Home Forums Chat Forum Accidently used renovating cream instead of Dubbin!

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  • Accidently used renovating cream instead of Dubbin!
  • funkmasterp
    Full Member

    On my gaucho leather Derby boots. Will they die and is there anyway to rectify the mistake? They’re both in tins that look the same and I have the eyesight of a mole with glaucoma.

    Free Member

    Renovator is just a different deep penetrative wax isn’t it?  Saphir renovateur is. It’s good to use a cream like that every now and then.

    I’m old school and tend to use dubbin, gold label bought in a large tub,  but it basically does the same thing,  nourishes the leather and keeps it supple.

    Full Member

    Unless it’s coloured, it won’t make a difference, dubbin, Mink Oil, Renapur Wax, are all designed to soften, preserve and help waterproof leather products. I mostly use Renapur, I’ve just bought a couple more tubs, because I use it on waxed cotton as well as leather, but I’ve got mink oil which I use on the same leather items – depends which tin or tub I put my hands on first.

    Free Member

    You will die!!! Eventually.

    Full Member

    You will die!!! Eventually.


    Full Member

    Could be worse. I know someone who mixed up styling mouse and immac

    Full Member

    They’re both in tins that look the same and I have the eyesight of a mole with glaucoma.

    Don’t worry, I once mistook a tube of shaving cream for toothpaste while drunk travelling overseas where the lighting was poor and I was shitfaced drunk. I survived but it was a bit embarrassing when I got drunk again the next day and did the same thing the next day while drunk. If you’re interested, shaving cream tastes like you’ve been sucking on a battery, even if you’re shitfaced drunk.

    Free Member

    Could be worse. I know someone who mixed up styling mouse and immac

    Dare I ask for pics…?

    Full Member

    Dare I ask for pics…?

    It was before everyone had a camera phone in their pockets sadly

    We were at a house party as students and there was an oddly long queue for the loo, no-one had been in our out for while and there was a simmering discontent brewing. Suddenly the  door opened and Dan stepped out “ta-daaaa!” and proudly showed us the reason we’d all been waiting so long – a huge foam afro that he’d crafted out of what he through was a can of foam hair mousse.

    It was the girl who’s house it was that calmly and flattly pointed out that it was immac.

    “Shit”, Dan stepped back into the bathroom and locked the door.

    At this point it became very difficult for the rest of us not to wet ourselves.

    Free Member

    Does the styling mouse have a website, some furries I know are getting married soon and that would tickle their fancy.

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