Home Forums Bike Forum Apps to use GPX files on android?

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  • Apps to use GPX files on android?
  • chilled76
    Free Member

    Evening all,

    I’m looking at doing a charity sportive this coming weekend but it’s not waymarked.

    The club running it have a gpx file but I don’t have a garmin or currently the available funds to buy the one I want…

    I do however have a handlebar mount for my phone. Is there any apps that can use the file like a Garmin to guide me?

    Anyone tried a few and got one they would recommend?

    Full Member

    Oruxmaps will do that, but you’ll have to download the map tiles to use off line before you ride.

    Full Member

    You can load a gpx file in Maverick too, but as above, spend a bit of time scrolling around the map so it caches the map tiles before you go

    Full Member

    Gpx viewer too. Used it at the weekend. As mentioned, I think you need to scroll about so it has the tiles beforehand.

    Full Member

    Convert to kml and view in Google maps?

    Free Member

    Ordance Survey do a great app with a £20 annual subscription you can import gpx and create routes over detailed os maps

    Full Member

    Back country navigator if you need os mapping or similar.

    Osmand if you can get by with open-source maps. I think it cost me about 10p and the maps are free to download so they are stored on your phone.

    Free Member

    Before I spank £330 on a Garmin for the bike, are there any other suggestions for apps that do this well?

    Free Member

    Online convert to KML and use Maps.me – free and offline

    Full Member

    Would it be worthwhile for me to knock up an android app that just took a GPX and overlaid on a googlemap?

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