Home Forums Bike Forum Anybody on here serviced their own Joplin post?

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  • Anybody on here serviced their own Joplin post?
  • sic_nick
    Full Member

    I have a couple of Joplin posts that I need to fix up but haven’t gotten round to until now and was wondering if anybody had found online stuff that they found particularly useful. I have one that refuses to go down and I’m unsure what is wrong with the other one.

    Free Member

    PDF instructions just mailed to you

    Free Member

    Ahh, not a euphemism then

    Full Member

    I got a kit off 2pure for a tenner and did mine. No idea if the new importers are selling them.

    Full Member

    Cheers Junkyard, I have the service instructions and I have the video off youtube to refer to but was wondering if there were any tips or tricks people could share from their own experience.

    Free Member

    the only issue I had was that putting the oil back in without any leaking was a pain and time consuming as there is only one way in for the oil and out for the air- some seeps away. I “overfilled” via trial and error to get it right as first time it had sag through not enough oil

    not very hard to do iirc the oil bit aside

    Free Member

    If you need to change the o ring at the lever end you need to make up a tool with two prongs (I think) 16mm apart to undo the part that holds that assembly in. I made mine by grinding down an old socket but someone on here recommended doing it with one of those flat hole borers for timber. I.e. grinding that down so it has two points 16mm apart.

    The biggest discovery I made was that if you take the red tube from a can of GT85 and push it into the nozzle of a plastic syringe you can squirt the oil back in carefully without spilling it all over the place and can get the post properly filled without air bubbles stopping it going in. Although the instructions state a specific volume of oil I found you just need to fill it right up until you can’t get any more in.

    Free Member

    Oil change is easy enough, you just need a syringe. (And shock pump) As already said, oil quantity is a bit trial & error. I was a bit gung-ho with mine as it’d been sat in a corner for months not working – I figured I couldn’t make it any worse – actually made it better.

    Full Member

    Cheers, that’s just the sort of help I was looking for, must get some syringes then…….

    Free Member

    as said a tool for total stripping is re biggest pain.
    As for putting oil back in, an avid bleed kit syringe threads into the shraeder valve. Just remove the valve core.
    Then you can easily and cleanly put oil in.

    Once you put a bit of oil in, activate the lever and the post to move it from one chamber to the next.
    I think it was 75ml oil for Joplin 4’s.

    Free Member

    Whatever you do, make sure you completely depressurise it. It’s amazing how far even just a few psi can spray oil.
    Keep depressing the lever to let all the air out.

    Free Member

    If you google about a bit, there’s a singletrack thread with good instructions – that’s what I used.

    Free Member

    I made one of the ‘2 prong ‘tools to get the steel head out using a wood drill bit but it’s not strong enough and just bends.

    Grinding down an old socket is an interesting idea to try.

    Free Member

    I serviced my old one twice I think – both times 2Pure sent me the stuff I needed for nothing! Excellent service. Unfortunately the post itself just became too much faff to keep running and I really wanted something with a remote so it was sold and a Reverb bought.

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