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  • Another very lucky biker!
  • onewheelgood
    Full Member

    I’ve been a biker since 1977, and I agree with his own assessment that he’s an idiot. It’s just incompetence – in the longer version you can see that he’s been riding badly for 3 minutes before the crash. He wasn’t going too fast to get round (although he may have been over the speed limit), just riding some pretty poor lines.
    Can’t understand weeksy et al who defend him – what if it had been a cyclist coming the other way? – there wouldn’t have been much left. Unfortunately the standard driving/riding test does not cover this kind of stuff – it ought to.

    Free Member

    They ought to open it up in a nurburgring style, say every first Sunday of the summer months, 5am till 8am. Have some organ donation vans at the ready. Those who can ride will be ok, those who think they can ride will maybe be helping others out without endangering anyone else. 😐

    Full Member

    Wrightyson I can’t decide whether that is glib and callous or a stroke of genius.

    Free Member

    Daftest thing (other than riding beyond his limit) he did was post it up for all to see.

    Youthfull exuberance got the better of him. Been there, done that, but age and common sense appears to have kicked in over the years.

    Watching the full video I’d be surprised if he was travelling faster than the posted limit, and that particular corner can be taken a lot faster than that without any trouble.

    Free Member


    if he wants to ride like that, do it on a track.

    Full Member

    If he’d have stayed behind the first rider he’d have been fine – excellent line and controlled speed… He’d could have learnt a lot from him.

    I thought exactly that, rider in front was clearly faster than cam-man as a consequence of being smooth and positioning (i.e. riding better). He slows down approaching the rider in front and matey obviously thinks ‘here’s my chance’. there were a couple of points earlier on where I thought he was going to undertake him.

    The bend is a bugger as it tightens up, but he clearly didn’t know the road well enough to be aware of that and adjust speed accordingly (which his lack of ability makes necessary).

    Ultimately he’s chancing it, whether he realised it or not and is lucky he didn’t pay a higher price.

    TL;DR: Idiot

    Free Member

    I have witnessed absolutely crazy maneuvers such as overtaking on blind corners and wonder what goes through someone’s mind to do such a daft thing.

    iolo – Do you ride a bike? Just curious. The only reason I ask is that what can be perveived as dangerous or crazy by a non biker can be perfectly safe for an experienced biker on a very fast machine. I’m not saying that this applies in the cases that you mention, just it’s a common misconception.

    Full Member

    None of you overtake on Double whites ?

    Yep, then a police car came round the corner. They did a u-turn, pulled me over, made me watch the video of my driving, told me I was an idiot and issued me with points and a fine. 😳

    Not done it again since.

    Free Member

    It’s also a common misconception for bikers to imagine they can do do stuff that appears reckless safely.

    Full Member

    This video was on our local BBC news last night. The Cheshire police are investigating.

    The Cat and Fiddle road is part of one of Macclesfield Forest mtb loops. Over the years we’ve changed our route to avoid what is a dangerous place for any cyclist to be. The Leek – Buxton Road also very dangerous in that area.

    Free Member

    It’s also a common misconception for bikers to imagine they can do do stuff that appears reckless safely.

    Not that common, most only do it once! 😯

    Free Member

    Stereo typing people due to their choice of transport isn’t very helpful either.

    Motorcyclists/bikers/whatever receive bad press due to the actions of the minority. I can think of another group of lawless, wreckless two wheeled terrorists that receive bad press, and they don’t even pay road tax!!”!11 😉

    Full Member

    I with the majority here in saying the biker is a turnip!

    Yes we’ve all made the odd misjudgement or mistake on a corner. But I’m talking about drifting a bit too close to the middle of road or making a mid corner correction. Not being on completely the wrong side of the road.

    I don’t think it is ever acceptable to go round a corner and get it that wrong on a public road. When there are other people using the road too you have to keep it within the lines at the very least.

    Full Member

    His road position is totally wrong for a tightening bend.

    He obviously isn’t very experienced (or skilled).

    Free Member

    cbmotorsport – Member

    iolo – Do you ride a bike? Just curious. The only reason I ask is that what can be perveived as dangerous or crazy by a non biker can be perfectly safe for an experienced biker on a very fast machine. I’m not saying that this applies in the cases that you mention, just it’s a common misconception.

    I have a bike license. Owned a CBR600F for 5 years. I’ll be honest I didn’t ride it as much as I should have. I still think these manouvers are bloody stupid.
    My neighbour in Vienna is keeping his Ducati 1098 Panigale in my garage and has said I can take it out. I haven’t taken him up on his offer yet.

    Free Member

    I have a bike license. Owned a CBR600F for 5 years. I’ll be honest I didn’t ride it as much as I should have. I still think these manouvers are bloody stupid.
    My neighbour in Vienna is keeping his Ducati 1098 Panigale in my garage and has said I can take it out. I haven’t taken him up on his offer yet.

    Fair enough.


    Free Member

    I will when I get back to Vienna. I’m in Snowdonia now.

    Full Member

    Yep, then a police car came round the corner. They did a u-turn, pulled me over, made me watch the video of my driving, told me I was an idiot and issued me with points and a fine

    I had a guy in a camper right on my tail once driving through an area of double white lines, really pressing on my bumper trying I’m guessing to make the Newhaven Ferry. As I use my mirrors I was aware that the car behind him was a police car. I don’t think he’d thought to use his, he went sailing past me to be followed by the police car when safe. I saw him stopped a short way up the road – I guess he didn’t get his ferry and there’s only one a day. Made me smile.

    Free Member

    I have been riding for 25 years, and have yet to meet a biker who didn’t make a fool of himself at some stage. Car drivers are absolutely no different either. Now I’m not defending him, as his riding clearly left a fair bit to be desired, but I’m also pretty sure I saw a young lad who was smart enough to know he had royally messed up, and was attempting to warn others away from the same mistake.
    Unfortunately, I now don’t ride with other bikers, unless I know they are not going to ride like a ****. Highland roads are virtually empty which usually encourages somewhat excessive speeds, and like similar areas the death toll rockets here in the summer.
    Im guessing that the police aren’t investigating this video, more a case of yes we know about it, he has been “dealt with” and next!!!

    Free Member

    He doesnt have the talent to ride a big bike. Do you think he’ll consider that or just think ‘living on the edge’ in a few months?

    Free Member

    I’ve had to deal with families of dead bikers, and car drivers who have been screwed up by being hit by bikers pulling stunts like this and dying.

    Selfish and stupid. But plenty of selfish and stupid behaviour by car drivers too.

    Free Member

    ‘I’d ride a bike around a track. Anyone with a family who rides on roads like this doesnt care about their families feelings.

    Free Member

    He clearly, and deliberately, crosses the double lines overtaking at the beginning.

    Although while illegal that looked safe enough.

    No argument on the guy being an idiot though. Having said that I was following a police rider (during a rider awareness course) who misjudged a corner and did something very similar (the police rider was also consistently speeding, tending to sit at 80mph or so in 60mph limits). He was a considerably better rider though, so managed to lean the bike way over and recover to his own side of the road and miss the oncoming vehicle. From where I was watching I thought he was dead and I’d have to be explaining to his colleagues what happened!

    Full Member

    I’ve had to deal with families of dead bikers, and car drivers who have been screwed up by being hit by bikers pulling stunts like this and dying.

    Cycling club mate had retired, and the following went out for his first mid-week ride with a friend. Got hit by a biker who had crossed the double whites. Both he and biker killed. So unnecessary. Long Hill (also near Buxton) for those who know it.


    WTF has this got to do with riding a bike on the public highway. Keep it to the track and show some respect.

    Full Member

    I ride a bike on track, in fact I did it all day on Saturday, so did Mrs Weeksy, we have a gsxr750 k7 track bike.

    I also ride on the road.

    Iolo, don’t ride the Panic, they are not normal bikes, they are an assault on the senses and truely brutal. They power harder than your brain can actually register.

    Free Member

    a dangerous road – yes
    a prick on a bike – yes

    no on e has mentioned that the road is now a 50 mph limit enforced by rear facing cameras to catch all speeders inc motorbikes

    I cant see how he couldnt have made it around that bend IF he was going under 50

    Full Member

    There’s a reason I no longer road ride on the Cat & Fiddle on summer weekends and its entirely due to bellend motorcyclists like that.

    Had that car been 1m further forwards, or had it been a peloton of cyclists, the motorcyclist would have been straight into them. Car – well he’d probably be dead and there’s a good chance the driver would have ended up injured or dead too.
    Bunch of cyclists – doesn’t bear thinking about, it’d be similar to that horrific incident in North Wales a few years ago.

    Free Member

    He made the corner so much harder for himself by dropping back in to the left instead of sticking to the right of the road. If he had done this then he might have given himself so much more road to play with.

    So glad it ended like that as not only was this going to happen sooner or later, but he’s scouting around left handers,inside line.. not knowing if there’s cyclists. No room for error.

    As someone once said to me after noticing that I wasn’t positioned right on the road on the motorbike (having ridden so much closer to the inside on pushbikes most of my life) ‘use the whole road, you pay to use it so (*&)%^£$£$”! USE IT!’

    Full Member

    Yep. He should have stayed out wide right on the approach to that corner – ignoring the double whites if necessary.

    Free Member

    scotroutes – Member
    Yep. He should have stayed out wide right on the approach to that corner – ignoring the double whitesSlowing Down if necessary.

    If you need to cross the double whites to safely ride round a corner then your doing it wrong.

    Full Member

    Simple rule is can you stop in the distance you can see. He compounded the error by being on the inside and reducing his view.

    Full Member

    ^^^^ that. A rule that I would hazard a guess half the country’s drivers and motor bike riders do not even think about let alone obey and dare I say it probably applies to a similar proportion of cyclists too.

    I am hoping the local constabulary follows this up. He was split seconds from causing a probable multiple fatality.

    Free Member

    Don’t understand why people keep mentioning race tracks. Riding on a race track and riding on the road are two skillsets with basically no overlap at all, beyond the rudiments of a bike’s controls.

    Maybe not realising that is part of the problem for guys like this.

    (Seen blood riders on a mission a few times. For the handful of seconds you get to observe them applying the system it’s a privilege, there, past, gone – was he ever really here…?)

    Free Member

    My simple rule (I just remembered, I told this to a 13 year old who used to come mtbing with us when I took him out in my Honda Aerodeck 🙂 )
    is, when on back roads/windy roads, ALWAYS expect there to be something coming the other way.
    Would’ve worked for numpty in the video.

    Free Member

    Simple rule is can you stop in the distance you can see

    Half the distance you can see.

    Full Member

    klumpy – Member

    Don’t understand why people keep mentioning race tracks. Riding on a race track and riding on the road are two skillsets with basically no overlap at all, beyond the rudiments of a bike’s controls.

    What in the name of jeezus are you on about here?

    Free Member

    Well i cant remember the last time i was at a track and they had vehicles traveling the other way for a start.

    Full Member

    trail_rat – Member

    Well i cant remember the last time i was at a track and they had vehicles traveling the other way for a start.

    That doesn’t mean that riding on track requires different skills, hand action, viewing, etc… it’s the same thing, just a different environment.

    Free Member

    So your telling me you hold onto your own side of the track , you go round corners on the track expecting vehicles to be coming towards you , potholes , debris etc etc, its a different mentality- being able to switch between the two is a skill but too many folk treat the road as if it was a track . Had your man there in the video been on a track he would have ridden out of that no bother. – wrong lines but the tracks alot more forgiving.

    Even the tt riders agree that road racing is mental and is entirely different to track riding…..and thats closed road.

    Free Member

    Iolo, don’t ride the Panic, they are not normal bikes, they are an assault on the senses and truely brutal. They power harder than your brain can actually register.


    They only power as hard as you let them with your right hand. Ride it, just don’t go mental.

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