Was just finishing a ride today dropping down over Stanage Edge about to drop onto the slabbed 'switchback'* when I was stopped by no less than a Peak Park Ranger telling me this was a footpath and I couldn't ride my bike there
On saying it was a bridleway, I was told that to 'his knowledge' it is a footpath and that there is a bridleway** further along the edge (northwards) that I could use
On asking where the bridleway which goes through the plantation/woodland actually drops from the edge I was asked what evidence I had as to the existance of another bridleway. I said it was on OS maps
'Luckily' he got his 1:25k map out and I clearly pointed out the bridlway I was on after checking to see what long green dashes are in the maps key, he agreed it was a bridleway
Okay so fair enough, but there are no footpaths near the point I was stopped, only the bridleway and the 'other bridleway'**, so how does to 'his knowledge' (and the walker who (repeatedly?) shouted its a footpath in that other thread earlier in the week) get the idea its a footpath from? Has it (relatively) recently been 'upgraded'?
*okay so its a sweeping corner, but you know where I mean. Ie just before here:
**Long causeway actually marked as an 'other route'