It’s actually worse than you lot make out with these fines, it’s not as though they will get paid anytime soon – the thought that thiefy will trot down to the courthouse with his illgotten £210 as soon as he’s done his next ‘job’ is optimistic. Real example of a fine payment scenario:
Scrote is up before the beak for non-payment of fines (picked up after a routine traffic stop, warrants for non-payment outstanding). Series of fines of the kind of scale above, £100 here, £150 there. No (legitimate income) so he’s supposedly paying them off at £2 a week for this one, £1.50 a week for that one etc. Probably owes £800 – £1,000 in fines, and is supposed to be paying, say £20 a week, but hasn’t bothered. Beak looks at the record, looks at how much is outstanding and the only disclosed income being benefits, says, you’ll never be able to pay these and does a reverse debt consolidation, writing most of it off and leaving him something like £50 to pay off at, y’know, £1 a week. The hearing took about 2 minutes, start to finish, including confirming his address and so on.
And this was by no means an unusual occurence. In short, the scrote above will have left the court laughing.