Home Forums Bike Forum Any Kaffenback owners here? – quick question?

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  • Any Kaffenback owners here? – quick question?
  • ski
    Free Member

    To commute to work, I have just replaced my Pompino with a Kaffenback, I am running the Kaffenback with standard road gears and cantilever brakes.

    Noticed though if you turn sharply the front brake cable catches on the gear cable, forcing the brakes to pull, with comedy effect 😉

    Sorry the pic is not that clear(camera phone):

    I used Dia Comp 287 levers with V’s on my Pomp which worked really well, but using sti levers on the Kaff, my choice seems to be to use some mini-v’s or standard v’s with a travel agent.

    Just wondering if this option would get over the problem?

    How do travel agents perform?

    & before someone says the obvious, turning less sharp is not an option.

    Free Member

    Longer gear cable? Or is that too obvious?

    Free Member

    Thought about taking the cable adjusters off, to see if that helped druidh, but the gear cable are under so much tension, that I don’t think it would make any difference.

    Full Member

    Cables need to be replaced with longer versions

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