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  • Best track pump?
  • slowjo
    Free Member

    My birthday is just over the horizon and my folks have offered to buy me a track pump (the old one is pretty dead). I want something that is easy to use up to road bike pressures and isn’t going to fall apart on me in five minutes. I had a Silca pump for maybe 15 years, it died in the end and ever since I have been buying crap pumps and wouldn’t mind something half way decent for a change.

    Free Member

    Best i’ve bought is a Blackburn one. I’ve had Blackburn hand pumps die, but they have a lifetime warranty anyway.

    The track pump, aside from needing the bottom nut tightening has been suoer reliable and the dual valve stem thingy works well.

    Free Member

    I’d second a Blackburn. Mine’s still going strong.

    Other than that, I have a SKS one as well, and it certainly seems pretty good, but it’s a lot heavier, so I prefer to leave it at home rather than lug it around in the back of the car. So, BLackburn it is

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