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  • Apple event tomorrow
  • mikewsmith
    Free Member

    ah so their stuff works on something, but they are also working with lots of other tech people, not exactly a massive exclusive is it
    Considering they are pitching multi platform I’m amazed apple wasn’t on the list of original partners
    Why the secrecy? Unless they were waiting till apply caught up on tech that they needed?

    Free Member

    Just skimmed the thread, have I missed the frothing over the ipad pro prices?

    Starting at £650 for the 32gb, up to £900 for the cell one, then £70 for the pencil….

    (and yes, I know that’s not the $-£ rate, apple list prices without sales tax and we pay 20% in the uk)

    Free Member

    explain to me, why the home user, with 600 quid to spend on a laptop, would now buy a laptop?

    So now that the iPad has gotten bigger and comes with a £100 stylus, no one will want laptops any more? I suppose we should also mourn the passing of the desk, office chair and un-turfed office?

    There are so many reasons but here are my top 5:

    1) Laptop screens stand upright on their own. Useful!
    2) Multiple displays.
    3) Keyboards. Touch keyboards are just awful.
    4) Compatibility. On my laptop I can run windows, Android emulators, linux, pretty much anything in fact. iPad == walled garden so stuff that.
    5) No ?!%*&”$ finger prints on my ?!%*&”$ screen.

    Full Member

    ah so their stuff works on something, but they are also working with lots of other tech people, not exactly a massive exclusive is it

    Ummm … did someone claim it was exclusive? They demo’ed their product working on an Apple Watch, and doing some stuff that I could imagine is useful in a medical environment. Maybe you can do the same thing on a Samsung watch, or a Microsoft watch or who knows, a Tudor watch, but since it was a sales pitch for Apple Watch I don’t really see the relevance?

    Full Member

    I must admit I’m with Mike here. Either AirStrip have dropped the ball by not updating their website or there’s something they/Apple aren’t telling us.

    You are JHJ and I claim my 5 pounds.

    Free Member



    Full Member

    I never understand this “oh they haven’t invented anything exciting this time” comment that people make each time any manufacturer releases a new phone.

    They’ve made incremental improvements to virtually all parts of the phone! The camera is better, the materials are better, the user interaction is (arguably) better with forced touch etc …

    What more do you want (apart from better battery life)? No one ever complains when the new Ford Feista still has 4 wheels and can’t fly. No company can make revolutionary products every year.

    Full Member

    Hi, sorry, I don’t overly care and I CBA to read five pages of discussion, but I’ve been gaining some of this info by osmosis over the last day or two.

    Could someone summarise the announcement for me please? Far as I’ve been able to glean from snippets of conversations, Apple have invented the Microsoft Surface and a stylus, and I think there’s a new Macbook as well. Is that about right, or is there more to it?

    (Genuine question, I’m not trolling. Just curious, but not curious enough to put any actual effort into finding out. 🙂 )

    Full Member

    Or instead of going to the effort of writing all that, you could have just typed


    And that would have told you all you need


    Full Member

    I think they’ve also managed to mate an Apple TV with a Wii.

    Free Member

    No one ever complains when the new Ford Feista still has 4 wheels and can’t fly.

    Ford don’t claim to have reinvented said wheel. I give you – once more – exhibit A from Apple’s iPhone 6S launch:

    The only thing that’s changed is everything

    They’ve made some good – evolutionary – improvements, but this kind of marketing just comes across as self-parody to me.

    Free Member

    Back to the Phone thingy for a second, the 5s is a great piece of kit. Right size, shape, weight, look, feel, use. For some unknown reason Apple go and copy the Samsung S series and go all competitive and feel the need to bump up the size and align the shape too. You can apply that logic to the iPadPro too… So in reality all Apple seem to have done with their recent releases is.. erm… copy the designs of competitors..

    The 5s I don’t think can be beaten. The 6 I have now is bigger in size yet performs (in my real world) no different. Now, now then if Apple could have just bumped the size of screen on the 5 then I think they’d corner the market up.. as is, well they’re just pitching a facsimile of the S series phone/drone.

    Full Member

    The 5s I don’t think can be beaten. The 6 I have now is bigger in size yet performs (in my real world) no different.

    Sales figures don’t agree with you though, the 6 has outsold every other model of iPhone, their most popular yet.

    Full Member

    I’m with the “too big” crowd there. It is one of the reasons I’ve stuck with my old 4S till now.

    It’s a nice size that I can have in the front or back pocket of my jeans without castrating myself (or bending it in half) when I sit down. And I can mount it on my handlebars without it looking like I’ve put a spoiler on my bike.

    Wife has a 5 and I could just about tolerate that at a push, but the 6 feels way too big for me. If I wanted to use something that big I’d pick up the iPad.

    Full Member

    Yup, too big.

    Free Member

    What @footflaps says, the 6 is the best selling iPhone ever. From my time in Asia I can see that the larger format phones are very popular there. For many the main reason they had a Samsung is they wanted the larger screen. Apple recently launched in China so Asian market preferences are going to be very important

    Full Member

    I don’t get the desire for large screen phones either, I can still fit my 4s in my pocket which to me is fairly important in a phone. My guess is a lot of the younger demographic phone market want a big screen for keeping up with the Jones’ type reasons or because it’s their only computing device. Possibly also the people who prefer smaller phones don’t upgrade as much (or don’t see enough of a reason to upgrade once you take screen size out of the equation).
    Sadly it seems they’re currently selling so many phones they’ll probably ignore the smaller screen size market until sales start to decline and they look for other markets.

    Free Member

    You all wearing skinny jeans or something? I can easily fit a iphone6 sized phone in my jeans pocket sitting down at my work desk. Mind it doesn’t help that Apples obsession with finger print sensors and being thinnest means that other phones have smaller height and width dimensions for the same screen size.

    I don’t know about Aisa but in the Middle East they want big phones, so all the makers are going to have big phones to cater for that market.

    Free Member

    @Fuzzy I cannot read a web page on a 4S without my glasses. I can on a 6. The 6 is far better for reading web content, apps and looking at pictures as it has a larger higher quality screen. The larger screens appeal to all demographics

    Full Member

    I can still fit my 4s in my pocket which to me is fairly important in a phone

    I can fit my 6 in my pocket.

    Full Member

    I happily read this forum all the time on my 4S.
    Can’t say I’ve ever noticed any difference in screen quality when I’ve looked at a 6. (On paper the main difference seems to be a higher contrast ratio)

    I won’t deny that a larger screen is better for browsing and general consumption, but there is a compromise to be struck between that and “pocketability” which for me favours a smaller screen.

    (Ironically I’m typing this on an iPad – but only because the 4S is busy playing a Hey Duggee marathon on the TV)

    Full Member

    They’ve made some good – evolutionary – improvements, but this kind of marketing just comes across as self-parody to me.

    Computer Company In “Hyping Own Products” Scandal!

    Free Member

    Forgetting the hyperbole surrounding this event, it’s clear having watched some more of it that Apple were putting much more focus on the Pro/”Prosumer” end of the market. They’ve been criticised in recent years for abandoning that market and the launch of the new Mac Pro a couple of years back did little to change the perception Apple are only interested in consumers who just want the newest thing.

    Obviously the new Apple TV is nowt but a new gadget for people with money to burn…

    …but I want one 😆

    Full Member

    You all wearing skinny jeans or something?

    No, just normal Apple Jeans:

    Apple unveils middle-aged man in jeans

    Free Member

    Just read about the “live photos”, this looks quite neat and will be great for mtb shots

    Full Member

    FuzzyWuzzy – Member
    I don’t get the desire for large screen phones either, I can still fit my 4s in my pocket which to me is fairly important in a phone. My guess is a lot of the younger demographic phone market want a big screen for keeping up with the Jones’ type reasons or because it’s their only computing device. Possibly also the people who prefer smaller phones don’t upgrade as much (or don’t see enough of a reason to upgrade once you take screen size out of the equation).
    Sadly it seems they’re currently selling so many phones they’ll probably ignore the smaller screen size market until sales start to decline and they look for other markets.

    jambalaya – Member
    @Fuzzy I cannot read a web page on a 4S without my glasses. I can on a 6. The 6 is far better for reading web content, apps and looking at pictures as it has a larger higher quality screen. The larger screens appeal to all demographics

    Exactly. Plus it’s much easier to see what’s on the screen at a glance when using satnav with a 6/6+.
    And looking at OS maps in Viewranger is much better, as well as looking at photos; my new Lumix compact has wifi, which lets me directly copy photos from the camera, as well as control the camera remotely if it’s on a tripod, having the big screen is a huge advantage.
    Oh, and reading ebooks is better, too, more like a small paperback on the larger screen.

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