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  • Anyone here practice 'Stoicism'?
  • AdamW
    Free Member

    I’m currently reading The Guide to the Good Life: the Ancient Art of Stoic Joy which was recommended by Derren Brown in his book ‘Happy’.

    I find it useful, especially things like that it is your reaction to something which gives you grief, not the thing itself.

    Full Member

    I’m more of a nihilist than a stoicist, but there seems to be some common traits between the two. I spent a lot of time when I was young being worried about the state of the world and depressed about my powerlessness to change it. Then I learned to see the world through the lens of a curious observer rather than someone who has a major stake or involvement in it, and now I don’t worry too much. The downside is that this leads to an emotional detachment which people perceive as me not giving a sh*t about anything, which can also become somewhat self-fulfilling. It’s a tricky balance 🙂

    Free Member

    Actually I think I’m right on point ..
    In your original linky to “What Is Stoicism ?”
    You don’t have to venture too far before reading the following
    “Stoicism doesn’t concern itself with complicated theories about the world… ” and ” Its built for action not endless debate “
    How long has this rather tedious thread been rumbling along ?
    For the record I never stated that I had ” found happiness ” ..thats way too flowery a statement…like most people I fluctuate between the two (happy/ not happy ) but have maybe found a balance between both that Im happy with .. 8)
    If that’s what you are looking for ( happiness) I really don’t think you will find it in a book..
    but I hope you get there in the end ..

    Free Member

    If you found Meditations a bit hard going, I can recommend Ryan Holiday’s book “The Daily Stoic”. Each day comes with a quote from a Stoic writer, plus some modern day interpretation.

    Some CBT, The Chimp Paradox book, and some reading of Stoic blogs have helped my anxiety.

    I’m still a massive over-thinker, but I’m trying.

    ian martin
    Free Member

    Isn’t stoicism just the as same pragmatism?

    I feel I’m farely pragmatic at home and at work.

    Don’t worry about the things you can’t control.

    Doing your best is all we can do.

    Expect the best outcome, plan for the worst.

    Full Member

    I can recommend Ryan Holiday’s book “The Daily Stoic”. Each day comes with a quote from a Stoic writer, plus some modern day interpretation.

    I’ve got that, I tend to read about 10 pages in one go as they’re just too short otherwise…..

    Full Member

    Just ordered the Guide to the Good Life… it arrives tomorrow.

    I’ve enjoyed reading small snippets about Stoicism and I think it can help me. For example, this bit from Marcus Aeralius: ““The impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the way.” just directly applied to a turbo session I’ve not done very well at. Its right in my weak area, and I know I’ve got to train it so I’m not beating myself up over my failure to complete some intervals, I’m looking forward to doing better next time.

    Looking forward to some more.

    Free Member

    Kryton57 – Member
    Just ordered the Guide to the Good Life… it arrives tomorrow.

    I’ve enjoyed reading small snippets about Stoicism and I think it can help me. This bit from Marcus Aeralius:

    He doesn’t have a lot to say, by chance is he practicing Stoicism?

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