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  • Bad actors stoking hate again (Southport Stabbings)
  • ernielynch
    Full Member

    Im waiting to hear of the sentences these scumbags are due.

    After the 2011 London riots two kids got 4 years for inciting over Facebook a riot which never took place. Although I think the sentences might have been reduced on appeal.

    Apparently last night over a hundred were arrested in London. They are going to need a large floating prison or something to house them all

    Free Member

    The lad in the grey running up & down giving it the big one – officer takes 2 steps in his direction & the lad runs off like a scared little bird. So hard, so brainless, such a waste of space..

    Full Member

    You can’t claim Job Seekers on remand, innit.

    Full Member

    Interesting – I asked my wife about this, and she didn’t learn any 20th century history either (“something about a seed drill?”).  I assumed it was part of the national curriculum – obviously not.

    I studied history O’level (before GCSE’s) in the late 70’s and we weren’t taught it because it wasn’t classed as history due to it’s recent proximity timewise. The things I remember as subjects were history of medicine & the industrial revolution. wish I had been taught about the 2nd world War as it’s way more interesting, and TBH I’m a bit obsessed with it these days.

    Free Member

    Interesting – I asked my wife about this, and she didn’t learn any 20th century history either

    I didn’t take history as an O level which may explain why even if it was covered I would not have learnt about it.  It would need to be taught before the subject selections for GCSE are made I suppose (if that is still a thing)

    Full Member

    KS3 history now must include the holocaust. Then there’s additional subject along that,  it could be the rise of the Nazis, but it could just as easily be Britain’s post war economic boom, or Suez (for instance)

    I think when I did O level it was Normans and the Industrial Revolution (Is there a more boring ‘important’ period in history?)  For A level I did European History, so many Charles’s and Louis’…

    Full Member

    The Times seem to feel that they know a lot about the suspect and they appear to completely contradict the police’s claim that he was born in Wales


    “He didn’t speak about Rwanda properly but you could definitely tell with his accent, and I think he had mentioned that he was originally from Rwanda. His brother was a lot more talkative … his dad came across quite educated, and presentable.”

    You could definitely tell from his accent that he was from Rwanda? I am assuming that his accent wasn’t Welsh then.

    I thought the big problem at the moment with the rioting was misinformation, I don’t think the Times suggesting that the police aren’t telling the truth is going to help

    Free Member

    I did history GCSE, but I honestly thought that some of this was pre-GCSE?  Maybe I’m misremembering?  It was 30+ years ago

    Full Member

    Did the original Times story carry a byeline? Because that journalist should be ashamed.

    Full Member

    I honestly thought that some of this was pre-GCSE?

    It was for us. And for our kids. Nick seems to know more… if teaching about the Holocaust is mandated for KS3, that’s before GCSE options.

    Full Member

    Rwanda is a safe place though, why would that be a problem?

    Full Member

    I guess they’re fine with kids dying as long as they’re brown.

    I’m not convinced they are concerned about white kids dying either, it’s the colour of the killer that’s the all important issue for these types.

    I don’t think for a second there would have been riots if the attacker had been white. Farage, Fox etc wouldn’t have given a shit either. Doesn’t fit the narrative.

    Free Member

    EDL needs to be made a proscribed organisation.

    Add Reform to that list too.

    Give them an inch…

    Full Member

    EDL needs to be made a proscribed organisation.

    A GB News (or might have been the Mail) “journalist” was desperately clutching at straws saying it can’t be anything to do with the EDL as they disbanded in 2013… obviously trying to pretend that means they (and by extension the far right) dont really exist anymore. Sure pal.

    Oh, he happened to also be one of the bad actors that retweeted the whole asylum seeker called (I can’t remember) on MI6 watch list” bollocks. What a surprise.

    Full Member

    farage didn’t turn up to ask questions in parliament, he did a social media post. anyone who voted remain should have a think about that

    Full Member

    This made me smile though…

    Oh FFS with images….

    Newsthump t-shirt with a Pink Floyd related tribute

    Full Member

    Yes, the EDL was disbanded 10 years ago seems to be the standard message being pushed everywhere on social at the moment.

    Yet, they seem to have a website and you can pay to become a member. Could be a scam website I guess.

    Full Member

    So, we all know that (social) media lies have led to this appalling situation. Is spreading misinformation an actual offence, do we know? That journalist, and the Dishonourable Tool for Clacton must be right on the edge for it.

    Full Member

    farage didn’t turn up to ask questions in parliament, he did a social media post.

    Farage knows his appeal is to morons, so there are no consequences. During the Brexit campaign he was forever banging on about fishing quotas. It was pointed out that he could have attended many of the debates about fishing quotas while he was an MEP and directly influence policy. You know… actually do your day job

    How many did he actually attend? None. Obviously.

    He’s all about ego-driven grandstanding, stoking grievances and offering simple solutions to complex problems. He’s zero interest in the hard graft of actually doing stuff. As the idiots in Clacton who voted for him are in the process of finding out

    Full Member

    Full Member
    This made me smile though…

    Oh FFS with images….

    Newsthump t-shirt with a Pink Floyd related tribute

    The Direct Link option on Postimage is currently working for me with pics.

    Full Member

    Full Member
    farage didn’t turn up to ask questions in parliament, he did a social media post. anyone who voted remain should have a think about that

    Do you mean people that voted Leave? I’m confused! Lol

    Full Member

    Do you mean people that voted Leave? I’m confused! Lol

    Or Reform? I’m confused too.

    Full Member

    Full Member
    So, we all know that (social) media lies have led to this appalling situation. Is spreading misinformation an actual offence, do we know?

    Even if it is outright illegal (not sure it even is?), the likes of Tice, Farage etc are extremely careful how they do it.

    I think I might have posted a tweet from Tice? Anyway, he basically does the whole, “are we actually being told everything, I don’t know but it’s a valid question” followed up with “but I absolutely do not condone violence.” Everyone knows what he means by that whether you think he is a hero or a villain. It’s a sly “nudge, nudge, wink, wink” way of saying to his supporters “go on lads, you are right, this stinks, crack on… Im with you but can’t say so as the elites will shaft me.”

    You look at the tweets from Farage and a lot of the other usual suspects. It’s all in a very similar style. Plausible deniability basically and almost impossible to prosecute I would think.

    Full Member

    Binners, yesterday:

    Disappointed that it wasn’t captioned Jesse’s Riots.

    Full Member

    And all of them will be claiming that they threw the brick of devine retribution

    Hereafter known as The Holy Handbrick of Antioch.

    Full Member

    something happens that some people don’t like, so they smash up thier own neighbourhood

    As I understand it, it mostly wasn’t their own neighbourhood. They’d travelled to do this.

    I see there were ‘disturbances’ in Manchester last night. It was protests outside a hotel housing asylum seekers.

    That’s truly ****ed up. People are fleeing war zones so… what, let’s make them feel at home?

    Free Member

    The Times has been hedging its bets for a few yrs now. You’ve only got to look at the some of the hacks on there to see what they really want to happen. Think Gerard Baker, Melanie Phillips & Rod Liddle. It comes as no surprise to me that they’ve decided to have a little grift..

    Free Member

    I’ve just finished a module on 20th century European history as part of a History degree. This all feels very 1920s Germany. Disaffected people having their fears and prejudices stoked enough to go out and start cracking skulls and breaking shit, which is exactly the point. Their violence will encourage further violence, which liberal societies, like ours, like Weimar Germany, seem completely wrong-footed by.

    Full Member

    oh sorry, reform.

    Full Member

    I see there were ‘disturbances’ in Manchester last night. It was protests outside a hotel housing asylum seekers.
    That’s truly ****ed up. People are fleeing war zones so… what, let’s make them feel at home?

    Same in Ireland. Anywhere that gets labelled as potentially being used to house asylum seekers, the white yobs turn up and set fire to it.

    Because asylum seekers are stealing all their jobs, y’see.

    Full Member

    Suspect named by the judge, papers will be manically releasing their info on him in the next 24 hours I’d guess, probably won’t care too much about the actual reasoning behind the attack.

    Full Member

    Same in Ireland. Anywhere that gets labelled as potentially being used to house asylum seekers, the white yobs turn up and set fire to it.

    Because asylum seekers are stealing all their jobs, y’see.

    That’s easily resolved, give all the asylum seekers jobs in the fire brigade and then wait for the cognitive dissonance to hit.

    People are quick to blame the country’s ills on (well, anything other than accepting responsibility themselves, but) social media and that surely plays a part in enabling the dissemination of misinformation, but really this is primarily a mainstream media issue IMHO.  For years we’ve been conflating regular immigration, refugees and asylum seekers as all being the same thing.  Schrodinger’s Immigrant, simultaneously coming over here illegally and taking our jobs.  This is all a cluster-youknowwhat of our own machinations.  It’s easy to be outraged in retrospect when the fact of the matter is that we’ve allowed this to happen, encouraged it, wanted it even.  Those pushing back were met with squeals of “democracy,” bullied into silence.

    The events in Southport were as inevitable as it is tragic, you could see it coming from miles off.  The 2012 celebrations where the UK was at the front of the world stage seem so far away now.  Like and share if you think this is a disc race.

    Full Member

    Don’t worry folks, GB News have conducted a survey among their intelligent, well-informed and not even a tiny bit racist audience and all the violence and rioting isn’t the fault of coked-up, far-right thugs or grifting, rabble-rousing politicians repeating unfounded rumours. Not at all. Its the ‘leftie elite’ apparently.

    Righto. Well thats that sorted then

    Full Member

    Who the **** actually is the “left elite”?

    Aside from the fact that they probably don’t know or care themselves beyond flame-fanning for clicks, who are they supposedly referring to here?  Labour and Starmer who have been in power for *checks calendar* about 11 minutes?  Nish Kumar, Gary Lineker, Carol Vorderman and David Baddiel?  Mr Rogers, Mr Ed, Mr Tumble and the Mister Men?  Mister Mann?

    Full Member

    Purely out of curiosity I’d be interested to see how that poll is going and some of the comments but I have no desire to visit the GBN twatter account whatsoever.

    Full Member

    You look at the tweets from Farage and a lot of the other usual suspects

    Farage tweeted that the trouble in Leeds was people from the Indian subcontinent.

    I’ve not seen his actual tweet on Southport but from press reports he was pushing the immigrant angle again.

    I’m pretty sure there’s incitement to racism in there. And while we talk about 1930s Germany and lessons in history, we need to be stopping outright lies being spread. Evil prospers when good people do nothing.

    Full Member

    Who the **** actually is the “left elite”?

    It’s me

    Full Member

    No, I’m the left elite, and so is my wife

    Full Member

    Guardian reading Tofu eating wokerati here!

    Full Member

    GB News polls are fascinating. Not leading questions at all, oh no. Here’s another…

    SNAP POLL: Do Britons have a right to feel angry about what is happening to our country without being branded far-right? VOTE NOW

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