Home Forums Bike Forum advice on cycle to work schemes

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  • advice on cycle to work schemes
  • claudie
    Full Member

    has anyone set up a scheme? Any advice appreciated. A few questions that come to mind:- Is ‘cyclescheme’ a good organisation to use? How long does it take to actually get a bike from start to finish? My LBS is great but doesn’t have a large range of brands, but I want to support the local community, can I ask them to get any model? What is the typical % to pay to own the bike after the salary sacrifice scheme is complete?

    Free Member

    I set up and run our own, its easy, have a search on here (the search box is over there —->


    Free Member

    Cyclescheme are well supported and the papers are easy for your work to sort

    AFAIK they take a commission from each sale which is obviously how they make their money

    Some shops wont sell a discounted bike through Cyclescheme
    My LBS will only sell its ‘sale’ bikes at RRP if its through this scheme

    A number of shops and manufacturers think the margins from the middle men brokers make it not worth doing the scheme

    Start to finish less than a month on our scheme

    Final settlement at 10% on my local scheme

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