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  • This topic has 84 replies, 56 voices, and was last updated 2 weeks ago by argee.
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  • Bike stolen again
  • dyna-ti
    Full Member

    If there were no police ,the shits would walk into your house steal all your property , rape your family and in general run amok

    If there were no police they’d be walking through the door and be met with both barrels of a shotgun at about chest level.

    Full Member

    And you don’t think they would be carrying firearms themselves?

    Full Member

    My wife’s somewhat brutal solution to anti-social shit like this is to snip off the little finger starting at the distal phalanx. Nick another one? Nip off the rest. Had my beloved bike stolen a few years ago. Still miss it. So many memories attached to it.

    Along the right lines but thumbs are where it’s at. Take the secondary one first to show how difficult things could be if both are gone and a pint can not be gripped and lifted easily.

    Full Member

    While we are at Kirkcudbright as a seething hotbed of criminal behaviour….

    That sounded like a “jim johnstone” theft, he’s kinda normal and well behaved now but not known for his intelligence. He’s the product of two parents (brother + half sister) with severe learning difficulties.

    Kirkcudbright is a really quiet wee place with practically zero crime to honest, I’ve never locked my bike up and never felt the need to lock my front door/shed or close windows when I go away.

    If anything does get stolen it’s always the 3 dumb addicts in the station flats across from the Johnston school, they regularly get their door kicked in by the locals and bounced around a bit.

    Full Member

    Last time i was around Kirkcubright the locals had the road wheels off the tank!

    Being serious though, reality is, you have insurance, they’re covered, everything else nowadays is just a mess with bike thefts and so on, i’m just outside Bristol, had a couple nicked about 5 years ago, since then just got proper insurance and made sure it’s not simply a case of walking in and picking the bike up, if they want it, they’ll have to put a bit of effort into it, but if they do nick it, well that’s what insurance is for.

    As for the police, it’s a non-violent crime, it’s usually something that has little evidence, and resource is limited for them and when they do catch them, they’re usually out with community service, same thing happens with watch thefts in London and so on, the sad reality is you can’t have nice things and show them off.

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