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  • Big Fat Dummy…
  • BigDummy
    Free Member

    Right. I am currently without a cargo bike, having sent my trusty Big Dummy away with friends when I moved to Hong Kong. But… I live a little way from the water and a little way from the market and the grocery store, and my wonderful fiancée is importing her kayaks to join our household shortly. So…. I’m starting to feel like I need a bike in my life that can haul all things, including a double sea kayak. And obviously the Surly Big Fat Dummy is the logical* choice.

    But they don’t seem widely used yet.

    Has anyone got one? Seen one? Have any reckons? 🙂


    Full Member

    I reckon it’s genius and would like one. It’s just too expensive and I don’t have enough reasons (excuses) to have one. Transporting it on trains or even in a car would be a pain too.

    You really need a farm in the Andes to need one…. I’d quite like a farm in the Andes… Hmmmmm

    Free Member

    The beauty of it in Hong Kong would be that there’d be no need or reason to transport it. I can ride out with kayaks or to the trails for camping and wotnot from my door. Cost is pretty daunting though…

    Full Member

    That sounds perfect. Go for it

    Full Member

    Yep the costs are pretty astronomical, but it will be superb.
    I cant imagine any other bike being better for the job.

    Having used big balloon tyres on my normal xtracycle, I can’t say that the fat version would be a must, but why not!

    Free Member

    What about a Felt Outfitter? Seen here without optional trailer.

    You could commute it during the week…..

    Free Member

    That’s a Bruhaul Captain.

    Short answer is because there’s no obvious way of stepping the kayak out from the rack. If you’re carrying something longer than the bike you need a way of stepping it out so that it’s out of the way of your legs. With Xtracycle-compatible racks that’s done with the Long-loader[/url] and a wideloader underneath to support the boat.


    Difficult to see the long-loader in action, but here’s a picture showing my leg pedalling and the boat:

    Cargo bike nerding is so much fun. 🙂

    Malvern Rider
    Free Member

    Yuba Mundo would be on my shortlist

    Probably in the latest V5 ‘Lux’ guise

    Full Member

    Free Member

    TIL that the BFD won’t take an Xtracycle wide-loader. That pretty much writes it off as a kayak-transporter until Surly sorts it out with some bespoke wide-load supports.


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