Home Forums Bike Forum Alternatives to a 11-46 Sunrace Cassette

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  • Alternatives to a 11-46 Sunrace Cassette
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    Full Member

    Apologies for bringing this up. I can feel eyes rolling back, just like when someone asks about tyres, lol!

    I’m in the need for two new cassettes, I’m currently sharing a wheelset between my Solaris and Aeris AM9, now I have another wheelset to put on the hardtail.

    The cassette I have on the shared wheelset is just about worn out after about 5 years of abuse. Ideally I’d replace like for like, but now I need 2 cassettes and with xmas coming funds are short.

    Googling for similar options I’ve come across a tisoli cassette at Bikeparts UK  https://www.bikeparts.co.uk/products/tifosi-11x-hg-cassette-11-46 & a Microfsift cassette at BikeInn https://www.tradeinn.com/bikeinn/en/microshift-xle-cassette/140271075/p?utm_source=google_products&utm_medium=merchant&id_producte=140970248&country=uk&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiA0–6BhCBARIsADYqyL-iTk2zD415MK9GtsE-q1faV_zEeChT_YPls5biwW2bJ3ypvkoHWSUaAt3WEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds

    Both for less than half price the sunrace cassette.

    Anyone have any good experience with the two I’ve mentioned or any other I should consider?

    Thanks in advance!

    Free Member

    I probably have at least one Sunrace that’s no longer any use to me if you would consider SH? Happy to do photos, it’s on the turbo but no 11 speed drivetrain anymore..

    Full Member

    Microshift stuff is good, and lasts very well. I’ve got an 11spd 12-46 that’s on its 4th chain and approx 3000km so far.

    Free Member

    Confirmed I have two cassettes surplus, one black one silver. Pm me an email address if you want photos

    Full Member

    I’m pretty sure I’ve got a spare 11-46 too that has only done a few miles.

    Free Member

    Looks like you might not need it but for reference that particular Microshift cassette (XLE) is very heavy, 710g on my scales, if you care about that sort of thing.

    The Tifosi is listed at 560g though I haven’t actually weighed one of those.

    Full Member

    I’ve been more than happy with my Airbike cassette. It’s nice and cassette-y and works very well and isn’t too expensive for bikes with a hard life.

    545g for the 46t, though not sure they’ve got stock sadly.


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