Home Forums Bike Forum Any Single Speed soloists in the StrathPuffer 2009

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  • Any Single Speed soloists in the StrathPuffer 2009
  • epicyclo
    Full Member

    Any single speed riders doing the StrathPuffer as soloists in January?

    There will be prizes for a single speed class (soloists only).

    These will provided by the organisers of the Scottish Single Speed Championship, not by the organisers of the StrathPuffer, so if you are entered as a solo and planning to race it on a SS, it would be appreciated if you could let us know at sssc2008@hotmail.co.uk (NB it’s .co.uk, not .com).

    It’s not necessary to contact us, but helps us because we know how many prizes to find. Giving us this info is (rightly) a low priority for the StrathPuffer organisers.

    Full Member

    Prizes for solo single speeders at the StrathPuffer 2009:

    There will be a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd for the gentlemen, the same for ladies.

    Also some best in class to be decided on the day. There may or may not be some random stuff, depends what gets thrown into the pot by supporters.

    There will also be a £100 cash bonus if the first male or female solo also wins overall male or female solo (ie beats the gearies).

    Full Member

    I’ll be starting on a geared but have a feeling that’ll it have only one working gear at the end if that counts..

    Full Member

    Recognise the inevitable, single speed it now! Glory, and possibly vast wealth awaits you 😆

    Full Member

    Just a bit more info –

    If you’re racing SS Solo at the ‘Puffer 24 Hour this weekend and haven’t contacted me, make sure you tell the Big Kilted Spannerman at the Square Wheels tent, because he’s co-ordinating the prizes.

    (I’ll be too busy – I’ll be taking my bike for a long walk 🙂 )

    BTW weather is still tropically warm for here at around 0 – 2 degrees, so this looks like it’ll go down in history as the Hot ‘Puffer.

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