Anyone got a link to a decent cheap stand for use when washing my bike? I used to just lean it against the wall, but the wall is now gone. Something like this for a tenner off Amazon would be ok, but I don't think it's wide enough for 2.4" tyres.
Would be happy to make something if someone has a cunning DIY solution!
Prefer this least you can spin a wheel
Ooh that is cunning, thanks! Need to check my axles but hopefully it'll work!
Can you still get the andystand?
Yes you can - although it's quite pricey!
That XLC stand looks like a cheap version of it and probably more the sort of thing you want to spend on something for cleaning your bike....
I like to use the workstand. I can get the bike high enough to clean underneath properly without lying on the floor.
The Andy stand looks good, but a bit nice for washing duties. I think I can make one of these for about a tenner:
Feedback Rakk stands
I've had a load of the non-XL for ages (back when I was doing Nicolai demo days). I've had a couple that have lived outside in the front yard for the last 6 years now and they're still looking good - I was expecting them to rust out long ago.
Easy to use and because they hold the wheel they don't get in the way of cleaning the bike. Standard ones are ok up to a 2.4ish but wider than that you probably need the XL
That top one can be prised open a bit to accept a wider tyre...
Proper cheap - couple of bricks so the pedal can sit on them and keep bike upright?
Best 'stand' I've got for washing my bike is hooking the nose of the saddle over the the kids swing frame, a big old ~8' timber A-frame (detach the swing first)...
You can get all around the bike, turn wheels and drivetrain to hose and/or scrub them, leave it all to drip dry.
It might be easier for me to knock up a more portable ~4' A-frame though, just high enough to get the back wheel off the deck and wide enough that you can get all around the bike...
But yeah a Cheap timber/steel? A-frame is the way to go IMO.
I made one like Tracey's but mine has uprights at one end to support the tyre higher up. Does the job nicely and very easy to make.
Feedback Raak stands are what I'm looking for - additional adhoc inside storage rather than for washing. Has anyone got experience of the similar-looking but cheaper Halford or Lifeline versions?
Halfords Universal Bike Stand £20
LifeLine Pro Park it Stand £30 (or £26 for me with Wiggle+ subscription)
If I had spare timber I'd build one like Tracey's, but for the cost of buying new timber I might be as well buying something pre-made...
I have the Halfords one (Bikehut Universal Bike Stand) got it for £15 with the £5 voucher for subscribing. Does the job perfectly for cleaning and some servicing tasks then folds up easily to store away.
another option if you've got a wall or solid fencepost is a vertical storage hook, like what you'd use in the shed, but outside. Dangled up from front or rear wheel it should be reasonably possible to clean a bike...
You wanted DIY ? This is from an unwanted toilet cistern down tube, embedded into a wooden block which goes about two foot below ground into a bit of concrete. The old handlebars live in the shed with the bikes when not being used, they need a bit of new protective sleeving to protect the frame, normally a pool noodle.
The benefit is that all the washed off **it goes into the garden. The bay bush doesn't seem to mind. Have to take the bike off to flip it around, but the cranks can turn.
Thanks @sotonkona, might go for one of those.
@haloric, that's the best use of roadie bars I think there is
I don't bother with anything to hold a bike when washing it, just lean it against the wall. I did, however, build a base from decking wood to level off a sloping patio as bike wouldn't stay put. Filled it with 6" of chippies which filter the mud out before water runs off into the drain. I'll need to clean out the stones sometimes as there's probably an inch of mud at the bottom of there...
I just remove the wheels and put the bike upside down to wash it
That daft little Topeak stand I posted above actually works. Height adjustable so it works with most bikes. Not super stable, but small enough to keep in the car, and ok for a quick wash
That halfords universal stand is what I use, handy to put into the car if washing at the trailside too.
The only issue is when washing the wheels/tyres, you have to roll it out the stand and put it in the other way too get all the wheel clean, but it's really not a big issue.
The normal size one just takes my 2.6" Vittoria mazza front tyre with a bit of a 'shove'
Treat yourself to a new fancy workstand for the workshop, then use the old one for cleaning duties. I always remove my wheels for cleaning so a proper stand is needed.
What’s wrong with leaning it against a wheelie bin?
I bought a couple of Oxford deluxe bike display stands off Ebay for around £15 each, the long loop that goes over the wheel is more secure than ones that just hold the bottom half of the wheel, the loop pulls off for better storage when not in use, I painted mine with some hammerite and used some heat shrink tubing were the loop slots into the base so water doesn't trickle into it and I can even leave them outside, they get used a lot more than my proper bike stand.
Fits 2.4 with a small gap either side so should fit 2.5 too.
Not particular useful as a cheap option, but I thoroughly recommend the FJM Mk2 stand, had mine a 2 years, it was worth every penny.
Cleaning my bike with this is easy, spin the rear wheel to clean or oil it. Folds, so take up no space and can be easily taken in your car for that pre-ride faffing. There's a number of mounts that can fit most BB's with a hole though the middle. I use it with my ebike, so it will take some stick.