All frontline NHS t...

[Closed] All frontline NHS to be double jabbed to keep a job

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So, Austria have taken this a step further


Posted : 14/11/2021 4:00 pm
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So, Austria have taken this a step further

Those of us that are worried about the way forced vaccination is being dealt with from sacking 100,00 NHS workers, to only the vaxxed being allowed to leave ther houses in Austria are labelled nutters

Posted : 14/11/2021 4:20 pm
Online  Drac
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having to isolate if you test positive?

That they don’t test in case they are positive because their colleagues and patients will have to isolate. Like I said they’re rules in place so they won’t need to isolate

Point is – I have no idea why they would make that up.

Maybe you misunderstood or they didn’t even say that.

Posted : 14/11/2021 4:58 pm
Offline  twrch
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That they don’t test in case they are positive because their colleagues and patients will have to isolate.

I think you misunderstood what I said. This relative tells me that NHS staff where they work avoid testing, because they themselves isolating would place an undue burden of work on the remaining staff at the site.

I did not misunderstand what they said, and even remonstrated that it's preposterous that staff can arbitrarily make such choices about what is best for patients and other staff, while I am required to jump through all sorts of absurd hoops to continue some parts of my life (and a life that does not involve caring for vulnerable and elderly people on a daily basis).

Then again, this person works in a new Welsh hospital that has come under a lot of scrutiny, and some of the tales they tell certainly adds credence to my idea that we are living post-collapse of the NHS (at least here in Wales).

Posted : 14/11/2021 8:44 pm
Offline  tjagain
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Here we have an example of how stupid compulsory vaccinations are for the NHS

Now we all may think these staff refusing the jags are stupid but its still real and which is worse - a maternity unit with unjagged staff or no maternity unit?

Posted : 20/12/2021 8:21 am
Offline  scotroutes
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There will be no maternity staff when they're all isolating due to Covid. Then again, maybe that's still better than their stupidity resulting in the deaths of mothers and babies.

Posted : 20/12/2021 8:27 am
Offline  reformedfatty
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That story will be complete fiction so you don't even get to the point of needing to consider the what's worse question.

Does it really seem likely that medical professionals don't see the value in a vaccine? Highly unlikely but not impossible.

Does it seem likely that there are 40 of these people with this unlikely view all working in the same location? Virtually impossible

Posted : 20/12/2021 8:30 am
Offline  tjagain
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Right - its an inconvenient truth so its must be made up?  unfortunately these people are real.

Posted : 20/12/2021 8:33 am
Offline  MoreCashThanDash
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“If sufficient numbers of unvaccinated staff in a particular service in a particular location choose not to get vaccinated, the viability and/or safety of that service could be at risk.”

From that article. " If" is doing a lot of the heavy lifting in that sentence to make the headline.

I'm not entirely sure how comfortable I am with mandatory vaccination, I accept it's a morally dubious area.

But I'm pretty sure I know where I am with healthcare professionals deciding they know better than all the scientists and chief medical officers around the world and refusing to be jabbed without a valid medical reason. If they want to risk their jobs on a point of principle, I'm sorry, but good luck to them.

Posted : 20/12/2021 8:41 am
Offline  tjagain
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If they want to risk their jobs on a point of principle, I’m sorry, but good luck to them.

Even if that means closing services?  Seriously which is better - unvaccinated staff or no staff?

Posted : 20/12/2021 8:49 am
Offline  stingmered
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In blunt terms, I don't want health professionals that are too stupid to understand the overall benefits of a vaccine programme to deliver my children.

Sounds harsh, but that is the reality.

Posted : 20/12/2021 8:54 am
Offline  MoreCashThanDash
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Seriously which is better – unvaccinated staff or no staff?

Seriously, I don't want to be treated by staff who think they know better than the scientists and chief medical experts. Whether it's arrogance or ignorance, I don't want someone that blinkered caring for me or my loved ones.

I want someone who can understand and follow the science. Because if they can't follow it for their own care in the middle of a pandemic, I don't trust them to follow it when dealing with my and my family.

Actually, that's clarified it in my own head. It's a trust issue.

Posted : 20/12/2021 9:02 am
Offline  plus-one
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, I don’t want health professionals that are too stupid to understand the overall benefits of a vaccine programme

Is this the benefits of the first two doses that are now of no benefit against omicron?

Posted : 20/12/2021 9:03 am
Offline  scotroutes
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Do you believe that the first two doses are of no benefit?

Posted : 20/12/2021 9:05 am
Offline  tjagain
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So many of you would rather a service closed than stayed open with unvaccinated staff?

I agree its stupid and I agree these folk are probably not that good at their jobs - but this is an issue I said would happen and now it is.

Posted : 20/12/2021 9:07 am
Offline  convert
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Even if that means closing services? Seriously which is better – unvaccinated staff or no staff?

Fortunately it looks like the evidence is that is not a decision that will need to be made once a theoretical situation becomes reality.

Mrs C (until Jan) works in care sector in house recruitment but in Scotland. Talking to associates working in England the compulsory jabbing did the trick. All the resistance melted away once the options ran out. The number of staff no longer working in the care sector because of it can't quite be counted on one hand but is vanishly small numbers in an industry that employs tens of thousands*. Employee poles also show a significant improvement in staff morale of those jabbed who had previously been uncomfortable working closely alongside unvaxed colleagues With many now saying they are now more likely than they would have been to stay in their roles longer term. Families of residents are also showing high satisfaction rating after the measures went live.

The conversation about the morals can still be had, but from a practical perspective it has worked - safer residents and happier family members and previously vaxxed employees.

Only caveat - social care has a massive staff retention problem and always has. 40% pa is common in most homes. So the staff employed 6 months ago only bears some similarity to now. Vacancy rates are still massive as they were before the vaccine requirement. Bizarrely there has been an upturn in applicants for unskilled jobs as, bless them, some applicants who are jabbed provably meet some of the job requirements.

Edit - oh and the unvaxxed have not been given non frontline roles in vast numbers - care sector work on too tight margins (and are money grabbing bastards):to get into that sort of charity compromise.

Posted : 20/12/2021 9:08 am
Online  Drac
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Yeah! I’m really finding it hard to believe 40 staff on the same unit are refusing to have the vaccine. I see your point TJ, to a certain extent, but struggling to believe this. I’m also amazed if it’s true that all 40 are still refusing to continue to put vulnerable patients at risk.

Posted : 20/12/2021 9:09 am
Offline  imnotverygood
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So what are these people going to do for a living once they resign? There are limited opportunities in the private sector. Its bluff on their part. Once the option is a vaccination or unemployment the vast majority will take the jab.

Posted : 20/12/2021 9:11 am
Offline  nickc
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Seriously which is better – unvaccinated staff or no staff?

While I'm not a fan of compulsion, whoever's running that unit (if there is indeed such a place) needs a bloody good talking to if all the staff in it are actually completely unvaccinated. That is shameful.  Which leads me to suspect it's probably not true. I can't get 6 GPs to agree on anything, I doubt there's a unit in any hospital where 40 staff agree to this level of idiocy.

Posted : 20/12/2021 9:12 am
Offline  tjagain
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I doubt there’s a unit in any hospital where 40 staff agree to this level of idiocy.

Whereas I am sure there are many such units!

Its bluff on their part

I very much doubt it.  these are people who are mainly following fundamentalist religions I believe.  given the choice ( in their heads) of getting vaccinated and then being condemned to hell or losing their job which will they choose?

Not being vaccinated is not a rational decision so we cannot expect these people to behave rationally

Posted : 20/12/2021 9:18 am
Offline  stingmered
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Actually, that’s clarified it in my own head. It’s a trust issue.

Put far more eloquently than myself, but yeah, EXACTLY this.

Posted : 20/12/2021 9:18 am
Offline  nickc
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I very much doubt it

well, they'll be losing their jobs, won't they?

Posted : 20/12/2021 9:23 am
Offline  stingmered
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Is this the benefits of the first two doses that are now of no benefit against omicron

what, no benefit... says who...? Booster vaccines are a timing issue. The protection that any vaccine gives you dwindles with time. Call it a booster, third shot, MAGIC OMICRON SAVIOUR, whatever you want, but there's not something magic in the booster the fights Omicron, it just strengthens your immune system against infection.

I know this slightly simplifies it for mRNA vs non-mRNA vaccines, but I fell keeping it simple here might be best for some people.

Posted : 20/12/2021 9:23 am
Offline  MoreCashThanDash
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Put far more eloquently than myself, but yeah, EXACTLY this.

You phrased it how I was originally thinking it! 🤣

Posted : 20/12/2021 9:34 am
Online  Drac
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Whereas I am sure there are many such units!

93% vaccination up take by NHS staff. Seems unlikely you’d have one unit let alone many.

Not being vaccinated is not a rational decision so we cannot expect these people to behave rationally

But that to you only applies if it’s their religion. Interesting.

Posted : 20/12/2021 9:37 am
Offline  jonm81
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It'll be interesting to see how this plays out. In some cases what you'll get is the mandate to get vaccinated crashing head long in to religion as a protected status. How the courts sort that clusterf**k out who knows.

In terms of care workers our neighbours care home just lost 12 of it's 26 staff due to not getting the vaccine. They are now using agency staff who are travelling between many homes. Given all permanent staff were doing LFTs every day and PCRs twice a week as mandated by the company and the agency staff aren't; which was the greater risk, unvaccinated daily tested staff working in a single location or agency staff only required to test once a week and working in many locations?

Posted : 20/12/2021 9:41 am
Offline  tjagain
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well, they’ll be losing their jobs, won’t they?

and tbhen units closing leading tomore deaths?

Drac - its concentrated into hotspots not evenly distributed.

I cannot think of how to write this without coming over a bit racist but I'll have a go

Vaccine refusal in healthcare workers is mainly in first generation African immigrants.  I suspect because of fundamentalist religious groups and their strong influence / control

These folk tend to get concentrated into areas both within services and within localities.  If you have a unit with a high concentration of such staff then you have a real issue.

Posted : 20/12/2021 9:43 am
Offline  tjagain
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To me this is the old " beware of secondary effects"

Jon above outlines one clearly

the other being this could lead to unit closures.

Posted : 20/12/2021 9:47 am
Offline  tjagain
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But that to you only applies if it’s their religion. Interesting.

Where on earth did you get that from?

Posted : 20/12/2021 9:48 am
Offline  nickc
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and tbhen units closing leading tomore deaths?

Having unvaccinated staff leading to death any better?

Posted : 20/12/2021 9:49 am
Offline  tjagain
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Which course of action creates less risk?   I get the moral position - I think its unutterably stupid not to have the jag.  what I am cautioning against is not seeing the unwanted secondary effects or dismissing them as meaningless.

Its absolutist v pragmatic

Posted : 20/12/2021 9:52 am
Online  Drac
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Where on earth did you get that from?

From this.

I very much doubt it.  these are people who are mainly following fundamentalist religions I believe.  given the choice ( in their heads) of getting vaccinated and then being condemned to hell or losing their job which will they choose?

Not being vaccinated is not a rational decision so we cannot expect these people to behave rationally

Hope that helps

Drac – its concentrated into hotspots not evenly distributed.

What is? The uptake.

Posted : 20/12/2021 9:53 am
Offline  MoreCashThanDash
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I get your concern TJ, and I can understand the sensitivity around race or religion, but I'm afraid, based on comments from friends in the NHS and comments from others on here with first hand knowledge, it's going to be a very few units nationally where the problem is this serious and the majority of people don't have a problem if it comes to it.

Posted : 20/12/2021 9:54 am
Offline  tjagain
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Hope that helps

Yes - I now see you have conflated two statements and added 2+2 to make 3!

The decision not to be vaccinated is never a rational one.  this might be religious based or it might be some other reason.  I believe its mainly religious based but religious based or not its still irrational

What is? The uptake.


Posted : 20/12/2021 9:57 am
Online  Drac
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Yes – I now see you have conflated two statements and added 2+2 to make 3!

The decision not to be vaccinated is never a rational one.  this might be religious based or it might be some other reason.  I believe its mainly religious based but religious based or not its still irrational

Not sure that’s made it any clearer but sorry if I’m misunderstanding your point.

Posted : 20/12/2021 9:59 am
Offline  tjagain
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it’s going to be a very few units nationally where the problem is this serious

Yes - but if as it appears to be concentrated in specialties and geographic areas then in might cause real issues in those geographical areas

Posted : 20/12/2021 10:00 am
Online  Drac
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Yes – but if as it appears to be concentrated in specialties and geographic areas then in might cause real issues in those geographical areas

If that were the case then yes but there seems to be no real evidence that’s the cases.

Posted : 20/12/2021 10:02 am
Offline  tjagain
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Not sure that’s made it any clearer but sorry if I’m misunderstanding your point.

I get where you are coming from - given my known loathing of religion and i wasn't clear.

Its the decision not to be vaccinated that is irrational.  It doesn't matter if its religious or some other reason so i am NOT saying its only irrational if religious.

Posted : 20/12/2021 10:02 am
Offline  tjagain
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If that were the case then yes but there seems to be no real evidence that’s the cases.

There is plenty of data on this.

Posted : 20/12/2021 10:03 am
Online  Drac
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There is plenty of data on this.

Is there? Also which religions don’t support vaccines?

Posted : 20/12/2021 10:05 am
Offline  big_n_daft
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Also which religions don’t support vaccines?

Most if not all of the main religions have sub sects which vary widely in their interpretation of religious texts and practices as well as social controls. Anyone who bangs on about all Christians or all Muslims or all Hindus etc are just showing their lack of understanding of that religion usually due to some antipathy to that or all religion

Posted : 20/12/2021 10:33 am
Offline  tjagain
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Also which religions don’t support vaccines?

Of the top of my head?  christian scientists?  Jehovah witness? * Ithink)

As big and daft says tho its more about some odd sects / fundamentalists within religeons

Posted : 20/12/2021 10:42 am
Offline  tjagain
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Is there?

Yes - the regional variations in NHS staff take up of vaccines is well documented  Its on the NHS website if you want to dig into to it and has been in many news stories

The latest NHS figures show vaccination rates vary hugely: among hospitals, Dorset County hospital has the highest at 94.6%, while Barts Health NHS Trust has the lowest rate of fully vaccinated staff, at 79.7%.

Posted : 20/12/2021 10:44 am
Offline  Underhill
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I'll clear up one of those points TJ.

Jehovah's Witnesses do not object to the Covid-19 vaccines and have supported it's uptake to prevent serious illness or death.

Just for clarity.

Posted : 20/12/2021 10:58 am
Online  Drac
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Of the top of my head?  christian scientists?  Jehovah witness? * Ithink)

Jehovah Witness no they don’t refuse on religious grounds. I don’t think the UK has much of a population of Christian Scientists.

Barts Health NHS Trust has the lowest rate of fully vaccinated staff, at 79.7%.

So the lowest at around 80% seems unlikely they’ll be many units with high amounts of unvaccinated frontline staff.

Posted : 20/12/2021 11:14 am
Offline  jonm81
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Jehovah Witness no they don’t

Some do. There is a JW chuch group in Ringwood who won't have it on religious grounds as they determine it to be a medical intervention.

As TJ says, there are subsets of all religions that interpret the "rules" differently.

Posted : 20/12/2021 11:28 am
Offline  MoreCashThanDash
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So the lowest at around 80% seems unlikely they’ll be many units with high amounts of unvaccinated frontline staff.

I'm with Drac. I'm still not feeling this is likely to be a major problem, and if vaccination rates are lower mainly in major urban areas I can't see any hypothetical unit closures leaving an area with no cover at all - lower availability or quality of care maybe.

I understand your concerns around this whole issue TJ, but I'm not sure the data is supporting the risks that you think it does.

(In true STW fashion, I have no separate data to support my view.)

Posted : 20/12/2021 11:37 am
Offline  nickc
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sorry, that didn't work as intended!

Posted : 20/12/2021 11:41 am
Offline  tjagain
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Well the NHS leaders seem to think it a problem.  and the stats agree

and if vaccination rates are lower mainly in major urban areas I can’t see any hypothetical unit closures leaving an area with no cover at all –

Remember in England trusts are in competition not co operation.

Posted : 20/12/2021 11:46 am
Offline  kelvin
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if vaccination rates are lower mainly in major urban areas I can’t see any hypothetical unit closures leaving an area with no cover at all

What about the effect of having large (relatively) numbers of staff unvaccinated on staffing levels when a wave hits (like this winter)?

That ~80% worse case for trusts is very reassuring actually. I thought it might be lower, considering the regional variations in uptake for flu jabs for health staff.

Posted : 20/12/2021 11:48 am
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@TJ your interpretation of the stats around this fact fits very well with your 'state overreach' narrative. Why do you think this is?

I know I'm trolling a bit here, but I'm not going to apologise. I haven't looked closely at the stats, and I'm also not disagreeing with the anti-authoritarian concerns. But I think we all have to be mindful of when we are performing mental gymnastics.

Posted : 20/12/2021 11:53 am
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