some shoitehouse child spat on me from an overhead walkway once
I had a group of kids drop a couple of massive potatoes on me from a bridge over a cycle path. 😯
Comedy choice of weapon – but they hit me with enough force to crack my helmet and knock me off the bike.
Called the local police and they said there was “nothing they could do”. (Assault? Criminal damage?)
I suggested that maybe, given the bridge was all of 5 minutes walk from the police station, that they could at least pop out and make sure the little toerags weren’t still there as the next person might not be wearing a helmet.
Not interested. 😐
They all seem to get themselves into an inordinate number of scrapes/incidents.
It’s almost as if they’re deliberately looking for it.
Some of them are good guys (i.e. CycleGaz) – he posts videos of bad cyclist behaviour as well as poor driving, and offers advice on how to avoid conflicts and accidents.
He also makes the point that if he posted the 99.9% of his cycling where nothing happens and it is all fine, then no one would subscribe.