Do you have a lot of ink work yourself? To get into tattooing you’ll need find a good local studio..make friends with them..get a lot of work done (no kne trusts an un inked tattooist) and then hopefully get an apprentice postion for 2-3 years…as its such a sought after job, expect to be an unpaid dogs body or absolute minimum wage slave for at least 12-18 months as you will be doing no fee earning work so will basically be an overheadfor a tattoo business.
The other thing to bear in mind is that a good artist doea not alsways translate into a good tattoo artist as you need to learn how to work in 3d and look at the body below and the image will work or not work as the person moves…the best tats flow with the body, rather than a lot of stuff you see which is just plonked on
good luck not even think about trying home tattoing without years of experience as you fk somones skin for life
THIS^^^^^^ is probably this most sense posted on STW this week.