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  • Apple WWDC 2014 – iPhone 6/ iWatch? / iWotM8?
  • andytherocketeer
    Full Member

    I think battery stats are a waste of time in iOS as apps don’t really run in the background like they do with android, so I already know what has been draining the battery, the widgets (if you can call them that) are a half arsed attempt, it’s just as quick for me to look at the weather app and get more detail than it is to swipe down and get the current weather.

    Think they’re a waste of time in Android too, other than satisfying the inner geek.
    iOS users usually point the finger at Android apps and widgets draining battery (or probably did, back before iOS widgets, and the very early iOS before multitasking).
    It’s really not the apps and widgets that use power.
    Well not unless you call 2% power usage “eating power”, and that’s the interactive app usage – background services and widgets don’t even register on the powermeter. Screen, WiFi, etc. are the power users.

    edit: but it does show up the occasional power hungry rogue app (wtf is Foursquare up to?)

    Full Member

    Battery stats are useful in android as some apps (poorly designed ones) can keep the Phone awake which causes the battery to drain quicker. The past couple of weeks I’ve noticed that the sky go app has been keeping my phone awake and causing it to use 10-15% of the battery when all I did was watch 5-10 mins of the cricket then came out of the app. Now I know until sky update the app to force close it when I’ve finished using it.

    Full Member

    Not sure it quite worked out like that

    Given that the multi tasking system on modern iOS is almost identical (User facing anyway which is all I care about) to the one in WebOS which is a multitasking system they were poking fun at at the time I’d say it didn’t work out like that. But that is of course my opinion, which is why Steven’s statement of “no one can doubt…” is a load of cobblers.

    but iOS 8 is a bit of a let down.

    I thought all the cool bits in iOS8 were to do with the MacOS connectivity, answering calls and replying to SMS messages and so on from your Mac?

    Full Member

    I don’t think that’s just an iOS user viewpoint andy.

    A quick google suggests the same advice appearing on Android forums

    (e.g. ”Widgets Do You Use Them”? on AndroidAndMe.com[/url], top answer: “I try to stay away from widgets. They use up to much battery.”)

    Full Member

    Best not use the screen then 😉
    Maybe login via ssh. Should save more power than every single app and widget combined (apart from a rogue, greedy app).

    Free Member

    A quick google suggests the same advice appearing on Android forums

    Generally use them all the time, hardly touches the battery compared to a bunch of other apps. Weather, clocks, calendar, world clocks etc.

    Free Member

    I have turned off almost all my background app updates, cannot see the point except for things like endomondo.

    Full Member

    Given that the multi tasking system on modern iOS is almost identical (User facing anyway which is all I care about) to the one in WebOS

    Is it?

    I haven’t looked at the details of either for a while, but there certainly used to be a difference. Have Google moved away from “true multi-tasking” towards the Apple model? Or does iOS8 move more towards Googles model?

    Full Member

    more importantly. I’ve just ‘chatted’ with a O2 rep who’s told me my shiny new phone is ‘preparing for dispatch’

    Full Member

    hardly touches the battery compared to a bunch of other apps. Weather, clocks, calendar, world clocks etc.

    Yeah if any of those hit the battery to any noticeable degree then something would be very seriously wrong with their design.

    But I’d imagine widgets like Twitter, Facebook, FriendStream, FourSquare etc that are constantly hitting the network or GPS must eat a fair bit of battery (and data allowance). no?

    Free Member

    @jam bo – boo hiss. I did get an email to say I would get my case and spare usb cable soon 😥

    Full Member

    not sure I believe them. The one I spoke to yesterday told me it’d be 2-3 weeks and today’s couldn’t actually confirm how long preparing for dispatch would actually take…

    Free Member

    Anyone use SiRi?

    i played around when i fiRst had the 5s, but got bored wiThiN 7miNs.. 😆

    Full Member

    Anyone use SiRi?

    Not much. I use it for sending text messages sometimes. Quite handy to just say “tell MrsGrahamS I’m leaving now” or whatever when I’m on the bike for example.

    Free Member

    Me: Siri
    Siri: Yes?
    Me: PuNch bIkEbUoY iN tHe cOck.

    Free Member




    Full Member

    But I’d imagine widgets like Twitter, Facebook, FriendStream, FourSquare etc that are constantly hitting the network or GPS must eat a fair bit of battery (and data allowance). no?

    Twitter doesn’t. Must be sub 2%. Android battery app seems to round up to integer % and only display so many entries (mine shows 102% if you add it all up). So there’s a lot of widgets/apps that I’d imagine do background network checking things that are in the region of rounding errors of percent.

    Foursquare needs a kick. Will be filing a comment/bug on that.

    Yahoo is my greediest “acceptable” app, at a whopping 2%.

    Full Member

    Is it?

    I haven’t looked at the details of either for a while, but there certainly used to be a difference. Have Google moved away from “true multi-tasking” towards the Apple model? Or does iOS8 move more towards Googles model?

    I think we have misunderstood each other somewhere.

    I’m referring to how the multitasking works for a user, as in how the user interacts with multiple apps doing things like closing, switching between them, and the fact that apps have some way of talking to each other. IMO as a user and not developer these are things that matter when defining which is best.

    Also, I was referring to WebOS, not Android. WebOS being a project which was still alive at the time but has since unfortunately fallen in to the mobile OS history books thanks to HP.

    AFAIK, all mobile operating systems are much of a muchness now in terms of multi tasking and have copied the “card” system from WebOS where cards show a live preview of what was on the app, and you can swipe some way to close them. At the time iOS introduced multitasking though, your app was just an icon in a list, and to close it you had to long press on it and tap a little cross in the corner of the icon. Which from a user viewpoint was pretty clunky, and far from the best.

    I’m sure there are still differences in terms of how notifications and background processes are handled by the OS but practically speaking as long as one app can send something to another app through some way I don’t see how it makes any difference to the user.

    Anyway I didn’t want to start a multitasking debate – just picked the first obviously false statement in Steven’s “review”.

    Full Member

    Anyone use SiRi?

    I use it whenever I remember it exists (which isn’t that often!) AND I have 3G/Wifi. It does make some tasks way easier/quicker though, like sending a short text message or putting something in your diary.

    I think voice-recognition is still regarded as a bit of a novelty by most, but it actually works really well now and makes a lot more sense for certain tasks than sodding around with tiny buttons on a screen. I would definitely use it a lot more if I had 4G!

    Free Member

    i’Ve just bought iCreate Mag.. No, no, no i Have, hear me out..

    iN iT there are lots of tiPs to help turn off hungry power sappiNg Apps, bug fiXes, MAC help and normal stuff liKe help wiTh iPhoto and the liKe..

    Pretty good so far..

    So far i’Ve managed to turn off “AiR Drop” (stiLl i now know what iT does, Yay!)


    Oh and i triEd SiRi, asked iT to send MrsBouy a text to put the kettle on.. no response as yet, but suspect iT’s MrsBouy beiNg snooty rather than SiRi.. 😀

    Free Member

    Foxconn are turning out 400,000 iPhone 6’s and 140,000 6 plus a day and its still not enough ! link[/url]

    Assuming $100 profit on every phone (probably too low) that’s $54m a day or a billion dollars profit in a month for Apple 😯 What a business, respect !

    Full Member

    that’s because everyone wants one NOW. demand will tail off.

    Free Member

    I’ve yet to buy my first CD player, so it might be a while before i invest in Apple tat.

    Full Member

    I’ve yet to buy my first CD player, so it might be a while before i invest in Apple tat.

    Nice contribution to the thread there.

    Free Member

    @jam bo no I get that it’s as its new and there will be a tail off but the 6/6+ demand is double the launch demand for the 5 and its a billion dollars (my guess) profit in a month

    Full Member

    Apple profits

    Yes they make quite a lot of money.

    Free Member

    I’ve yet to buy my first CD player, so it might be a while before i invest in Apple tat.

    Ok. We get it, you haven’t got a CD player.

    Free Member

    i diD i

    Free Member

    T, downloaded iOS

    Free Member

    8 and iTs rather niC

    Free Member

    e has to be saiD, so far i can’t see any iSsu

    Free Member

    es wiTh iT.

    QuiTe liKee the look and feel so far, more iNf

    Free Member

    o tomorrow.

    So far, no bugs 😆

    Full Member

    8 hour download time. 😯

    Free Member

    says i need 4.6gb of space 😆 killing off the 16gb right there

    Full Member

    says i need 4.6gb of space killing off the 16gb right there

    Just while it installs.

    Free Member

    ahhhh i was wondering how the hell it took up, 4.6gb, i mean, windows 95 came on 13 floppy discs

    Free Member

    Quick question- The Mrs has a 4s, today she commented that unusually it had blown through the battery in less than 12 hours, could this update be the cause?

    Free Member

    In the download queue, maybe tomorrow? I’m sure as an early adopter it will be 100% bug free and I’ll be delighted…

    Full Member

    Quick question- The Mrs has a 4s, today she commented that unusually it had blown through the battery in less than 12 hours, could this update be the cause?

    It wasn’t released until this evening so no.

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