Home Forums Bike Forum are disc brakes ready bled?

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  • are disc brakes ready bled?
  • SlowJohn
    Free Member

    When you buy a new brake does it come ready bled?

    Free Member

    Depends on the make, and not even that. Both a friend and I recently bought XT discs from merlin. His came bled, I had to assemble, then bleed, then rebleed, then eventually take them humbly to the LBS to get to work as the pistons wouldn’t unstick. Ask before you buy…

    Free Member

    Be prepared to bleed them anyway. I have never had to bleed Hope brakes for spongyness reasons, but often had to re-route hoses so needed to bleed.
    The last bike I put brakes on I used OEM XTs and they had more air in them than fluid. After bleeding they were awesome though.
    If they are Avid or Hayes you’ll need a bleed kit (they need threaded fittings), most others you can do with a length of tubing and a Fairy liquid bottle.

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