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  • App to record bike settings?
  • woodlikesbikes
    Free Member

    Is there a bike specific app to record things like tyre pressures, shock pressure, rebound settings etc?

    I know I could just write this down on paper, but I’d like something on my phone so I make notes when I’m out.

    I could just use OneNote or something similar, but just thought that someone must have made an app for this already

    Full Member

    How about knocking up a spreadsheet in Google Sheets, and saving a link to it on your homescreen.

    You can make it as simple or complex as you want it to be.

    Full Member

    I made a spreadsheet and was going to keep it updated witha sheet for each of our bikes and add extra stuff to it etc etc

    I got this far and never bothered, but if you’re a bit more dedicated than me it’s easy enough.

    Full Member

    I use Google Docs.

    Have a document detailing shock settings, but also then listing every item bought and fitted.
    The beauty of this over a spreadsheet is that I can have unlimited notes and comments.

    Can access from my phone on the trail but also at home on my laptop.

    Started it back in Feb 2011 when I bought a new single-speed Hope back wheel.

    Full Member

    The shockwiz app probably covers most settings you want and has a notes field too. Don’t need an actual shockwiz to use that part.

    (download it and check out the ‘profiles’ tab)

    Full Member

    I use a google docs spreadsheet.

    Suspension: tokens, pressure, rebound, compression.
    Tyre pressures
    Saddle: height, fore/aft, angle
    Stem spacers
    Handlebar roll
    Grip roll
    Brake, shifter, and dropper levers: distances from grip, angle
    Brake reach adjustment
    Bar light angle

    Full Member

    I’ve got a white board in my workshop to record all sorts of random stuff, cable outer length among other shit.

    Full Member

    Sagly lets you record shock/fork settings, tyre pressures, etc. and gives you pointers what to do if, e.g. you find yourself bottoming out your fork

    Free Member

    There’s one called MyBikeSetup on Android

    Free Member

    Couldn’t find the app in the Play store.
    Don’t know why I never thought of a whiteboard, that would be handy although I’m not sure I’ve got any spare wall space.

    The risk of using a spreadsheet is that it turns into a coding exercise as I get carried away!

    Full Member

    Word or whatever the Google Doc version is and just write it down…there are many things that don’t really need an app to allow you to do things – this is an excellent example of just that.

    Pen and paper would be ideal, but if you don’t want to physically write then open up a text document on your phone and type.

    Spreadsheet could allow nicer formatting in the sense of columns and rows so everything is neat and tidy but just write it down as that is all it needs.

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