The Foes Mixer is a linkage-driven single-pivot. Completely different! Designed by a highly respected engineer who was behind some important bikes of the past. Completely different!
I saw this on Vital and the brilliant responses from people like Steve @ Vorsprung. What an enormous pile of marketing bullshit! I hadn’t seen it since the astroturfing began…
The suspension design is truly awful – and amazingly they’ve put a graph of how bad it is on their website. It’s regressive from 2 to over 2.7, so 35% regression. I presume they didn’t understand what the software was telling them and thought that because the graph was going up that it was progressive! 35% progression is a lot, like a Capra or something, would be good for gnarly riding, needs a big volume air shock or a coil. But this is the opposite – needs a tiny volume shock that ramps up like crazy but it’ll still be rubbish on small bumps, soggy in the middle, and bottom out too easily.
If they want to design a decent single-pivot they should copy a recent Orange or a Starling – they’ve arranged the main pivot and shock to achieve almost totally linear leverage. The only way to get some progression is to stick one end of the shock through the lower half of the downtube, like on the 324 – that’ll get you about 10% progression.
It really is like “Sick 2 – the halfwits return and now they’re in a bigger country…”