I doubt bike theft is any worse for the victim than any other sort of theft or mindless vandalism such as running over cars or breaking windows/slashing tyres etc so why should it be punished any differently?, if i happen(ed) to catch someone attempting to steal or vandalise any item i own it’ll be the last time they ever do such a thing, i caught a scrote crawling out my window a number of years ago and i frightened the piss/crap out of him (literally) and nae doubt i’d do it again if i caught anyone else, pretty much everyone i know would do the same thing rather than call the police etc as whats the point? – they get community service or a suspended sentence?, or turfed back in jail for a few weeks wi all their mates?.
I’m all for reforming the prisons no matter what it costs to offer more of a rehabilitation service (and drug abusers should not be in prison – full stop) rather than a punitive punishment but what’s the point when the vast majority of offenders are let down from a very young age by the government regarding housing conditions, schooling, social services and support networks along with fckin inept parents who should not be allowed to have kids in the first place if they cannot support them and bring them up to have morals and common decency…. Ohhh – got a bit daily mail there but it’s true.
I stay in a nice wee town in Galloway (Kirkcudbright) and there’s generations of entire families who are drug abusers/alcohol abusers who have never worked in their lives and their kids are all pupped by the age of 16, by the age of 20 they have a few kids to different fathers and by the time the parents have turned 30 their kids are having kids…they’re breeding like feral rats, entire generations on benefits with no notion of working and paid for housing along with extra cash for having an alcohol problem and disability due to consumption of alcohol and i cannot see a possible solution, i’ve grew up in this small town and can only sympathise with what it must be like in some inner city areas or in larger towns up and down the country. – there has to be a solution but gawd knows what it can be?.