Home Forums Bike Forum Any sufferers of MS actively riding?

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  • Any sufferers of MS actively riding?
  • Miggs
    Free Member

    It might be something people are reluctant to talk about. But I’d like to know what level of activity people are maintaining on there bikes following a diagnosis.

    Free Member

    It might depend on what type of MS you have?? My life is surrounded with MS.. My gran had it for 50 years, my mother in law has it and one of my best mates wife has it. All have had very different symptoms. Cant help with bike riding bit but being very positive and having a strong battling will seems to be the best way to fight it. I spose just ride when you feel you have the energy.. and stay as fit, healthy and as active as you can. Good luck and remember theres a whole heap of people here who will offer no end of encouragement, moral support and words of mtfu etc…

    Full Member

    Firstly very sorry to hear your diagnosis.

    My wife was diagnosed with MS in 1989 she had always been a fit active person who ran & cycled. (Rubbish swimmer mind so Tri out of the question).

    She only went through a year or so of Relapse Remit MS then it became Secondary Progressive.
    Until 1999 you would be hard put to know on first meeting her that she was suffering with mobility issues, 1n 1995 we walked most of the Pembrokeshire costal path in very hot weather.

    Since 2008 she has hit a wall with many things shutting down, but she has always battled to keep doing stuff.
    I think the thing is to measure your efforts and don’t push yourself if you’re tired as that seems to be when things go wrong.
    As cloudnine says PMA helps, secondly email me if you want any more info as after living with & caring for someone with MS for 25 years I would like to think I can help a bit.

    Full Member

    I don’t know what sort of stage or type of MS a very good mate of mine has, but he cycles a hell of a lot. And kayaks and runs and climbs and swims. In fact, he’s become almost fitness obsessive since the diagnosis.

    If you want, I can see if he’d like to talk to you about it.

    Free Member

    My wife has had MS for over 10 years now and is sadly WC Bound (don’t panic MS affects everyone differently and she has been unlucky.) Best advice though is to stay as fit as possible and cycling is ideal for that. Balance can be an issue though.

    Also if you are an outdoors type person please investigate Lyme desease as it can mimic MS and if caught early enough is more treatable. When I say investigate I mean on the net, do not visit your GP as the NHS testing is laughable.

    My wife was diagnosed with Lyme and we tried antibiotics but to no avail.

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