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  • Audi A4 air con not working
  • Bushwacked
    Free Member

    Just noticed that my air con isn't working. Just stays on "ECON" mode which means the Aircon isn't functioning.

    Anyone know if this is just the system needs regassing or is this likely to be something more serious?

    Free Member

    when was the last time you used it?

    Free Member

    You might want to get that checked out – mine stopped working on my Passat last year (noticed it on a VERY hot day!) and it was the compressor thingy, I think.

    Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but mine was about £550 – it had to be done as nothing to do with the aircon / heating system worked without it – and if I had kept using it it might have been (even) more expensive to get fixed as the whole system might have needed flushing.

    Hope yours isn't as expensive as mine – and mine wasn't done by a VAG dealer.

    Free Member

    Jesus – I only just paid out a grand to have the turbo replaced!!!

    Free Member

    If you don't use it on a regular basis, the gas can escape past the 'O' rings, the gas also carries oil to Lubricate the A/C compressor (flow of gas & oil lubricates these 'O' rings keeping them supple)….. so in essence not using the A/C can destroy the compressor (over a period of time) and become a very expensive repair.

    Free Member

    Most lightly the condenser, if your really on a tight budget then drive it to me & I'll diagnose it for free, & I can get one of the mechanics to do it as a private job cheap, & I'll do the parts at what they cost me.

    Say hi to Mr Doyle & give him my regards next time you see him.


    Free Member

    This happened to my A4, just got it fixed last week.
    Could be a range of different problems, but get it properly diagnosed and you should be OK.
    I used an independent instead of getting my eyes pulled out at an Audi dealer and it was a pressure switch that was faulty. £167 all in including a regas, needed it done before the summer.

    Hope this helps

    Free Member

    This happened with my A6 last year, just before the May/June heatwave. Took it to an independent Audi specialist who established it wasn't the compressor but my contol panel would not 'talk' to the VAGcom diagnostic kit. It had to be sent away to be checked and I was told it was knackered and I needed a new one. Couldn't find a compatible used one so had to shell out a small fortune for a new Audi part, which when fitted wouldn't work. They then resorted to checking everything manually and discovered that the problem was a simple pressure switch. The new control panel was returned and I ended up paying for the switch plus quite a bit of labour time.

    Free Member

    Bugger – sounds like It's gonna cost me another arm and a leg 🙁

    Full Member

    Probably linked to the indicator fault which seems to affect every single audi in the country.

    Wait… there is an indicator fault right ?


    Full Member

    Mine didn't work from when I bought so just wound down the windows – when I finally had someone check it out, it turns out the compressor is apparently missing! Had a quote for £1000+, so just continue to wind down the windows.

    Full Member

    my a3 did this, ran on economy mode only, a regas solved it. Mechanic said it was empty.

    Free Member

    Mine has an intermittant fault..vent wont open to blow air to clear the windscreen twice when ive taken it to auto electricians it worked perfectly :cry:.. other times it wont work for weeks…wierd huh?

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