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  • Bad actors stoking hate again (Southport Stabbings)
  • MoreCashThanDash
    Full Member

    It’s almost like joined up government…

    There’s radical thinking and then there’s the stuff of myths and fairy tales!

    Full Member

    The standard of hoses hasn’t been the same since Henry VIII

    Indeed, bring back stockings for men!

    Full Member

    Everyone on this thread has you nailed for what you are.

    You can’t undo that, ever


    I’m out

    For the third and (hopefully) final time?

    Edit, hadn’t made it to the fourth repetition yet

    I’m out of this one now in any case.

    Full Member

    Because for the folks that will have voted Labour; polling and focus groups show that generally immigration and migration aren’t high up on their list of worries

    Yep, health and housing are the biggies, immigration and asylum isn’t really on many minds, bar the right wingers who want to stop it all, people want to know they have a future to look forward too, and immigration doesn’t really come into it that much.

    As for the query i’ve raised a few times, about what this new ‘safe route’ is, i honestly have no clue what is being proposed, the UK safe asylum routes i believe are the same and as robust as the EU and others, the deaths of migrants trying to cross dangerous routes isn’t just the channel, it’s across the seas between Europe and Africa, and the med, why aren’t more nations having a joined up approach to managing this issue?

    Full Member

    I think if labour can sort out the hospital waiting list and access to doctors then people won’t be fixated on the boats/immigration thing that they were never interested in until it got forced down their throats by the usual suspects.

    I very much agree with this except that the boats/immigration never became the huge issue which Patel, Braverman, Sunak, and the rest of the Tory right-wing, had hoped it would become.

    Otherwise Labour would not have won a landslide.

    Full Member

    As for the query i’ve raised a few times, about what this new ‘safe route’ is, i honestly have no clue what is being proposed

    AIUI it is the same as the existing safe routes, but new (no, really) i.e. that asylum seekers would have their claim assessed at some place closer to their starting point and if successful would then travel legally to the UK.

    Full Member

    I’ve just put too much milk in my tea

    Bloody SKS !!!!

    Full Member

    How hilarious

    Full Member

    That is effectively what this thread has morphed into

    The new Govt (who I love/despise/tolerate) aren’t doing what I want as quickly as I want it done, woe is me. How dare you challenge my opinion?

    Full Member

    This constant drip drip of court cases being reported on a day-to-day basis is brilliant because it basically involves the character assassinations of the individuals concerned.

    Their pathetic personal stories and the fact that they are almost all pleading guilty, and expressing deep remorse, is further publicly emphasising what sort of people back Stephen Lennon and Nigel Farage.

    I can’t imagine that the rioting and the aftermath, as it drags on, has done anything other than damage Stephen Lennon and the far-right. For years Nick Griffin tried to cultivate this image that the far-right were respectable and law-abiding, accumulating with his appearance on BBC QT, in much the same way as the far-right have done in France. It obviously failed and these recent riots have simply reemphasized the thuggery of the racist far-right.

    Unfortunately I believe that the opportunity to seriously tarnish Nigel Farage has been missed, he seems to have fairly successfully slid under a stone and will presumably resurface reasonably untainted when things calm down.

    I think the photo in this article is brilliant. It should become an iconic one to represent the riots:


    Full Member

    That is effectively what this thread has morphed into

    It really hasnt although there are lots of people shouting that it has.

    Possibly because like most fanatics they arent capable of anything other than complete support or opposition.

    Full Member

    What would happen if the people in court said I joined the protest as I heard about it on social media and directly mentioned Farage or SYL encouraging them?

    Full Member

    As for the query i’ve raised a few times, about what this new ‘safe route’ is, i honestly have no clue what is being proposed, the UK safe asylum routes i believe are the same and as robust as the EU and others, the deaths of migrants trying to cross dangerous routes

    Firstly I am not sure saying as good as the EU etc is really a good selling point and secondly you seem to be mixing up safe asylum route (as in the legal process) with physical routes for illegal migrants.

    Full Member

    What would happen if the people in court said I joined the protest as I heard about it on social media and directly mentioned Farage or SYL encouraging them?

    I would say that they had received poor legal advice. They seem to have mostly claimed that it was spur of the moment madness and not premeditated.

    Typically they have claimed something along the lines of having popped out to do a spot of shopping or a quick drink with some mates when they came to the scene of a riot and simply got carried away with the moment.

    “I’ve never done anything like that before your honour, honest. Apart from the 15 previous convictions for violence related crimes”

    Full Member

    attracting well qualified immigrants

    I wonder how seeing those riots has affected those who might have wanted to come here to set up in business or take up qualified positions.

    When you see that there is a rise in far right, and a fascist ‘political’ party making it into Parliament, would they then consider Britain to be a bad choice to emigrate to

    Full Member

    “I’ve never done anything like that before your honour, honest. Apart from the 15 previous convictions for violence related crimes”

    I particularly liked the one who took a knuckleduster because “He was scared it could be violent, he only went out of curiosity.”

    Yeah because everyone keeps an illegal knuckleduster or two handy.

    Full Member

    I wonder how seeing those riots has affected those who might have wanted to come here to set up in business or take up qualified positions.

    When you see that there is a rise in far right, and a fascist ‘political’ party making it into Parliament, would they then consider Britain to be a bad choice to emigrate to

    Alternatively, you could come to the conclusion that the average Briton is such a shit thick, clearly unemployable ****-wit that with your skill set you could make an absolute killing?

    Full Member



    He missed out the ECHR but pretty much has everything else covered… Didn’t attend his English lessons much at school mind you but who am I to criticise, I’m hardly Shakespeare. :D



    Full Member

    Firstly I am not sure saying as good as the EU etc is really a good selling point and secondly you seem to be mixing up safe asylum route (as in the legal process) with physical routes for illegal migrants.

    Wasn’t mixing them up, i listed on the previous page the safe routes i believe the UK has, which are similar, if not exact with EU nations like Italy, France, etc.

    The physical route thing was how do we stop that occurring, as those who fail will continue, i believe 20% of those crossing the channel are from Albania, so no chance of asylum, same with several others trying to cross, so stopping the flow of people trying to get into the UK (and Italy/Greece/etc) doesn’t appear to have a way of stopping, unless nations allow free movement for certain countries as well, but again, not sure anyone would sign up for that?

    Full Member

    Maybe if we were an EU member state we could work with them as they are on our doorstep to resolve it.

    Rejoin to EU to help stop illegal immigration.

    Full Member

    i believe 20% of those crossing the channel are from Albania, so no chance of asylum

    No the 20% was in the summer of 2022, I believe that there were just 15 individuals from Albania in the first quarter of this year.

    And yes they stand a good chance of being granted asylum, especially women and children. From Nov 2022:

    Although very few of the recent small boat arrivals will have had their asylum application considered at this point, we know that Albanians more generally had been less likely to be granted asylum than other nationalities with the current grant rate 53% compared to 76% for all nationalities.


    Full Member

    I think the Govt needs to watch that Liam Neesom documentary “Taken”

    Full Member

    “Get down now. I can see your legs.”

    I guess he thought that if he didn’t answer the door the police would simply just go away.

    Rioter found hiding in loft jailed over Rotherham disorder


    Has there ever been a more protracted and public display of the staggering level of stupidity of those who idolise Stephen Lennon than the reporting of recent court hearings?

    Full Member

    It’s all been downhill since that bloke got a brick on his bonce, then another in his cobblers

    I mean, there’s been some blinding acts of stupidity since, but nobody has come close to him deciding to show what would happen if Frank Spencer started a riot

    Lets just take a minute to once again savour that beautiful moment…

    Full Member

    That guy hiding in the loft Ernie posted a link to.

    He’s 27, 27!!

    Going full fat, full fasc must lead to accelerated decrepitude or something?


    Full Member

    Every time I see that clip I still chuckle despite knowing exactly what to expect. It never seems to lose its comedy value.

    Full Member

    He’s 27, 27!!

    And he has 13 previous convictions.

    His job description is “chicken catcher”. I had no idea there was such a thing as professional chicken catcher, I had to Google it


    Full Member

    The one thing most of these rioters seem to share is a previous criminal record.

    Full Member

    Does that tattoo say toothless?

    Free Member

    The one thing most of these rioters seem to share is a previous criminal record.

    Yep, don’t hear of many that don’t but anyone that was totally clean beforehand could possibly claim they “got caught up in the event” whereas with so many previous convictions they probably joined in for a laugh, got a bit of active racism in and thought as a massive crowd they would simply get away with it.

    I know you shouldn’t judge a book by the cover but do any of the people look anything but what we now know they are?

    Full Member

    It’s all been downhill since that bloke got a brick on his bonce, then another in his cobblers

    Because he’s the hero the UK deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we’ll hunt him. Because he can take it. Because he’s not our hero. He’s a silent guardian. A watchful protector. Groiny McBrickface

    Full Member

    This article is mostly about the conspiracy grand-dad, but this caught my eye;

    Cassius Adamson, 19, joined an anti-immigration march on 3 August and was involved in clashes with the police, including outside the Mercure hotel.Bristol crown court heard the labourer had joined the protest after drinking two litres of spirits and taking MDMA, ketamine and cocaine earlier in the day.

    How is he still upright after all that, let alone able to take part in a riot?

    Free Member

    How is he still upright after all that, let alone able to take part in a riot?

    Some people think that a Court will take insensibility as a defence

    Full Member

    There are actually quite a few rioters with no previous convictions. What they seem to have in common  is that they mostly seem to have attended the riots out of curiosity and had no intention of rioting. Several have cried in court. Liam Gray seems quite typical, although this report doesn’t mention that he cried in court :

    Mr Moss said his client wanted to make it clear “there isn’t racist bone in his body”.


    But the Recorder of Sheffield, Judge Jeremy Richardson KC, responded: “If that’s true, what on earth was he doing?”


    Mr Moss said: “That is the imponderable question.”


    He said Gray simply went to the scene because he was curious.


    Judge Richardson said: “Almost every defendant who had appeared in this court, of which there have been many, has indicated curiosity as being the reason they went to this episode.”


    Another one who has cried in court is this geezer who someone appears to have scribbled graffiti on his forehead:


    But probably the one thing they all have the most in common is their guilty pleas in court. None appear to want to take a stand and use their court appearances as an opportunity to proudly declare their commitment British values which they believe are threatened by hordes of invading Muslims, and other immigrants.

    Even conspiracy grandad who went to all the trouble of producing a placard denouncing the corruption of everything, including the judicial system, condemned himself by pleading guilty. Which of course begs the question whether he is also part of the conspiracy?

    Full Member

    as an opportunity to proudly declare their commitment British values which they believe are threatened by hordes of invading Muslims, and other immigrants.

    Because these idiots are mostly idiots and don’t have a clue? I doubt any of them could articulate a coherent grievance, other than the usual nonsense of “get given houses” or “comin’ over ‘ere and takin’ our jobs” which they may or may not actual believe is true. After 2 litres of vodka and all those drugs, I’m guessing Cassius up there just wanted a punch up with the cops to round of the day’s entertainment.

    Full Member

    Surely they all fail the first ‘common sense’ test?

    If there’s a situation that involves half-knackers being lobbed about with gay abandon, cars getting torched, all with tones of overt racism and the police turning up in their hundreds in riot gear, then surely every human instinct is to get the **** out of there? Not least in case you may unwittingly become the next brick/cobblers interface bloke?

    Full Member

    The one thing most of these rioters seem to share is a previous criminal record.

    These are the ones pleading guilty though vs holding out for a trial in the hope they will come up with an excuse and get off.

    Something that someone without a criminal record is more likely to try I think. The thought of prison is going to be more concerning for someone who hasnt been in there every other year to date and thats without thinking about the cv problem. Something the chicken catcher is well past.

    There is that tory councillors wife for example who had her hearing delayed due to her lawyers asking for a mental health assessment.

    Full Member

    I’m quite concerned about the inherently contradictory nature of his drug use. Who takes MDMA then goes looking for a ruck? Most people just want a big hug

    Full Member

    Surely they all fail the first ‘common sense’ test?

    I was talking to a mate at the trade union club last night and as I told him about how the chicken catcher got caught hiding in his loft he had to patiently wait until my laughter subsided and I regained my composure before I could complete the story.

    But what left me breathless with laughter was trying to tell him the story of the geezer who got caught because he had his name printed on the back of his tee shirt :)

    Full Member

    The MDMA just appears to be the paper thin chocolate mint at the end of a gluttonous meal of drugs and booze.

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