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  • Bike stolen again
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    Free Member

    had the police knock on the door at 01:30 this morning to let us know the garage has been broken into again

    Bike has been taken again despite having insurance approved d lock and ground anchor plus another anchor and an Oxford chain.

    I fitted air tags to the bike and am currently sat outside the last location in the middle of Birmingham contemplating knocking on the door.

    downstairs tv is on but rest of house in darkness.

    AirTag stopped updating after pinging here and I can no longer find it.

    what do I do.

    Full Member

    call the police and hope they’re having a quiet morning?

    Free Member

    Phoned them and they have it recorded and someone will contact me apparently.

    Full Member

    Good luck!

    Full Member

    Is it a vespa ?

    Free Member

    No it’s a spesh Levo that’s been a bit upgraded.


    I wouldn’t be angrily knocking on doors in Brum tbh

    Full Member

    Id be letting the police know and leaving it there. As shown on a previous thread a bike isn’t worth a hospital stay

    Full Member

    No point knocking on the door as you don’t know if it’s the right house and they’re hardly likely to say “fair cop guv here’s your bike back”. Once they say they have no idea what you’re on about and slam the door in your face, then taking it any further could land you in a lot of trouble, especially if it is the wrong house.

    Either wait for it to appear on ebay/facebook then go and take a look and ride it away, or just forget about it and claim on the insurance.

    Full Member

    I don’t know any details, but he has his bike back…

    Full Member

    he has his bike back…

    That sounds like great news – I hope he wasn’t hurt :o)

    Full Member

    Renton, bloody sorry to hear this has happened – but glad to hear you have it back.  Bike thieves are bastards.

    Full Member

    I don’t know any details, but he has his bike back…

    Excellent. Hopefully no Bombers were injured in the process.

    Free Member

    in for details?

    Full Member

    Renton,glad you got it back.

    In other news..after my son’s (3 weeks old)  bike was stolen from inside the bike cage at work,I have been thinking about how to slow down/piss off the scroats and their angle grinders. They gained access through the (steel) cage lock ,then sliced through the locks on his bike.

    So I was wondering if cages and locks could be filled/covered with a material that would mess up/clog grinding discs.

    Free Member


    Full Member

    So I was wondering if cages and locks could be filled/covered with a material that would mess up/clog grinding discs

    Convicted bike thieves? So you’d have to saw through your mate to get to a bike?

    Full Member

    So you’d have to saw through your mate to get to a bike?

    Wouldn’t work – no honour amongst thieves.

    Free Member

    My wife’s somewhat brutal solution to anti-social shit like this is to snip off the little finger starting at the distal phalanx. Nick another one? Nip off the rest.  Had my beloved bike stolen a few years ago. Still miss it. So many memories attached to it.

    Full Member

    My wife’s somewhat brutal solution to anti-social shit like this is to snip off the little finger starting at the distal phalanx. Nick another one? Nip off the rest

    Ironically, a part of Sharia law that Farage et al could get behind

    Free Member


    Full Member
    Renton,glad you got it back.

    In other news..after my son’s (3 weeks old)  bike was stolen from inside the bike cage at work,I have been thinking about how to slow down/piss off the scroats and their angle grinders. They gained access through the (steel) cage lock ,then sliced through the locks on his bike.

    So I was wondering if cages and locks could be filled/covered with a material that would mess up/clog grinding discs.

    Somebody invented a lock like that a few years ago, it had kevlar or similar fibres inside it which got wrapped around the grinding disc and stopped it.  Not sure if it ever got made commercially.

    edit- think it was the ‘hench lock’ by Felix Ure,  seems like he set up a Kickstarter which failed to sell enough units unfortunately

    Full Member

    Don’t want to be a party pooper, it’s great news to get it back. However, they know where you live and at some point they will deffo come back for it at some point. So you need to up your security.

    Free Member

    Defo not a fan of sharia law. Defo not a fan of Fartage.

    Full Member

    Don’t want to be a party pooper, it’s great news to get it back. However, they know where you live and at some point they will deffo come back for it at some point. So you need to up your security.

    Or we have to accept that scrotes will scrote, and accept the inconvenience, cost and loss of sentimental stuff is dealt with by insurance, same as jewellery or other valuable items.

    (Ideally societal investment and reform will stop people needing or wanting to steal, but in the shirt term..)

    Full Member

    take the battery out when not in use

    Full Member

    Sadly some people will always nick stuff. thats just how they are wired.

    This isn’t a starving person/loaf of bread scenario (who have my sympathy), its someone who has made the conscious descision that their “career” is they will take things from others.

    Sadly, high end bicycles currently give them a high return on their time investment with low physical risk and not a whole lot of intelligence required. Also, mobile phone theft is currently high for example. Contrast with cars (for the most part), wallets, jewelry, TVs have fallen out of favour.

    I don’t know what the solution is. Lock these people up and they just make friends and contacts to help them steal more. Give them an education* and they just commit more sophisticated heists.

    *I mean in the sense of these people are in all walks of life, better education/priviledge just means they will be draining bank accounts on their computer rather than angle grinding locks.

    Free Member

    a mate of mine literally had to reinforce his garage, metal bars on windows etc etc, ground anchor the bike, wifi cameras everywhere and motion sensors.. absolute insanity.

    I keep mine in the house, and luckily live in a dead end road so less likely to be observed by any orrible scrotes

    Full Member

    Litelol X1 (£150) and X3 (£250) look good for hindering angle grinders


    Good advice above about improving security however you think is possible, removing the battery and front wheel to store indoors perhaps?


    From a friends recent experience, they will be back, sadly you already know this



    Singletrackworld review

    Litelok X1: Angle grinder resistance for peace of mind


    and a review that tested to the destruction of the angle grinder


    Full Member

    a mate of mine literally had to reinforce his garage, metal bars on windows etc etc, ground anchor the bike, wifi cameras everywhere and motion sensors.. absolute insanity.

    it won’t stop them if they want it, have heard of them knocking through brick walls to gain access (admittely for m/c’s), but it’s about deterients. Also I think this is a great advert for apple tags, as that what he used to find it…

    PS: by the sounds of this he’s been up all night, so had not long gone to bed, a full report will be coming later

    Free Member

    Morning all

    Sorry for the delay in answering but as Z1ppy says Ive been up all night giving police statements and in Birminghan recovering the bike.

    This story starts back in October last year when my garage was broken into and both mine and my lads bikes were taken. Since then I have tried to make the garage as secure as possible by blocking up the main dorr so it cant be used at all (Still fitted with two padlocks on the outside) and also fitted two insurance approved ground anchors and I was using an insurance approved kryptonite d lock and an oxford motorbike chain.

    Lats night it looks like they attempted to gain access through the main door as both locks are smashed again but once they realised they couldn’t get in they have come over our back fence and smashed through the door from our garden. This door is an old front door with 5 lever mortice etc.

    They must have shut the door behind them to work on the bike because no one, including our dog heard a thing and it was only when the dog barked the wife got up to look ut the window and she saw two police officers on the drive.

    She then went down and opened the door and they told her our garage had been broken into again.

    Following lasts years theft and everyone saying the thieves will be back again I fitted air tags to the bike and they have proved to be a godsend on this occasion. We were able to watch the bike move from ours all the way into Birmingham (Castle Vale) and the police were in talks with the other force to provide them updates.

    Once I had given statements to our local police me and my lad jumped in the car and went up to the area at about 4 this morning.

    It was still showing at the address as previously but hadn’t updated for a few hours so we had a walk about to see if I could pick it up. No joy.

    At half 6 this morning I knocked on the door of the house and asked for my bike back. The lady who answered made out like she didn’t have a clue (probably didn’t) and said her lads were good lads and wouldn’t steal anything. To her credit she showed us the outhouse and shed and the bike wasn’t there. So my lad and I said we will wait for the police to come and do a full search and went and sat in the car.

    I phoned the local police and let them know I was in the area and what had gone on and they marked it down as urgent but didnt send anyone out.

    After a while I decided to drive off around the local area and sure enough as soon as I did the airtag popped up and had moved location. So we went to that location which was a block of garages behind some houses and got out for a walk and used the find my section with the air tags.

    That pointed us to one of the garages which when we tried it it was open and unlocked and sure enough there is my bike. It obvious that someone in the house we knocked on has got spooked and moved the bike as its literally on the next road over from the house through an alley.

    Its battered up a bit on the top tube where they have used something to cut the d lock but the rest is in one piece.

    Im in a bit of shock to be honest. Not sure what to do for the best now. Tried decent security and insurance approved gear but they still managed to get it. We have no room in the house to store it either.

    I fear they will be back again.

    Im just glad I got it back.

    Free Member

    Glad you got them back. You can’t win against a battery powered angle grinder and a likely tooled up scrote. Could you invite the insurance company around for recommendations?

    Q. If everyone slept through it, how did the Police know it’d been stolen?

    Full Member

    Glad to know you got it back.

    Did the local police turn up at all?

    Full Member

    Short of building a bank style vault, I’m not sure what more people can do.

    Free Member

    Alarm you garage with a very very loud alarm so when they return it wakes up the entire neighbourhood and hopefully gets them to run off

    Well done on getting it back.  Maybe they will leave you alone now they know you have a tracker…

    Full Member

    Well done for recovering it. And glad no one got hurt.

    Unfortunately I don’t think you’ll be able to safely keep you bikes in your garage any longer as they’ll know to just come back in the future and this time they might realise you’ve got a tracker on it (unless they’re idiots). Do you have a nearby relative that would let you keep it there? Maybe if it was there for 12 or 18 months they might think you’ve given up if they come back in that time

    It sucks that this kind of things happen, but I reckon give it 6 to 24 months and they’ll be nosing around again.

    Can you get one of those sprinkler systems that sprays intruders in the ink that shows up under UV light and doesn’t wash off? I know it has to be something that won’t injure people but enough shops and other places use it.

    Personally I think the best form of bike security is stealth (if they never know it’s there they won’t try to nick it) with a few locks for good measure. But seeing as your garage is known to them that won’t work. If you reinforce everything then they’ll know it’s got nice stuff in there again. It’s a bit Catch 22.

    Anyway, glad you’ve got your bike back. It’s nice to hear a happier ending, I’ve never recovered a single stolen bike.

    Free Member

    Local police were doing a patrol and noticed a car coming out of the garages with its lights off and bumping up the kerb. Didnt give chase but went and checked the garages and found my padlocks smashed off but door was fine and its reinforced from inside. So they come round the front of the house down the alley and say the door from our garden wide open and then woke us up.

    Free Member

    Local police were doing a patrol and noticed a car coming out of the garages with its lights off and bumping up the kerb. Didnt give chase

    So, the Police are patroling at 01:30 and see suspicious activity, but rather than satisfy their professional curiosity by talking with a suspect, they instead opt to see what’s been nicked instead.

    I appreciate that they can’t all pursue a vehicle, but that doesn’t sound like proper community policing to me.

    Speak with a suspect in the moment should surely be their first response.

    Full Member

    Great work getting it back! Especially knocking on random doors. Not sure I’d do that! Are you & your boy big lads?? Good to hear that the AirTags can be useful as well!

    The thing I’m most surprised about actually is there were police about who noticed the theft! But the recovery was solely down to you if I understand right?

    I’d definitely look at one of the tougher D locks as mentioned above. Your previous ones that were “insurance approved” – that doesn’t really mean much, unfortunately. I’m sure those standards are way behind the times now anyway, in this age of cordless disc cutters.

    I’d also get a motion-sensor alarm for the garage with a really loud siren. They are cheap nowadays & you can easily DIY it. If there are police patrolling around at night you want something they can hear!

    Free Member

    What is the actual point of the police?

    Free Member

    What a story! Glad it ended with a (somewhat) happy ending. Surely the police will now have whoever lives at that address you knocked on on their radar now, if they didn’t already.

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