so I go running. Scrote is driving around the estate and is coming towards me, I grapple him as he goes round a mini-roundabout but I can’t keep hold. He pegs it and I hear the engine stop. My friend turns up to help and we find the scrote trying to make a break for it again but he gets passed us. We eventually find the bike dumped in a car park.

    4th time. My Giant had its lock chopped round the corner from the copshop. I find the scrote, start talking to him about the bike and get the police on the phone. The Police aren’t turning up & the guy’s bigger than me. I didn’t get that bike back.

    I’ve also had 2 mtbs and 1 motorbike i never saw again after they were knicked. Bike-thieves are scum.

    Free Member

    they make by blood boil, I still wake up at night 6 months after mine were stolen

    Free Member

    Was over Ashton court Bristol on Sunday and a group of young lads hanging around on the fire road climb to beggars bush with one older lad (green spesh camber) on the phone as I went past.
    The Mrs was a bit behind hearing him say “guy on a SC and girl on a lapierre coming up the hill”
    After the story last week about a bike being stolen at knife point these scrotes need a good kicking.

    Free Member

    About 8 years ago on a new cycle path outside chester lad walking towards me pushing his bike, puncture, and no pump, i stoped so offered to fix puncture, took wheel out and started removing tyre looked round and the muppet was riding off on MY BIKE, chased him and pulled him off bike, rode back to his bike and threw his rear wheel over fence,he protested he was just having a ridey on my bike not nicking it.

    Free Member

    ^ Did you punch him in the throat for lying too?

    Free Member

    Caught someone stealing my car. Thankfully I passed the test as I simply restrained them till the police turned up. The police were amazed I had not given him a kicking.


    Free Member


    Free Member

    Make sure your aware of sec 3 criminal law act
    It can help you 😉

    Free Member

    Careful what you say on here, the Goody Two Shoes/PC/’you can’t take the law into your own hands’/give them a fair trial/’they’ve probably had a poor upbringing’/’could be on drugs'(not their fault) Mamby Pambies will be along soon.

    It happened at a race once at Eston on the NAMBS i think, he got a good shoeing!

    It happened more than once at Eston, I remember seeing Neil Craggs (owner of Bike Scene at the time) chucking leaflets at some scrote nicking a bike! (he’s never lived it down) 🙂

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