Blimey £1.7m to £600k in one sentence.
I’m not a zealot – Charlie put a reasonable case why me might not want to consider Human Costs in this calculation. I listened.
Because just becasue one individual doesn’t produce the output, does not mean that it does not get produced
True, but it is related to consumption as well – the full definition in the TAG document says that it is “calculated as the present value of the expected loss of earnings plus any non-wage payments (national insurance contributions, etc.) paid by the employer. This includes the present value of consumption of goods and services that is lost as a result of injury accidents.”
You can argue that someone else will do the job – though as much of our economy is built on an expanding population I’m not sure that it is quite that clear cut – but it is definitely one less person consuming at the level the poor sod was before he was juice on the tarmac.