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  • An example of how racism is often down to being stupid.
  • MrWoppit
    Free Member

    I just heard my (Equadorian) holiday cover staff member say “I’m not racist, because I’m not white, but…” 😯

    He then followed that with a story that differentiated behaviours between two people on the grounds that one is white and the other, black. 🙄

    Boy, have we still got a long way to go. 🙁

    Free Member

    Some of the most racist people I’ve met have been coloured,
    People can be racist/stupid/nasty no matter where they’re from and what colour they are..

    Full Member

    So he doesn’t believe in equalidy?

    Free Member

    khani – Member
    Some of the most racist people I’ve met have been coloured,
    People can be racist/stupid/nasty no matter where they’re from and what colour they are..

    Not the point.

    Free Member

    You posted that a coloured person said something racist, What is the point then?

    Free Member


    You bunch of dirty racists.

    Free Member

    I predict that this won’t end well.
    There are stupid people and less stupid people (un)fortunately race doesn’t discriminate.

    Free Member

    There are stupid people and less stupid people (un)fortunately race doesn’t discriminate.

    I think the main problem is some believe this not to be the case…

    Full Member

    The one thing all the racists I’ve met, with one notable exception, had in common was how profoundly thick they all were

    The one who wasn’t as dense as tree, and who backed up his rhetoric with ancient history and quoting from alsorts of sources? Now he was scary!! 😯

    Free Member

    He then followed that with a story that differentiated behaviours between two people on the grounds that one is white and the other, black.

    That wouldn’t automatically or necessarily be racist. You’ve fallen into the PC trap. 🙄

    Free Member

    Yeah that ‘Politically Confused’ trap. It gets em all.

    Free Member

    The most racist person I’ve ever met is from Ukraine. He votes BNP, detests anyone with a vaguely coloured skin, is a holocaust denier and best of all, went running to the police complaining of racism (someone told him to F off back to Poland) and had a whole shift’s worth of staff pulled in to the station! What a bell-end.

    Free Member

    ^^^ have you suggested he **** off home then to help the racial situation here??

    What is the point then?

    Who knows with Whoppit but i am on th eedge of my seat waiting

    Highest odds go for something religious lowest odds for something important

    Binners FWIW I find the racists i have known to be thick , ignorant or blaming someone for something that is not their fault. The EDL make me chuckle as if engerland culture is not mish mash of imported foreign muck from the language to christmas.
    FFS the name comes from the german tribe that settled here. Muppets

    Free Member

    They just don’t get the ‘English are German’ comment do they the thickoes.

    Free Member

    But to the OP, surely people of different races, and therefore presumably cultures, may well exhibit

    differentiated behaviours

    Surely nothing unusual or ‘racist’ there ?

    Free Member

    But to the OP, surely people of dofferent races, and therefore presumably cultures, may well exhibit

    >>differentiated behaviours

    Surely nothing unusual or ‘racist’ there ?
    Nee Naw, it’s the Quote police!

    differentiated behaviours on the grounds that one is white and the other, black

    That’s the colour of their skin, not their background or culture.

    Free Member

    Who knows with Whoppit but i am on th eedge of my seat waiting

    Highest odds go for something religious lowest odds for something important


    Free Member

    Yeah, I took it to mean simply that they were of differing ethnicity, (covering a broad spectrum, as it were …) as if that was somehow ‘inadmissible evidence’regarding explaining their behaviour. Whatever.

    Free Member


    I agree! Don’t take me seriously for a second 🙂

    Free Member

    Just often? Seems like it’s usually an inability to separate an individual from their perceived group/tribe (we are tribal beings).

    It’s a basic human trait to look down upon and be suspicious of people who you perceive as different and requires a level of intelligence to put the primal instinct to one side and to think rationally.

    That’s my opinion anyway.

    Free Member

    Racism is always down to stupidity isn’t it?

    Free Member

    Racism is always down to stupidity isn’t it?

    In my humble opinion yes, yes it is.

    Free Member

    Racism is always down to stupidity isn’t it?

    That and/or plain ignorance

    Free Member

    It could be argued that racism can also be attributable to experience.

    For example, if someone has only ever been mugged by Indians than that person would be understandably hostile towards Indians due to past experience. That is not to say it is any more acceptable, just a different viewpoint.

    Full Member

    Racism is always down to stupidity isn’t it?

    I wouldn’t always say it’s due to stupidity, sometimes it’s due to sheer malicious vindictiveness.

    Free Member

    I’ve met some incredibly intelligent people that are racist and some super stupid people that are racist. I don’t think you can say racism is down to ignorance or stupidty; in some cases it is but some people’s racism has an ideology or world view behind it.

    Free Member

    It could be argued that racism can also be attributable to experience.

    For example, if someone has only ever been mugged by Indians than that person would be understandably hostile towards Indians due to past experience. That is not to say it is any more acceptable, just a different viewpoint.

    I think this comment pretty much proves something.. 😀

    I’ve only ever been the victim of violent crime perpetrated by English people.. which makes life very difficult for all the dirty low life scum that I find myself constantly surrounded by..

    Free Member

    Or being mental. edit – mentally ill, is what I meant..

    Free Member

    So Mr Woppit’s equadorial work colleague thinks only white people can be racist…? That’s fairly stupid.

    I base this on this….

    I just heard my (Equadorian) holiday cover staff member say “I’m not racist, because I’m not white, but…”

    Free Member

    I’m not racist, because I’m not white

    maybe the colleague was just being satirical and ironic, and it’s Woppit what’s racist for assuming the person was being thick..

    Free Member

    Power plus discrimination equals racism, therefore only white people can be racist in this society.

    Utter bollocks obviously, but that’s the official Guardian/race relations industry line. It’s rife in social work and has it’s adherents amongst some probation staff and careerist street-dodging coppers.

    I’ve tried explaining to those who believe this that such views turn moderates into borderline racists and convince actual racists that they’ve been right all along, but it’s no use. They’re fully indoctrinated.

    Free Member

    I agree totally on this point,

    It could be argued that racism can also be attributable to experience.

    That’s all I’m going to say on the matter otherwise a banning will be in order I would of thought, and that it’s too negative a topic on this fine sunny day where we can all be coloured somewhat at the end of it.

    😳 🙄

    Free Member

    Is “The Dictator” racist? Lots of people seem to think so and Sacha Baron Cohen would at least be considered a gifted Oxbridge graduate, potentially bordering on being a genius.

    IMO I think a lot of intelligent people can be racist but I think the difference is that they often don’t entirely believe what they say. If you catch my drift.

    Free Member

    It could be argued that racism can also be attributable to experience.

    For example, if someone has only ever been mugged by Indians than that person would be understandably hostile towards Indians due to past experience. That is not to say it is any more acceptable, just a different viewpoint.

    I believe there’s research showing that negative experiences of someone from a different ethnicity tend to have a disproportionate impact on perceptions of that race, while positive experiences are largely forgotten.

    Power plus discrimination equals racism, therefore only white people can be racist in this society.

    Utter bollocks obviously, but that’s the official Guardian/race relations industry line. It’s rife in social work and has it’s adherents amongst some probation staff and careerist street-dodging coppers.

    I’ve tried explaining to those who believe this that such views turn moderates into borderline racists and convince actual racists that they’ve been right all along, but it’s no use. They’re fully indoctrinated.

    Clearly some people take it way too far but can you not see a tiny bit of truth to this argument? Obviously it’s way more complicated than that when you can have eg a black MP or Lord vs a poor white person on benefits. I think people on both sides are somewhat oversimplifying/missing this point too btw.

    Free Member

    Yes, I understand the theory…but, we have to deal with the realpolitik and that is that it does nothing to reduce racism. Indeed, I would argue that it stirs up significant resentment amongst people who arent racist and sows disharmony between races. As an academic theory it’s both valid and interesting, but does immense damage in practice. See the recent Rotherham pedophile ring case, I can well understand how that happened. If I was a local social worker I’d be worried about speaking out too, I’ve seen careers end over less.

    Free Member

    Or Rochdale or somewhere North of Oxford anyway 😉

    Free Member

    When the term ” racist” is used we all imagine a shaven headed tattooed foul mouthed white male carrying a flag of the cross of St George.
    Are the middle aged couple who want to move out of an area with high immigrant population racist?
    Or what about the school that i used to go to.99% Asian now.The people who don’t want their child to go there,are they racist?
    We just immediately castigate people for making decisions based on experience and put them in the politically correct box marked “racist”.
    We don’t bother to find out why or how these opinions are formed as truth and correctness will never be compatible.

    Free Member

    Like a lot of people, I quite like some the people from different cultural backgrounds that I have met on my travels. Do I want millions of them coming, uninvited, to live as my neighbours? That is another story.

    I recently was called for jury service. I sat on three cases. In all three cases both the plantiff and defendant were recent immigrants to our country. All of them were provided with both a translator and legal representation at the cost of the tax payer. One of the defendants had appeared in court thirteen times since he arrived from Latvia two years ago. Only one was gainfully employed, and therefore contributing to our economy.
    Many of these new arrivals come from places in the world where violent crime is almost considered normal. Would you like them living next door to you?
    Does holding these views make me an ignorant racist?

    Full Member

    Free Member

    An Australian idea on racism and migration..

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