Home Forums Bike Forum Before any other T130 owners try…

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  • Before any other T130 owners try…
  • bacondoublechee
    Free Member


    still no

    also no

    and definitely no.

    Fox Float X2 and Fox Float X will not fit on a Whyte T130 (carbon at least)
    Hope that stops you wondering!

    Free Member

    Try it without the shock pump attached

    Free Member

    Does it hit the frame?

    Free Member

    X2 hits the linkage and frame or just the frame depending on which way you mount it.

    Float X hits the front mounting or the frame depending on mounting.

    Full Member

    Floor could do with a bit of a clean.

    Free Member

    First picture seems the closest, maybe try offset bushings pressed in at a 90 degree angle to push it away from the frame?

    Nice of you to post pictures to help others, My bike wont even fit a Corset or EVOL sleeve on the stock shock let alone an upgraded one.

    Full Member

    Second X2 pic looks pretty close to a fit – looks like it would move away from the frame when sagged.

    But of tape on th frame and go for it, I reckon. What could go wrong?

    Free Member

    Get the grinder out.

    Free Member

    First picture seems the closest, maybe try offset bushings pressed in at a 90 degree angle to push it away from the frame?

    Not a bad idea actually, might have another look at that. 8mm shock mounts though so only 2mm of offset.

    Full Member

    On the Cane Creek ‘riders forum’ there are accounts and pics of people gently filing the corner of the air can so that it doesnt clash with the frame. The bike in question was a Cube Stereo HPC 160. It looks a similar interference fit 🙂 also using offset bushings at 90` to their intended orientation to space the shock away from the frame.

    Free Member

    Monarch plus fits (no surprises there…) Have to remove the shock when you fancy a drink though.

    Free Member

    Or get a side loading cage

    Free Member

    Can you press in an offset bushing at 90 degrees, I thought the shock under compression would just spin it round?

    Full Member

    Can you press in an offset bushing at 90 degrees, I thought the shock under compression would just spin it round?

    Over time they will, not a risk I would be willing to take!

    Free Member

    Can you press in an offset bushing at 90 degrees, I thought the shock under compression would just spin it round?

    I was wondering how that worked, wouldn’t like a big bottom out to spin everything round and leave you stranded – or with a cracked frame!

    Free Member

    I have a 2015 Works T-130 and the warranty replacement shock is a Monarch plus so I better check it fits!

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