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  • Almost shaking I am so angry
  • teasel
    Free Member

    Paedo-B-Gon gene therapy


    Don’t suppose you had a hand in naming Anusol, too…

    Free Member

    Horrific case and i would be happier with a much longer sentence so that no one ever is at risk of this again so life would fit the crime.
    some other comments

    Is there anything that kaesae can’t spin into conspiratorial nonsense??

    Is it conspiracy theories because they are all true?

    For those that are though: do you feel like you have some greater insight/understanding due to it[being a parent], or has it just made you a bit irrational?

    you cannot really explain it to someone who doe snot have kids – I know you have heard this before but you cant.
    your entire jobs as a parent is to protect your child , nurture it watch it row, love it unconditionally.

    The thought of this happening to your own child is so horrific that we either dont think about it or get upset to even contemplate it. Yes these stories have greater effect on me now I am a father than before.
    If someone did this to my child you would have one bleeding heart liberal in prison for murder.
    Its is undeniably primal, instinctive and perhaps even a base instinct but it is there…you protect your kids its what you do. It is obviously less subjective but I am not sure i would go as far as call it irrational

    Full Member

    Don’t suppose you had a hand in naming Anusol, too…

    I think perhaps you could have phrased that question a little better… (-:

    Free Member

    and how exactly do you know that?

    Well, this is an indicator;

    and society just wants them ‘safe’ rather than ‘better’

    We cannot make paedophiles “better”. It’s not a disease.

    so to say that *every* paedophile in the world, over all history has re-offended is blatant bollocks

    Nobody has said anything to that effect. Without turning this into a squabble, a paedophile is a paedophile whether they act on their urges or not. They don’t have to offend to be one.
    When you consider this; you realise that “safe” is all we can hope for. I applaud the actions of philconsequence and barnsletmitch for having the stomach to try and ensure this happens. Most of us couldn’t (me included).

    Free Member

    OP you could find out if the sentence is within guidelines, if nyes then try to change them through the democratic process etc.

    One could write lots. What saddens me is that some of the most vocal admit they only care because they have children. This is no basis on which to sentence scriminals.

    Further, the righteous tend to gather and knock anyone who’s not saying “string them up” etc. This stifles any thought or rational debate.

    Lastly, paedophiles have been victims and have had any chance of the normal functional lives we enjoy taken from them brutally in crimes like this. They are wired up wrong through no fault of their own. Of course they have to take responsibility for their actions, but killing them seems a pretty lazy, barbaric and inhumane response.

    Free Member

    Crankboy seems to think the punishment seems fair I’d say by the way the end of his post reads, I’d say being tortured over the remaining period of his life would still be to lenient.

    I would have no problem in killing someone who harmed my children like that.

    Full Member

    im all for barbarism and inhumanity then.

    Full Member

    Wikipedia articles… are notoriously inaccurate

    Yes, they are. But that’s a world away from actually being inaccurate.

    Free Member

    Lastly, paedophiles have been victims and have had any chance of the normal functional lives we enjoy taken from them brutally in crimes like this. They are wired up wrong through no fault of their own. Of course they have to take responsibility for their actions, but killing them…

    *they’ve normally been victims, not always, but definitely everyone i’ve worked with. similar to domestic abuse in that respect!

    If this girls grows up to be a sex offender and molests kids, should she be killed?

    EDIT – that question is for the ‘he deserves to be killed’ crowd. not you al! 🙂

    Free Member

    colud cut that blokes bollocks off with blunt rusty pinking shears and no anasthetic(then rub salt in )

    Free Member

    Further, the righteous tend to gather and knock anyone who’s not saying “string them up” etc. This stifles any thought or rational debate.

    I don’t think it’s a matter of knocking anyone for saying that, and I’m not saying that society wouldn’t be better of witout these people. I just think it’s a wholly unrealistic proposal, so kind of pointless bringing it up, beacuse it ain’t gonna happen. Not in Europe, not ever.

    I don’t see why it should stifle a debate of how to deal with offenders.

    Free Member

    al you make a good point but for many the primary goal here is to make sure it does not happen to our kids.

    Personally i find the crimes to be crimes against humanity…no one normal would do this kind of crime…without a cure[ not possible iirc] i dont want them out on the streets seriously who would do this ?
    How is this just 6 years..i would get more if i was starving to death and did an armed robbery of a shop with a knife.
    i would not go a s far as kill but 6 years us about 50 years to short IMHO

    Free Member

    Sharia law anyone?

    Full Member

    Ok, here’s a question for those of the opinion that he shouldn’t be allowed to live.

    The poor girl victim in this case grows up, and in an amount of time – let’s say, 20 years – hits the headlines. She’s arrested for child abuse, having savagely beaten and violently sexually assaulted a small child in her care.

    What’s her sentence? Castration? Lethal injection? Life imprisonment? Therapy and rehabilitation? Counselling? Brain surgery? Flogged and dragged through the streets?

    Knowing her history, should we still throw the book at her? What’s that say about us if we do? Now, how is that different to the current case?

    Free Member

    ton, your choice.

    How much thought have you put into your view?

    For the “just kill them all” crowd…if a child relative of yours was abused and so grew up to be a paedophile, would you happily see him executed as an adult because of it?

    EDIT Junky part of my point is that sentencing should an rational consistent…and not down surely to the victim…or those that love to get indignant in sympathising with her.

    Free Member

    lethal injection for anybody repeating my question 😉

    Full Member

    kind of pointless bringing it up, beacuse it ain’t gonna happen. Not in Europe, not ever.

    It’s good to discuss occasionally, if only to remind ourselves why that’s the case.

    Free Member

    I would have no problem in killing someone who harmed my children like that.

    I’m sure you’d be quite happy paying the price for this act too and can also understand why there is some serious vetting before juries are selected, only in the name of justice, like.

    Full Member

    What saddens me is that some of the most vocal admit they only care because they have children. This is no basis on which to sentence scriminals.

    Although I have a daughter the same age as the poor victim here, I still probably wouldn’t support the death penalty if I hadn’t seen how this kind of offender can ruin multiple people’s lives and pull families apart.

    Yes some paedophiles are victims, but many victims of paedophiles do not go on to offend (but still suffer their entire lives).

    It’s a utilitarian thing I think. Those who offend once are likely to do so again and in cases as serious as this the offender’s continued existence is not a risk worth taking.

    Free Member

    your entire jobs as a parent is to protect your child , nurture it watch it row

    So you’re responsible for our successful rowing teams! 😛 😉

    Free Member

    So your responsible for our successful rowing teams!

    Ironing alert!!! 😆
    EDIT: Stealth editing doesn’t work when quotes are used, you’re banged to rights, my son.

    Free Member

    Its so sad it happened for the child and her family.

    Questions need to be asked about why and how it was allowed to happen, the problem will be stopping it happening again in the family circle.

    Full Member

    Al…….yes i would mate.

    Full Member

    I’m wondering if the admission of guilt was part of the reason the sentence was so low? It sounds like he snapped and went out of control (exactly what the string em up merchants are doing?)

    Free Member

    Don Simon
    Yes just like in the movie, A time to kill.

    Free Member

    ton – easily said – your own son?

    Free Member

    I have a daughter.
    I don’t believe in killing.
    She knows this.

    I don’t see how killing someone for harming/killing her would in any way be respecting our relationship and the values I’ve tried to teach her.

    Free Member

    your entire jobs as a parent is to protect your child , nurture it watch it row
    So you’re responsible for our successful rowing teams!

    no you misunderstood me, they are training to be big hitters on here there is nothing they cannot have a row about it, nothing. 🙂

    Junky part of my point is that sentencing should an rational consistent…and not down surely to the victim…or those that love to get indignant in sympathising with her.

    you are right but I just do not see 6 years as any where near acceptable for this type of crime

    Free Member

    But druidh…you can’t really lover her then?

    EDIT 😉

    Free Member

    But druidh…you can’t really lover her then?

    How do you mean “lover” as a verb here al? 🙂

    Free Member

    Collect up all the chav dogs discussed elswhere and feed these kiddy fiddlers to them. Probably televise it on a Saturday evening, better than x factor.

    Free Member

    Cripes…add in RLJs and it’s a winner!

    Full Member

    I’m wondering if the admission of guilt was part of the reason the sentence was so low?

    It said as much in the BBC article IIRC; reduced from 8 years to 6 years.

    Free Member

    Anyone seen Brass Eye’s “Paedogeddon” episode?

    Free Member

    I can understand people talking about stringing him up, etc. – it is, undoubtedly, a horrific crime that creates, understandably, emotive responses from people. However, it’s all pointless, as we dont have the death penalty in this country. There really is no point just keeping saying it, it’s never going to happen. Hora – your comment about ‘he must have learning difficulties to do that’ is both misguided and insulting to anyone with or involved with people who have learning difficulties – my little lad has a learning disability, does that mean he’ll become a paedophile? Stop talking bollocks, please. And just to dissapoint folk even further, he wont be ‘welcomed to prison’, he’ll be segregated for his own protection. Yes, somebody will probably get to him at some stage, but I very much doubt that there’ll be a welcoming comittee. What’s the answer then? There really isnt one – we could certainly start by increasing funding for long stay specialised units, but I cant see that happening any time soon. Shit isnt it?

    Full Member

    ‘he must have learning difficulties to do that’ is both misguided and insulting to anyone with or involved with people who have learning difficulties – my little lad has a learning disability, does that mean he’ll become a paedophile?

    Surgeons must be very clever. Therefore, all clever people are surgeons?

    I agree with the rest of your post, but you’re twisting his words there, which is unfair.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I’ve got a young daughter and no inclination whatsoever to follow that link. If reading something like that makes you imagine similar things happening to your own family I can believe that you might become furiously angry. Surely it would be better to avoid similar stories in future?

    Free Member

    I agree with the rest of your post, but you’re twisting his words there, which is unfair.

    Well, seeing as that’s what he wrote, I’m not really am I? (edit) I realise that I’m probably being a little sensitive here, but it can be a hard enough life for people with learning disabilities without misguided comments like that.

    Free Member

    Stop talking bollocks, please.

    I don’t even have to read hora’s post (and I haven’t) to know that this is more than likely the right thing to say.

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