Home Forums Chat Forum Anyone with a (health type not pc) virus (apart from me)?

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  • Anyone with a (health type not pc) virus (apart from me)?
  • scruzer
    Free Member

    What viruses are kicking about at the mo'. Had mine 2 1/2 weeks and its driving me insane! Got Penicillin on the go and gallons of Lucazade. Started off with sore throat-that got worse, then onto severe phlegmy chest/cough, headaches, muscle aches and now easing off to chesty cough and sore throat ealry am to a drycough by p.m of wich has been a pattern for the last 2 days! And No riding!!

    Free Member

    You state it's viral, yet are taking penicillin…

    Free Member

    That's my Dr's orders. Is he wrong? Said it was a virus and that's what he's prescribed… Interested to know ..

    Free Member

    Maybe the virus has caused a chest infection which the antibiotics are for. But antibiotics don't get rid of viruses.

    Free Member

    That sounds about right Ian, Doc did say it was in my chest (and not lungs or any where worse).

    Free Member

    Had something pretty similar for nearly 2 weeks. Just about the right side of it now although I still don't feel great. I'd rather not describe the gunk I was coughing up last week!

    Feels great to be nearly rid of it though 🙂

    Free Member

    Phlegm city here for a week and a half now – thought the warm weather might have burnt it off…

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