As far as overall performance goes, I’ve sent 300 parcels with them in the last year and had 3 problems, one of which I’m pretty sure was actually the recipient not the courier. One just disappeared into the ether. The other was a parcel that got lost forever, refunded, then mysteriously arrived back at my door 3 months later having never had any attempt to deliver. I’m sure absolutely tons of these were a couple of days late but basically I don’t care.
(I did have some real problems getting a duplicated order refunded but I got there in the end)
I’ve sent a couple of thousand over the years and I don’t think the actual fail rate is any worse than others. I’ve not sent enough stuff with others to fairly compare but I think every courier company has screwed up at least once for me, even the ones I’ve only used rarely.
If it weren’t for the absolute plummet in customer service since 2020 I’d still say I’m very happy with Hermes. But as soon as they realised thta they could get away with shit service and just say “but the pandemic” it all went to bollocks and I don’t think they’ll ever bother fixing it now people are used to it. Still, on balance they’re still my courier of choice. Even if only because I get a hooky 20% “student discount”
If you’ve ever booked a parcel through a third party with Parcelmonkey, that’s where the real customer service hell lives. Multiply any courier shitness x a cut-price used car dealer of a booking service.