Home Forums Bike Forum Adjusting a Giro helmet

  • This topic has 5 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 15 years ago by K.s.
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  • Adjusting a Giro helmet
  • PJay
    Free Member

    This is going to sound daft, but I’m struggling to get my Giro Hex helmet properly adjusted and it seems an important thing to do.

    Following the instructions I set the helmet level on my head with all four straps (2 front, 2 rear) of even length and the buckles sitting below the ear lobes. The trick then seems to be to adjust the front and rear straps independantly so that the helmet can’t be tipped forwards or backwards on the head. I may have a funny shaped head but I always seem to be able to tip the helment over the rear of my head. The solution to this seems to be to shorten the front straps but when I do this the buckles are pulled up above the ear lobes and the straps cross the ears, which according to the instructions is wrong.

    I’m probably missing something obvious but any tips would be welcome.

    Free Member

    Not sure about teh chin straps cos never really had a problem with mine, but are you using the tightening thingy at the back of your head as well as the chin strap?

    Free Member

    open the buckels to allow the straps to move independently and then tighten at the end

    Free Member

    Yes I’ve been playing with the bit at the back that gives a tighter fit, it helps but I assumed that any fore or aft movement was meant to be dealt with by the straps.

    I’ll have a play anyway and see how I get on.

    Free Member

    Well, I’ve got a reasonably comfortable chinstrap set up that seems to meet the criteria in the instructions (straps either side of the ears) but stopping the helmet tipping forward or back seems to be down to the RocLoc bit at the back of the helmet, the instructions seem to suggest that it’s down to the straps. I guess that it’s ok to ride like this.

    Free Member

    I have a funny shaped head, but with my Xen I tend to do the Roc Loc up as tight as possible and have the straps fairly loose – this works well for me and has a bit of fore/aft movement but its bearable

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