Home Forums Bike Forum (Another) Stanage Edge 'This is a footpath' thread – Peak Park Ranger Content

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  • (Another) Stanage Edge 'This is a footpath' thread – Peak Park Ranger Content
  • james
    Free Member

    Was just finishing a ride today dropping down over Stanage Edge about to drop onto the slabbed 'switchback'* when I was stopped by no less than a Peak Park Ranger telling me this was a footpath and I couldn't ride my bike there
    On saying it was a bridleway, I was told that to 'his knowledge' it is a footpath and that there is a bridleway** further along the edge (northwards) that I could use
    On asking where the bridleway which goes through the plantation/woodland actually drops from the edge I was asked what evidence I had as to the existance of another bridleway. I said it was on OS maps
    'Luckily' he got his 1:25k map out and I clearly pointed out the bridlway I was on after checking to see what long green dashes are in the maps key, he agreed it was a bridleway

    Okay so fair enough, but there are no footpaths near the point I was stopped, only the bridleway and the 'other bridleway'**, so how does to 'his knowledge' (and the walker who (repeatedly?) shouted its a footpath in that other thread earlier in the week) get the idea its a footpath from? Has it (relatively) recently been 'upgraded'?

    *okay so its a sweeping corner, but you know where I mean. Ie just before here:

    **Long causeway actually marked as an 'other route'

    Free Member

    Good to see that peak park rangers are so familiar with OS maps that they need to check the key…

    Full Member

    Report him – shite performance from a Ranger. He should know better.

    Its about time we had some helmet cam footage of these sort of confrontations 😀

    Free Member

    Actually, there ARE no rangers – they're just made up to frighten the gullible. It was either that bloke off Trigger Happy TV or a delusional fantasy.

    So, if you see someone claiming to be one, say "You are Avid Merion" and try to rip off the unrealistic facemask…

    Free Member

    Find the definitive map for the area (OS maps are not legal it is) and get a copy, there will possibly be history on the changes to it (there is for me west berks) – http://www.westberks.gov.uk/index.aspx?articleid=1286 . Google Rights of way <your county> etc.

    Must admit that I agree a complaint is required, ingorance of people in positions of authority is worth nipping in the bud.

    Free Member

    Good to see that peak park rangers are so familiar with OS maps that they need to check the key…

    I wish that surprised me but sadly it doesn't.

    The path in question has been a BW as long as I've known it. There's another one on the map but I don't think it's there on the ground.

    Free Member

    We were stopped once riding up the Roman road from Hope up towards Hope Cross by a ranger, who told us we were on a footpath & had to turn around instantly-we laughed at him, pointed out the error of his ways on a map & rode on. Would't take him too seriously!

    Free Member

    seriously, these people have to get a grip, what is the problem with people riding bicycles? tell them to go whistle!

    Full Member

    I pretty certain the trail in question is an old pack-horse trail so will have a long history of use by horses and unquestionably a BW.

    Its sad that the rangers have such poor knowledge.

    Free Member

    MTB'ers have a bad reputation in the Peak because of people like you riding far too fast down that bridleway through the plantation.

    Free Member

    We had a run in with a number of rangers at Flouch a couple of years back – the 'new' bridleway was in, but no signs for the 'diversion', and so unknowingly a group of us rode along the footpath.
    OK, we were in the wrong, but two of us ended up being surrounded by 4 or 5 irate 'rangers' who though that we should know a muddy line in a field 50m from where the 'real' path was was the new bridleway. They also could not understand that actually moving the entrance to the far side of the car park, where you could not see the new (small) signs was not actually that helpful.
    Happy to say that PDNP were quick to respond regards signing and having a word with their volunteers about how to deal with such situations.

    Free Member

    Do they flash ID at you by the way these Rangers? (serious question)!

    Free Member

    Do they flash ID at you by the way these Rangers?

    Perhaps I should make myself a "chief ranger" ID to outrank them ?

    Free Member

    simonfbarnes – Member

    Do they flash ID at you by the way these Rangers?

    Perhaps I should make myself a "chief ranger" ID to outrank them ?

    Sew some of these on?? 🙂

    Free Member


    Free Member

    "people like you riding far too fast down that bridleway"
    I'm sorry, have I met you?
    I was stopped just before the 180deg. corner, dropping into it, so probably the slowest section of the whole bridleway btw
    How do you* define 'too fast'?
    *you personally and in general?

    "Do they flash ID at you by the way these Rangers? (serious question)! "
    No, but they had it on their jumper, so I assumed so ..

    Free Member

    "people like you riding far too fast down that bridleway"

    Sir, other people may be riding too fast but they are nothing like me.

    Free Member

    James – funnily enough I've had the same experience on that very bridleway. I was stopped by an irate ranger at the bottom. The muppet was in fact stood in front of the wooden post that said bridleway on it ! which I pointed out, obviously. Laughable standard of knowledge.

    Nice photo by the way, funny how much steeper that roll in looks from the bike!

    Free Member

    You do all know the Peak Rangers all live down here dont you? >>>

    Free Member

    is that redmires upper before it was emptied? great photo

    Free Member

    ladybower – seen from the earth-bank dam

    Full Member

    no, it's one of the "plugholes" on Ladybower. Right next to the dam.

    Free Member

    Full Member

    higgo – that is a lovely piccyture!

    I've been wondering where would be best to set up a video cam to get people and you've just recce'd for me



    Free Member

    Nice bit of track

    but DEFINATELY a mid-week jobber. get nothing but trouble anywhere near stanage on the weekend. Frankly if you have the whole of the peak district to choose from… why choose to go riding where EVERY walker is guaranteed to be on a sunny weekend?

    Free Member

    Is it me that finds those holes to be almost mythical terrifying death holes? Imagine falling in!?

    Free Member

    I've ridden this path evenings and weekends and no-one's ever tried to stop me. Mind you, if there are any walkers I'm liable to stop and wait for them – mostly because I need a clear run to have any chance of doing the tricky bits and an audience isn't what I want!

    Free Member

    coffeeking – Member

    Is it me that finds those holes to be almost mythical terrifying death holes? Imagine falling in!?


    I thought that pic was a photoshop special, and googled ladybower plughole. I cannot believe they are real..

    Reminds me of this girl disappears down storm drain which is mega terrifying and so awesome that the Dad who's quick thinking saved her has proved he is so smart he should be doing Gordon's job.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I know a song that it pretty appropriate to this (pick a cockney tune of your choice and sing along:

    My baby 'as gone daan the plug 'ole
    My baby 'as gone daan the plug!
    The poor little thing
    Was so skinny and thin
    He should 'ave been washed in a jug.

    There are many more verses, but I think you get the idea 🙂

    Free Member

    my best mate's dad at school had the job of cleaning out those plug holes, bits of car, bodies and trees mostly

    Mr Muscle Sink and Drain unblocker didn't really cut it

    Full Member

    Them holes give me the willies too, I think they're the entrance to the underworld 😯

    Free Member

    i've been through both the Derwent and Howden Dams but i'm pretty sure there are not tunnels under the Ladybower due to it's construction. The ones through the other two are pretty cool.

    The hope valley's underworld is the Marshes estate in Hope

    They try to prevent the plug holes from being used these days as it makes it harder to control the flow rate of the river Derwent

    Did you also know that the drain which you cross coming down form the Roman road bridleway towards Rowlee (potato alley?) actuall feeds a tunnel that comes out above the Derwent dam near Fairholmes?

    Free Member

    is this the stanage just out of marsden ?

    Full Member

    No just near Sheffield.

    Free Member

    The one just out of Marsden is Standedge edge.

    Free Member

    I think they're the entrance to the underworld

    well, an underworld anyway 🙂 I wonder if it's possible to get into a chamber underneath, or is it just a plain culvert ?

    Free Member

    there's a cast iron grid at the bottom then a tube that comes out in the still pond in front of the dam

    there may be a valve at some point as well, the valves in the other 2 dams are HUGE and it takes hundreds of turns of the (manual) wheel to close them

    Full Member

    MMW – I knew that. It says so on the info panel at the outlet!

    I've always wanted to go through them though

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