Some of us humans apparently don’t get the massive time saver that is “leaving things in the designated place for the things to order to avoid losing the things”.
This is my partner. She hates mess. Fair enough, I can get behind this. But her solution is to randomly stuff things in the nearest available drawer or cupboard “for now” and then deny all knowledge that she’s done so. I’ve worn the same three tee-shirts on rotation for the last month because I’m ****ed if I know where the rest of them are.
Random example, we had a baby shower a few weeks ago for her heavily pregnant daughter. Part of the afternoon’s entertainment was a quiz which necessitated someone bringing a 50-pack of pens. The next day I found the remaining pens in the cutlery drawer with the teaspoons. Why? Why would you do this to me?! We have an actual dedicated stationery drawer (which contains pens, notepaper, sticky tape, drawing pins… and the bottom of her handbag, loose tissues, one disposable glove, junk mail, dog treats* and whatever else happened to be in the vicinity and wasn’t nailed down) not three metres away.
I get it, I do, she’s been ‘mum’ for most of her adult life, tidying up after a pair of scruffbags. I’m not always the neatest of people but generally if I leave something out it’s for a reason, usually to remind me that I need to do something with it. Before now I’ve got a glass out to get a drink, gone to get the pop out of the fridge and then got back to the counter to find the glass has disappeared. It drives me insane.
(* – we don’t have a dog)