Looking to change our Octavia estate in the autumn. Front runner is another Octavia estate, but I’m starting to think a Touran might be an alternative, so curious to hear from anyone who has had both.
The new car will have a four bike towbar rack on the back when we all go out to play, so the Touran being nearly a foot shorter might be a little easier to work with then. (Currently have bikes on the roof, but not ideal as MrsMC is 4’10” and one handed…..) However, the Touran is 2-3 inches wider, and will be parked up on our narrow drive between us and next door, which puts MrsMC off.
I presume chucking two bikes in the back of a Touran with just the front wheels off is still doable if only two of us are out riding, as we do now with the Octavia.
I also quite like the option of the third row of seats if we need to transport grandparents with us now they are getting on a bit, while MrsMC will happily leave them at home all alone when they can’t/don’t want to drive.
We’ll be buying second hand, so the Touran may need to be a year older than the Octavia we could get for the same money.
Feel free to pull these musings apart…..