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  • Anyone ever broken their Clavicle (collar bone)?
  • dusterbenny
    Free Member

    Found out the hard way last night, that cycling and drinking don’t mix too well.

    Darn uncomfortable it is too!
    So no riding for 6-8 weeks, better start some internet shopping.

    Free Member

    Sounds like drinking and biking worked for you about as well as playing Frisbee and drinking did for me many years ago—same result–broken clavicle.
    It is painful and limits what you can do–I’d sure give it time to heal before jumping back on the bike as you don’t want to take a fall and land on that same shoulder before it’s fully healed.

    Free Member

    I’m now into my fourth week of having a broken right clavicle, proper sucks! Mine was quite a clean break but the bones are now overlapping which apparently isn’t a problem but doesn’t seem quite right :s don’t think I’ll be on the bike for another couple of months as I want to make sure it’s properly healed, driving me crazy ATM tho!

    Free Member

    Yep. Tis a sore one. Off the bike for about 3 months. It was cool, it fixed and back on I got. No point worrying about it, just let it heal and off you go again.

    Full Member

    Broke right collarbone just over 2 weeks ago.

    Soreness has subsided quite a lot and got some movement back but no riding until at least start of October.

    Folk keep telling me that patience is the key.

    So as dusterbunny says

    better start some internet shopping

    Free Member

    yep, I broke my left one 30 years ago in a pretty spectacular bike crash – straight over the handlebars. I don’t remember much about it other than it hurt. I still feels a bit odd now 🙁

    Free Member

    Back in the late 90’s I thought that mountain bike riding meant finding the biggest hill you can and riding down it with no consideration to brakes, or even much in the way of steering for that matter.

    I managed ok in local woods around my old hometown for years. Then I moved within ‘easy finding’ distance of Chicksands in Befordshire.

    I got a nasty break to the left clavicle just a few weeks later, along with some torn ligaments in my back. They were the biggest pain to live with, I couldn’t lay down without agony for about three weeks.

    I had to have a plate in the clavicle, so my total ‘back to riding’ recovery time was about eight months. Two operations with a lot of muscle wasting in the mean time left me with a feeble arm for many months.

    I very much sympathise with your pain. At the time I had very helpful parents to help me get through it. I couldn’t even take my trousers down to use the bathroom for the first week or so. 😮

    I also had a left elbow that felt like a bag of pebbles at the time, yet it is pretty healthy and in good active condition today. 🙂

    These days I ride a lot more sensibly, but unfortunately didn’t learn that I should NEVER ever let wheels leave dirt until 2008. A simple bruised back, broken right wrist and right A C link seperation was my prize that time. I still have a bone poking an inch or so out of my right shoulder.

    Riding mountain bikes badly is definitely hazardous to your shoulders! 🙂

    Free Member

    Yep, been there done that. Snapped mine skiing one year about mid feb, didn’t get riding again properly off road until the first weekend of may (dyfi enduro) which was my 2nd time on the mtb after breaking it. 🙂

    Full Member

    I’ve done 3, one this year, one last and one about 10 years ago. If it’d pretty fresh go and see these guys http://www.physioclinic.net, forget distance and hassle just do it. My break last year was in to 4 pieces and they were willing to operate as they didn’t think it would heal. I went the conservative approach and treatment with the guys above 1 week after the break, 2 weeks later I was back on the road bike, 2 weeks after that I was back mtbing for a week in Scotland.

    Immediately after I had huge movement (anything up to shoulder level was fine) could drive etc. I know lots of folks who’ve been since and all have had great results. At my final check up the consultant mentioned how well it had healed in the time. If you have any questions mail me but once again, go see them. The best £200 I ever spent.

    Free Member

    Broke mine in an over-the-handlebars miscalcation 7 years ago. It hurt lots and I think riding was off the cards for a good long time. It felt like many months but I’m sure it was shorter in reality. Taught me not to put my hand out when I fall.

    Free Member

    Another recommendation for Brian at http://www.physioclinic.net. An immediate improvement after the first session and able to ride, carefully, within 3 days of the crash. Well worth the journey and the cost.

    Free Member

    Yep, snapped mine completely in two places 6 weeks ago, quick superman over the handle bars and crack!!

    Consultants said they would have to operate as it wouldn’t fix right by itself. Got it pinned 5 weeks ago and now just out of the sling.

    My physio is into biking so has been checking things are set right. Things such as when you do a standing wall press up my shoulder blades are straight, stuff like that. Hurts like hell at first but don’t think I’m far off now..missed the summer but I suppose it could have been worse.

    Free Member

    Yep, wife broke hers too. Both bike related.

    Free Member

    Yep, snapped mine in half skiing one year. I was off the mtb for a good while, eased back into road and turbo training slowly though. Was off the mtb for about 10 weeks.

    Free Member

    I broke my clavicle in March last year. Did the whole 6 weeks rest thing. Went for a check-up. The consultant took one look and booked me in for surgery the following day.

    Best thing that ever happened i reckon, as the surgery heals much more quickly than waiting for the bones to reset themselves and with a bit of added titanium it should be stronger for longer. Not had any problems since and had a few nasty crashes without any further breaks.

    Free Member

    Broke collarbone.

    Foolishly carried on flying a desk with no time off.

    Did lots of turbo miles though.

    Year and a half later got it re-broken and now am part-terminator.

    Free Member

    Broke mine in a scooter crash in Ibiza 14 years ago, never got any medical attention for it whatsoever but it seemed to heal pretty well eventually. Doesn’t cause me too many problems, yet….

    Free Member

    Snapped mine a couple of years ago. It broke in four places, told I’d be off the bike for six months. After two weeks I started doing a few spinning classes, after four weeks bought a road bike and took to the tarmac, three weeks after that did the coast to coast on my mtb. Healing time i suppose is down to the individual. I watched what i ate, abstained from booze, kept pain killers to a minimum which all seemed to help the healing process…. Not had any bother with it since although its visibly bent now 😀

    Full Member

    am at the 6 week point tomorrow. ripped the head tube off my frame and there wasn’t much riding that one out…
    been getting better every day, compared to the last one, other side ( which incidentally was a post pub, cycle path incident ), which was very painful. checkup/xrays in a couple of days, and really feel good enough to get out on the bike now, but want to get the ‘nod’ first.
    hit the booze – seems to help 😀
    unless they expressly tell you to, don’t keep it in the sling all the time, keep moving your arm about carefully, otherwise elbow and shoulder will tend to seaze up, and your ‘pit will ming too.
    exercise is still good for you. don’t sit on your arse. try and get out for a walk every day if you can at least.
    ask lots of questions, get as much contact as you can with physio – underline to them that riding is everything and you want to get fit again asap, and you’ll likely find they’re very willing to help you out.
    the really painful stuff should go away after the first week, and listen to your body. sharp pain means ‘no’, anything else is ‘maybe’.
    good luck. you’ll mend.
    oh – and a plate isn’t necessarily that good an idea. the collar bone breaks and saves damaging the shoulder or neck/back more severely in many cases, i’m told. one operation, maybe two operations if you decide to get it taken out…

    Free Member

    Broke mine 6 years ago, was told it had healed after 6 weeks but it hadn’t. Discomfort for 4 more years but carried on riding. Then had operation and had metal plate fitted. 6 weeks later told that it was successful, but really wasn’t. 2 years later the ti screws snapped and plate moved due to the bones not fusing beneath and creating a little ‘play’. Now had second plate fitted (the XL version) and had to use ‘bone healing machine’ (Exogen). Seems to be ok now, but took @6 years to sort out.

    The only advice i can give is if anything feels or looks wrong after being given the all clear, get it checked. Oh, and leave the metal plate in because when you sit on the bike it gets a Ti upgrade ;0)

    Free Member

    Oh yes, severely displaced and almost compound, 2 ops, one to have plate and hook fitted, and one to remove. 6 months of pain, all fine now though. Assume you been A&E? Or just go private, worth the £s if biking is that important to you. On the whole not a bad recovery, better than my fractured scaphoid.

    Free Member

    Did mine 2 years ago – whilst riding sober 😯 – not doing that again 😉

    After about a week got bored and started driving, after 4 weeks had run out of things to buy so started riding on the road – then got told I needed an op 😯

    The day of the op came, time for 1 more xray, then it was seen to be fixing itself, so no op!

    Good luck!

    Full Member

    Did mine for the 2nd time a few years back in the middle of Dalbeatie. Luckily there was some of the trailbuilders close by who drove me out to mates car who took me to A&E. I then had a few sessions with my sports physio who did loads of massage to help with the bruising and neck strain I incurred. Played squash at 6wks and back on the road bike @ 8 and mtb around 8-10wks. All very painful but had to be done 😉 6yrs on still get some aches `n pains due to the way the bone has healed/protrudes, esp from the car seatbelt on longish drives and camelback straps

    Free Member

    yep, dirt bike accident on a beach, had to pick up a 220lb bike and then ride home 6 miles, sent to hospital on train, loop round each shoulder. knot round the back, goodbye…………..

    Free Member

    Yup twice,

    Once on road whilst racing, and again same shoulder whilst riding home from a ride where a Mum in a puke waggon pulled out infront of me..

    Took 3 mths before I could properly rest on it, hold the bars and wigle up hill, but I got there, painkillers in hand, hahhaa

    Full Member

    Broke mine road racing at the start of July, a crash in the final sprint left me unconscious with that, wrecked wheels and a load of road rash.

    Just back from the A+E clinic this morning, where they said they don’t need to see me any more. Was a clean non-union break which is now on the way to recovering normally, just a matter of new bone forming. That had started at the last x-ray I had about a month ago and the ligaments (?) either side of the clavicle are pulling the broken bits back towards each other. I’ve got full movement and no pain but I can tell its not healed fully.

    Was back on the bike – just riding on the road to work and back – at the end of July and started a race last weekend for the first time (and got punted within 5 miles!)

    Was told to be off the bike for 6 months and reminded this morning that any impact I take with my hand will probably break it again. Easing my way back into road stuff at the moment (just as the season ends!) but not doing any mtb or bmx right now. Not sure when I’ll feel up to that.

    Free Member

    Absolutely get along to see Brian Simpson at the physic clinic, money very well spent. Get fitted for a cross brace to have some chance of correct bone alignment. While they can knit together just fine, theres plenty of people wandering around with non-symmetrical shoulders as a result.

    Biggest hassle for me is the large bump caused during the healing process hasn’t reshaped yet so carrying bags over the shoulder can be uncomfortable.

    Comfrey is also well regarded (despite some contention about possible side effects) to promote bone regeneration.

    Do your motion exercises as soon as possible / advised. Circular hanging swings and finger walks up the wall. And while a bit of a tipple will help you feel better … it does hinder the healing prices so moderation !

    And take your time … no point rushing it because subsequent breaks are ultimately a lot more difficult to correct !

    Free Member

    Broke mine in March (plus a few ribs and costochondoral separation)

    week 1 = constant discomfort and significant pain
    week 2 = discomfort but not so much pain (unless getting out of bed, or changing position)
    week 3 = pain starting to subside, but still very vulnerable, noticeable reduction in discomfort
    week 4 = little pain, slight discomfort
    week 5 = climbing in the Black Cullins in Skye 😀
    week 6 = check up xray revealed bones were no where near healed
    week 7/8/9 = rest 😳

    Free Member

    +1 for Brian

    -1 for when you get a shooting pain out of no where months later. Feels like someone ripping a scab of inside your shoulder and is infact just that… the scare tissue braking down…. Ouch!

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