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  • Baillie Gifford…. Stick our flip?
  • alpin
    Free Member

    I’m sure there are better places for financial advice, but I wouldn’t know.

    Looked at my funds the other night and had a bit of a shock. Seems like the markets are dipping, but many of the Baillie Gifford funds seem to have fallen off the proverbial cliff.

    Sell the funds, cut my losses and look for or hold out and hope that things turn around….?

    Or, even better, has anyone a crystal ball I could borrow?

    Free Member

    Hi My Baillie Gifford American fund has also nose dived this year. I’m in it for the long term so I need to be brave and sit tight, but it’s not easy sometimes.

    Full Member

    Unless you’re planning to sell in the short term, take a chill pill. If you sell now you confirm the losses – Ukraine, Covid, Evergrande and more are all causing global uncertainty right now and that always hits the markets. (IANAFA)

    Free Member

    I’ve only got one of their funds (positive change) and that has dipped but only back to June last year levels. Not a big worry. Fundsmith is down quite a bit too, but again only back to June levels. They are both well up in the last 12 months. Good time to buy more I’d say (If you are daft enough to listen to me 🙂 )

    Full Member

    American markets are down a fair wack, give it time. I’ve lost 10% of my pension, but then I’m only 49 🙂 As per Nickjb now may be a time to invest if you aren’t in a hurry for a return.

    Full Member

    Intersetingly I had part of my pension invested in a Baillie Gifford fund, that had historically been returning 10-15%p.a.  I looked at teh performance of it over the previous year about 2 months ago, and compared with funds of a similar riski/volatility rating and ditched it.  While the whole market is bombing this January, the Baillie GIfford funds had underperformed (given their lower valatility rating) in the current choppy market, so I got out, on teh basis that other funds were performing markedly better, and the choppy market is likeley to continue for some time.   Only a relatively small investment though, and only a portion of my overall fund.

    Not sure if that helps at all??

    Full Member

    The Times money guy said they’ve screwed up in comparison to everyone else this year, but tend to do better in the long run.

    Free Member

    I’ll be doubling down on it as has been said, it’s a good time to buy. I’ve still got 16-18 years before I need it, so should be ok!

    Free Member

    Everything is dipping at the moment, some more than others. BG funds are fairly volatile so if you’re already concerned about what is a small dip at the moment then either you or your ifa hasn’t been entirely truthful about your appetite for risk.

    Dips are generally the time to be buying not selling.

    Full Member

    Yes very painful, my largest holding is SMT…

    My ISA has lost 25% of its value since October 2021!

    I intend to just hold though.

    Free Member

    My ISA has lost 25% of its value since October 2021!

    Ouch. Those short term losses are painful. I’m down over the same period but flat compared to June and up since 12 months ago so it’s hard to complain. The last fund I bought into is down about as much a new frame which hurts a bit, not good to compare it to real money.

    Full Member

    It’s all swings and roundabouts, SMT doubled in value the other year mainly due to Tesla increasing 8x.

    They then rebalanced selling Tesla back down to something like 5% (from 80% IIRC), so I didn’t sell any of my holding and kept my 2x gain.

    Free Member

    @footflaps on your recommendation I stick a few grand into SMT. Am now up 20%. Was around 38% last time I looked a few months back.

    I’ve a few BG funds.

    BG American is down 34%.
    BG Positive Change down 13%
    BG Global Stewardship down 16%

    I’ve got a few other funds that have dropped, but nothing like the BG funds.

    I remember when Tesla done something last year and lots of the BG funds dropped,but it soon picked up again.

    Had Fundsmith for awhile, but sold a few years back when its performance levelled out.

    And to think I was going to sell my Royal London Sustainable because its growth wasn’t matching my other funds…. Now one of my best performing with 37% growth (best being Aegon Global Sustainable Equity at 47%).

    Free Member

    Had Fundsmith for awhile, but sold a few years back when its performance levelled out.

    I didn’t notice it level out. It’s still my best performer (even with the recent dip)

    Full Member

    Hold or swap into other funds.

    Full Member

    I can’t comment on the funds, but I will say that Baillie Gifford are a pretty cool company. They were (probably still are) a major donor to my uni’s youth efforts and they were brilliant to work with- they basically said “stick our logo on it and make sure it helps the kids who need it most but other than that do what you want- you don’t tell us how to invest and we won’t tell you how to run your events”.

    Pretty much nobody else did that, most wanted to influence things and pick on whatever the current buzzword was (which tends to be well funded anyway), BG let us throw their money at less popular causes, stuff that never gets headlines. And every year we had to beg most companies to continue while with BG we’d say “this is what we did, this is what we could do with X amount more money” and we’d almost always get it.

    I mean, OK, so this was your money guys- sorry! But if anyone wants to know a bit more about the actual company, there it is. I love ’em for what they did for us.

    Free Member

    Owned BGJT and SMT for many years now.They both have been very successful but often price volatile.I would retain ly hang on if I was you.
    That said,some positions in both aren’t brilliant.The likes of Moderna and Softbank are not without their issues.The recent hubristic pictures of managers posing on the Head quarter’s roof were also a worrying sign.Good luck,Neil.

    Free Member

    We’ve various pensions and ISA’s with Standard Life, Wealthify and Clim8.

    All are struggling, have been for 3 months.

    However, they are all “up” in the long run at present. The SL pension has had biggest up and steadiest sustained down at present. We’re sticking with it.

    I’ve just had an exit interview with a great staff member who’s been head hunted by Ballie Gifford, great for her and them, our loss….

    Free Member

    Mid way through the first pandemic wave I concluded that the fatties would soon be chasing sausage rolls and booze to make up for lost time.

    I bought as much Greggs and Diageo as I could from my SIPP and both massively outperformed any of the managed funds – £12 to £33 for beige food and £24 to £42 for booze. I sold both and then bought Fundsmith when it dropped by 10%.

    Unfortunately because it’s locked in a SIPP I can’t waste it on stuff I don’t need 😂

    Full Member

    Well I thought being 25% down was bad enough, but 33% last night!

    Might stop looking, just getting too painful…..

    Free Member

    Might stop looking, just getting too painful…..

    Not dared look since last week.

    Think I might just hang on a see what happens. Can’t see the arse falling out completely and if I need some cash I’ve a few k sitting there since November because I couldn’t decide where to put it. In hindsight no bad thing.

    Full Member

    I read a couple of long term reports that’s said the fall should slow over the next couple of weeks, then be correct over the next 8-12 months.

    Im hesitating to put £2k into the s&p500 though. It was up earlier, but has fallen again.

    Full Member

    Im hesitating to put £2k into the s&p500 though. It was up earlier, but has fallen again.

    You can’t time the market, just invest and be done with it!

    Full Member

    You can’t time the market, just invest and be done with it!

    This. It’s not timing the market that’s important, it’s time in the market (especially with a tracker like S&P500). Invest, forget, come back in ten years.

    Full Member

    Agreed, but I need that money out again in a few months so don’t want to be short.

    Free Member

    Agreed, but I need that money out again in a few months so don’t want to be short.

    This is not the investment vehicle you are looking for

    Free Member

    Agreed, but I need that money out again in a few months so don’t want to be short.

    Then perhaps don’t play around with it if it is that important…. 🤨

    Full Member

    This is not the investment vehicle you are looking for


    Marcus savings account….

    Free Member

    Thread resurrection….

    Looks like my BG funds have been quietly haemorrhaging. All of them are now down on my initial investment. They’re the worst performing funds I have. Infarct the only ones that are down on initial investment…obviously some of that is due to the length of time I’ve held them in comparison to others, but still…..

    Cut my losses and cash in and wait for better times?

    Ignore it and have a look in a years time?

    Invest in energy? What sectors are generally recession proof?

    Full Member

    HL advice is to stick it out. It’s a long term fund.

    Free Member

    Invest, forget, come back in ten years.

    I bloody hope so because I am two years in an -20% 🙁

    Free Member

    Thread resurrection….

    Looks like my BG funds have been quietly haemorrhaging. All of them are now down on my initial investment. They’re the worst performing funds I have. Infarct the only ones that are down on initial investment…obviously some of that is due to the length of time I’ve held them in comparison to others, but still…..

    Cut my losses and cash in and wait for better times?

    Ignore it and have a look in a years time?

    Invest in energy? What sectors are generally recession proof?

    They’re long term investments, ideally ten years and more. Cashing out now crystalizes your loses and the odds of you getting back in at the right time is zero. A big dip in the markets is genrally the time to be buying not selling.

    Full Member

    I really pity those who invested 10 years ago.

    But seriously, portfolios are down everywhere. If you can, buy more. Don’t sell at a loss unless you really need the money

    Free Member


    Eh? Pretty much anything invested 10 years ago will have done very well since then, despite the recent dip

    Free Member

    Thanks for bumping this thread by the way. I’ve just put my money where my mouth is and doubled my investment in Rolls Royce and Marks and Spencer shares, they’re 55% down from where I last bought in (don’t get too excited, we’re not talking big money here 😀 )
    I’ve also put a chunk in Bailey Gifford long term global growth, 40% down since last investment.
    Over the last few months I’ve been paying into my sipp but not investing, leaving it in there as cash. That’s all invested now and I’ll let it build up again whilst keeping an eye on what’s going on.

    Full Member

    I am roughly break even with SMT, as I invested years back, but about 50% down on their USA growth fund. I was over 100% up on SMT 7 months ago!

    Just going to have to wait it out.

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