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  • All these protesting workers
  • kimbers
    Full Member


    random Xenephobia or genuine fear for jobs?

    as far as i can tell the job was awarded to the best company, should companies be forced to hire british even when it means going for 2nd best?

    Free Member

    Genuine fear I’d imagine. From an employers point of view employing foreign workers can only be a good thing. I suspect the would be British worker appreciates this too, adding to the fear.

    Free Member

    Hmm, wonder who sold off our natural resources…?

    Free Member

    I shouldn’t ask, but which natural resources?

    Free Member

    To me the fact that they have allegedly said that they would not employ British workers is wrong
    If they’d said they’re not taking any foreign workers – I can only imagine the uproar

    Free Member

    I’d be amazed if they said that publicly. Undoubtedly wrong, but you can see the reasoning.

    Free Member

    Total said there weren’t going to be “no direct redundancies,” Meaning those on short term contracts won’t have them renewed.

    Short term contracts, don’t you just love them? Bringing job security and stability to society. 🙄

    Free Member

    The strikes seem fair enough to me, why transport Italians over, when you have workers able and willing to do the job living in the same location as the work.

    Total was being stupid and didn’t give a shit about the workers, as they picked the cheapest option without thinking of the impact it would have. However with the strikes, I suspect it isn’t the cheapest option anymore.

    Free Member

    British jobs for British workers is great…..it is the thin end of the wedge. Think of it as the beginning of Protectionism, look at what Obama is doing with the american Steel legislation. Protectionism is a bad thing, it will make the recession a depression and look at your history books to see what could happen next. The last protectionist inspired depression was only really sorted out by 1945. I am not advocating that WW3 is on the way but politicians know that Protectionism will really mess things up so they can’t afford for this sort of thing to get a grip. It is really hard for British workers but think about it, if we shut the doors to foreign workers, we could equally see our expats sent home, our companies being refused for overseas contracts etc and as the vast majority of earnings from FTSE100 companies is derived from offshore markets then you will see how vulnerable we are….how every country is.

    As with all these things, it is not as straightforward as it seems. Sadly, it might be best to leave the status quo. I’m just glad I am not affected by it, oh yes and I feel for those guys too but as always, the “common man” is at the mercy of bigger politics.

    Free Member

    you wouldn’t see half of these construction workers for dust if they were all offered tidy contracts in Dubai for 6 months and a day…….

    Free Member

    I don’t think they need to publicly say they won’t employ Brits
    The fact that all 400 workers will be Italian or Portuguese pretty much shows that UK staff haven’t been considered

    Free Member

    maybe the UK staff aren’t as good and demand more? british workers often seem to have some pseudo-colonial opinion that they are the best at what they do.

    Sweden (i think it was) employs mostly Polish construction workers in a unionised industry. they are paid the same and given the same benefits by law. they are just better at their jobs and work harder.

    Hotels in this country were VASTLY inproved by the early influx of eastern european workers, they were gracious, helpful and polite. a few years down the line however, they have becom anglicised (sp) and are as swarthy, rude and down right light fingered as their British predecessors

    Free Member

    Maybe all companies should be allowed to employ only certain nationalities?

    Free Member

    How about you can only employ Europeans?


    Free Member

    Got to agree with MrMW. Plenty of industries shunning British workers for cheaper (and often better) foreign workers.

    Greed and complacency have not done them many favours.

    Free Member

    If they can get more cost effective or better labour then they are obviously going to use it. as mrmichaelwright said, you wouldn’t see them for dust if they were offered contracts somewhere warm and sandy. Why should Italians or Portuguese be any different? OK, it is neither warm nor sandy here but you get my drift!

    Free Member

    Protecting British jobs has nothing at all to do with xenophobia.

    And if a major employer such as Total can’t put British interests first, then they are of absolutely no good to us at all, and should be nationalised.

    Any subsequent contracting out should include strict contract compliance clauses requiring that wherever possible, British companies are used.

    And before anyone says it no, it’s not protectionism, it’s called common sense. We can still trade with the rest of the world, there’s just no need to take the p1ss.

    Free Member

    How about you can only employ Europeans?

    Only certain ones though – no Jews or blacks allowed

    Full Member

    Except that Total is a French company, and (is or was, I think) partly owned by the French govt. So why should they employ Brits more than Spaniards?

    Free Member

    And if a major employer such as Total can’t put British interests first, then they are of absolutely no good to us at all, and should be nationalised.

    They have a duty to their shareholders to get the best deal. Nationalisation wouldn’t necessarily help if they’re putting contracts out to tender, the jonnie foreigners would still win. Withdrawing from the EU would fix it, without nationalisation.

    Not suggesting that’s a good idea. Just saying…

    Free Member

    Funny how most Brits seem to be ok with foreign workers doing the cleaning and catering jobs, mind. Well, any job where the wages and conditions are p1ss-poor, really..

    Free Member

    No RB, I am fine with anyone doing those jobs.

    Free Member

    Only certain ones though – no Jews or blacks allowed

    Maybe I was too subtle. This has occurred because with EU membership you can’t discriminate between Europeans. Hence me stating the obvious, I’m not suggesting we should only employee Europeans, I’m pointing out we can only employee Europeans as it is.

    Free Member

    mr Elefant makes a good point

    it would be against corporate law for a corporation to put the needs of ‘it’s’ country before that of it’s share holders unless there was a demonstrable benefit to those shareholders.

    Free Member

    Except that Total is a French company, and (is or was, I think) partly owned by the French govt. So why should they employ Brits more than Spaniards?

    They shouldn’t
    But what they are saying is they’ll only employ Italians & Portuguese – that’s wrong – no matter how good anyone else they won’t get a job if they’re any other nationality
    Anyway it’s not Total it’s an Italian firm called IREM

    Free Member

    They have a duty to their shareholders to get the best deal.

    Of course they have. And that’s why they don’t necessarily put British interests first.

    And if they don’t, what good are they to us ?

    Free Member

    who really cares. We all drive foreign cars, eat foreign food, holiday abroad, drink foreign alchohol, wear foreign made clothes.
    We don’t like foreigners taking our jobs…. well you should have thought of that a while ago.

    Free Member

    And if they don’t, what good are they to us ?

    Us? Who is ‘us’?

    If you mean us Brits, as a nation I think we do OK.

    So you’re suggesting we withdraw from the EU and nationalise everything?

    We’d need some kind of glorious leader with a big bushy moustache (or very small one) to pull it off.

    Free Member

    Yes by “us” I mean the British.

    I’m not sure why the suggestion that Britain needs to be some sort of dictatorship to leave the EU 😕

    Full Member

    the oil industry is full of international workers
    including many brits who work all over the world for companies like BP, BG and hundreds of other smaller companies
    Certainly Africa has many refinery and drill sites with workers from roughnecks up to the directors almost entirely english or non-local, the only thing we give the local economy is the regional governor some fat kickbacks and 24/7 burning of excess gas and regular oil spills

    a global economy cuts both ways i suppose

    Free Member

    I guess I just associate nationalisation with dictatorships. Of course we don’t need nationalisation if we leave the EU. But that’s not any more likely than a moustached dictator.

    I think the concept of ‘us’ as British is as meaningful as ‘us’ as west-country boys. We’re European now… although, like most people, I don’t think those protesters have grasped that yet.

    Free Member

    We’d need some kind of glorious leader with a big bushy moustache (or very small one) to pull it off.

    I could grow a moustache!

    And I’m used to pulling things off!

    Free Member

    Your politics appear to be perfect too.

    Free Member

    I guess I just associate nationalisation with dictatorships

    LOL ! So Harold Macmillan (AKA the council house builder) and Ted Heath were ‘dictators’ then ❓ ❗

    You’re on form today mate – your hilarious posts are cracking me up !

    Free Member

    LOL ! So Harold Macmillan (AKA the council house builder) and Ted Heath were ‘dictators’ then

    Did they have moustaches?

    Free Member

    Laboour governments always end the same way dont they?

    Free Member

    Macmillan did.

    Mmm, now I’m starting to see that perhaps…….

    Full Member

    Whats the difference between the ‘Total’ fiasco, and a london company deciding to contract a job out to a manchester based company? (who bring in their own employees) Its the same thing, but on a different scale.

    Us brits need to get used to the idea of Europe. We are part of it, we’ve agreed to be bound by its laws, why the suprise??!

    If british employees could do the job as well as the italian company, then they should have been used. I’m guessing they couldn’t so they lost out.

    Free Member

    Are Italian employees cheaper though? Being European is all very funky if all Europeans are the same, but how much does it cost an Italian company in tax/corporation tax/ni etc vs a British one?

    You’d have to assume less, unless British labour is inferior.

    Full Member

    I very much doubt they’ve brought an italian company in to do work that will cost more…. unless the work is significantly better quality (but we’ve all driven italian cars..!)

    They’ll do the same work for less money, or more probably less work for less money. Either way its irrelevant, the bid from the italian company was obviously more favourable. Thats all that matters really. Who are we to tell Total what to do? It is a free country after all….

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