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  • Apple Pro Stand
  • seosamh77
    Free Member

    Bargain! 😆

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    The new Mac looks grate though.

    Free Member

    What is it?

    Free Member

    And what, perchance is that when it’s at home?

    (Apart from game-changing of course).

    Full Member

    It’s a monitor stand.

    Free Member

    Well, **** a duck seems the new Mac Pro is $6000+, of course sir will want a monitor for that! $5000 for a 32”. At those sorts of prices $1000 for a monitor stand (VESA mount sold separately at $200) looks like a bargain.

    I’m sure Apple heads are already chubbing up at the idea.

    Free Member

    I just bought a laptop from work for a tenner, wonder what I can get a stand for?

    Free Member

    That’s madness even for Apple, perhaps they just don’t want to make them.

    That Mac pro looks like a cheese grater with Ikea legs attached has Johnny Ive been on meth.

    Also do people really require such accurate monitors especially when your clients are often viewing it on a much lesser spec but of kit.

    Full Member

    I have seen some websites speculating that the maxed-out Pro with the monitor will come in close to $50k. 1.5 Tb of RAM though!!

    Does look like an awesome bit of kit mind (the computer, not the stand!)

    Full Member

    Back in the late 90’s my work machine was a dual-processor MAC tower, with 256Mb of RAM, and a 400Mb HDD, with a 21” high-end monitor, cost was around £5000.
    Anyone buying the low spec machine isn’t likely to fork out £1000 for the monitor stand, but the sort of person who requires a fully loaded Mac Pro, with several monitors, is barely going to notice the extra few thou on top, and that’s who it’s aimed at – £3000 added to £60-odd thousand for a full-fat Pro is nothing.

    Free Member

    Ex gf used top spec Mac Pros for video work. She paid a fortune for blinged out machines with a few really good monitors for decent work and cheaper ones on the rendering machines.
    The amount she charged her clients meant the machine cost didn’t really matter too much.
    I do print graphics and newspaper production, my 2012 Mac Mini hardly struggles and a new Mac Mini would be so capable that I wouldn’t consider much above the base model. And I’d nail my monitor to the wall rather than pay $999 for that stand.
    Horses for courses.

    Free Member

    5k seems a bit extreme for the late 90s? pretty sure mac specs even for top end around then would struggle to top 2k, so you’d a 3k monitor?

    Full Member

    Seosamh I laid out 4k on an early noughties G5 pro/screen with minimal memory and storage. The stuff in the 90’s was a whole lot more expensive/niche.

    Those blenching at the screen cost should compare it to the lower spec Sony in the presentation which was $40k plus!!!

    Free Member

    Free Member


    Full Member

    Apologies for the useless anecdote, but maybe someone knows what I’m talking about, I don’t and can’t remember where but I read it, but it went something like this:

    What usually happens in big film production is the final stage of the process gets the really top end kit but gets to fix all the errors the previous workers missed because their kit was not so good. It then went on to say this new machine + monitor will allow all the members of the team to have the (near) top end kit… Apple skimped on white LEDs for the monitor and are using blue ones with colour correction.

    Free Member

    Yeah, it’s a lot of money. On the other hand, it makes the stand I’m using right now, which cost £300, look like a right old POS.

    Free Member

    was reading someone in the business saying that at the absolute top end, it’s not all that ridiculous on price. A fully specced out HP equivalent can run to $70,000+ apparently (!!)

    Free Member

    was reading someone in the business saying that at the absolute top end, it’s not all that ridiculous on price. A fully specced out HP equivalent can run to $70,000+ apparently (!!)

    That isn’t even high end. Cost or spec.

    An Nvidia Deep learning workstation is ~130k. A spec’d out Dell 7920 can easily hit £150k+ and I reckon I could spec a 200k build.

    Mac pro maxes out at 1 CPU and 1.5TB ram, you can double that on high end PC kit. Similarly a pair of twin GPU boards is the max there for mac pro.

    Also someone suggested a better way to think about the stand would’ve been “we know you pro users don’t need the stand so you can save 1k without it”

    Full Member

    That Mac pro looks like a cheese grater with Ikea legs attached has Johnny Ive been on meth.

    It’s pretty derivative of the old tower (which still looks cool af imo).

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