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  • Abuse of Terror Laws….
  • WackoAK
    Free Member

    Partner of Guardian Journalist detained

    Live reaction here

    Is anyone actually surprised that the laws are abused in this way?

    Free Member

    Not in the slightest bit surprised, America said “jump”, Cameron et al said “how high? and can we have a nice spike to land on?”

    Free Member

    Pretty normal.

    The Cabinet Office said the legislation was not intended to outlaw the TUC conference or restrict campaigning activity on policy issues.

    Wasn’t intended, but would…


    Free Member

    Is anyone actually surprised that the laws are abused in this way?

    Nope. Laws were abused in Northern Ireland for decades but no one seemed to give a shit. So why not try it again?

    Full Member

    Exactly what the concerns around the terror laws were about. But we have them now, so all those who said “No problem if you have nothing to hide” can think about how wrong they were at their leisure.

    Full Member

    Pretty disgraceful behaviour, but then I don’t expect anything more from them. Eg wasting millions having police sat 24/7 outside an Embassy, searching everyone who comes out in case it’s Julian Assange. They’re determined to make him suffer, legal or not. In fact I’m surprised we’ve not just stormed the Embassy by now.

    Free Member

    Even our local councils use them to spy on us. Once governments grant powers for on thing then they can be used for others. Those powers are never taken got rid of when an opposition final makes it to government, they me object while out of power but they are far to useful. This is how we unknowingly stroll into a police statue.

    Free Member

    See loads of posts to this thread with the outrage of what is going regarding this legislation. Yep that’s right, no one is really interested and those in power know it and use it. Now if it was who won stricktlyXnotalent that would be different.

    Free Member

    because everyone knows people with same sex partners that are not uk born are an obvious terrorist risk and a danger to daily mail readers around the uk.

    Now if they where xfactoring in the jungle while dancing on ice, with big brother watching, then plebs would care and respond

    Free Member

    if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to worry about.
    if you tell the world about what we hide you and anyone you know should be very worried.

    Full Member

    Is anyone actually surprised that the laws are abused in this way?
    Nope. Laws were abused in Northern Ireland for decades but no one seemed to give a shit. So why not try it again?

    Too true. Bloody shameful.

    Free Member

    Pretty normal.

    The Cabinet Office said the legislation was not intended to outlaw the TUC conference or restrict campaigning activity on policy issues.

    Wasn’t intended, but would…

    Wow, just wow. Banning dissenting campaigns 12 months before an election.

    So much for democracy.

    Free Member

    This is really really wrong everyone responsible from the arresting officers up the chain to the person who initiated it should lose their jobs and their pensions.

    Free Member

    Talking about it on the radio today and Louise Mensch pops up to say that it was fair and not an abuse of powers, WTF has Louise Mensch got to do with it, ex MP lives in New York………. is she a well known expert of this type of legal matter?

    Also claims from the Guardian editor that people from GCHQ were in his building breaking hard drives to deny access to the information, if that is true then we are in troubling times.

    Free Member

    I have no problem with his detention. He’s well known as being more than just the partner of the Guardian journo who is known to have received classified papers from Snowdon. He also works to assist him and in this case was making a journey having met with a film maker in Germany. It was reasonable to assume he might be a courier in this case.

    Hearing his partner, a foreign national, bang on about how he’s going to undermine and attack the UK even more aggressively justifies the action even more.

    Free Member

    undermine and attack

    You mean expose the dirty secrets done in our name?

    The whole thing stinks although none of the main parties will do anything about it apart from the usual grandstanding. If I were of a more conspiratorial bent I’d be looking at the latest royal baby news as a diversionary tactic to get this story off the front pages..

    Free Member

    well ask yourselves who brought these laws in and why, terrorisem.
    It makes you wonder what sort of journalist could fly into the uk carrying info that is being used to embarrass the state and not be searched. Don’t agree with but if you are going up against some of the worlds most powerful organisations you should not be so nieve as to think they will play be the rules, when the state breaking the rules is what you are reporting on. That Mench women was pointing this out correctly but from an angle that I don’t agree with.

    Full Member

    Also claims from the Guardian editor that people from GCHQ were in his building breaking hard drives to deny access to the information, if that is true then we are in troubling times.

    What makes that all the more laughable is that the Guardian are using an Amercan journalist publishing in US and Brazil to avoid the restrictions that our officials are trying to enforce. Someone needs reminding about King Canute (either version of the tale will do).

    Full Member

    what if this bloke had been moving information that might have had an impact on your personal security? what if he’d had a list of names and addresses of people who have supported our security forces clandestinely.

    he had a solicitor with him for 8.5 of the 9 hours i cant see much wrong with that. that Lucas woman was held for 6 hours without charge for simply peaceful protest (alegedly)

    Its interesting reading this given the current laws they are pushing through in New Zealand (where im living) around the GCSB Bill allowing the government to spy of NZers. The prime minister seems to be trying to drum up fear in people that we are at risk of a terrorist attack. The ridiculous thing is that the country is too small and inconsequential a target for terrorists.

    Free Member

    The ridiculous thing is that the country is too small and inconsequential a target for terrorists.

    Tell that to Fernando Pereira.

    Free Member

    The ridiculous thing is that the country is too small and inconsequential a target for terrorists.

    French secret service excepted

    Free Member
    Free Member

    RT’s take on it… http://rt.com/news/guardian-hard-drives-destroyed-697/

    It is happening here…

    Full Member

    Its interesting reading this given the current laws they are pushing through in New Zealand (where im living) around the GCSB Bill allowing the government to spy of NZers. The prime minister seems to be trying to drum up fear in people that we are at risk of a terrorist attack. The ridiculous thing is that the country is too small and inconsequential a target for terrorists.

    Which shows exactly how little you know about it. FWIW I work in security and intelligence and have done for 20 years both in the UK and NZ. Why are people surprised about something that has been going on forever whether you like or not ?

    Full Member

    well at least they let him go alive
    (the last time I recall the police stopping a Brazillian using draconian anti-terror laws they held him down, executed him and then colluded to lie about it afterwards)

    I suppose its a risk that goes with the job- he was effectively a journalist on the guardians payroll- but its blatantly an abuse of the original law

    deafening silence from the Limp Dems on this one too

    Free Member

    if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to worry about.
    if you tell the world about what we hide you and anyone you know should be very worried.

    What he says

    Free Member

    I’m surprised they’ve been so open in their misuse of the terrorism law.

    Is that a deliberate? or just a bad decision?

    Free Member

    One just hopes that the Grauniad were smart enough to arrange backups beyond UK jurisdiction.

    Free Member

    if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to worry about.

    FFS that is the most ridiculous statement you ever hear. If the government never ever abuse their power or make mistakes and miscarriages of “justice” never happen you might have a point. As he was not charged, he had done nothing, yet he was subjected to this. The case shoots your [ and i use it in the loosest possible sense of the word] argument in the foot

    what if this bloke had been moving information that might have had an impact on your personal security?

    What if he had a gun and was a baby eater? He was not and he was innocent of any terrorism offence hence the debate. Detaining a journalist under terrorism legislation is a tad draconian, would you not say, in a free world

    what if he’d had a list of names and addresses of people who have supported our security forces clandestinely.

    What on him that he forget tp store electronically in some way – what sort of shit spy is he meant to have been then?

    he had a solicitor with him for 8.5 of the 9 hours i cant see much wrong with that.

    The lack of charges perhaps? You know no cause etc

    that Lucas woman was held for 6 hours without charge for simply peaceful protest

    two wrong dont make a right

    Free Member

    What if he had a gin and was a bay eater? He was not hence the debate.

    Double gin and bay leaf ?

    Full Member

    deafening silence from the Limp Dems on this one too

    I assume they approve…

    Free Member

    I edited it before I saw the comment as it was amongst my worst

    Full Member

    One just hopes that the Grauniad were smart enough to arrange backups beyond UK jurisdiction.

    Given they are the No #1 UK stop off for whistle blowers, I suspect they have a reasonably sophisticated system – probably not using the internet given that their fibre feed is probably routed directly to GCHQ…..

    Full Member

    Which shows exactly how little you know about it. FWIW I work in security and intelligence and have done for 20 years both in the UK and NZ. Why are people surprised about something that has been going on forever whether you like or not ?

    Now that it’s widely known about, they need to enshrine it in law
    I’m sure pretty much anyone you asked would believe that there are other abuses of power that remain unexposed

    Free Member

    If I were a whistleblower the gruniad would be well down on my list to leak to. As long as thirty years ago they cravenly gave in to govt pressure and handed back the papers that Sarah Tisdale had leaked to them. The identifying codes from those papers were used to convict and imprison Ms Tisdale. They could have shredded the files and burned the ashes, but they didn’t. For that reason, the paper has never recovered in my estimation.

    Free Member

    My thought too, but I couldn’t remember her name. They showed a naive trust in the letter of the law back then, I wonder if they’ve grown up a bit.

    Full Member

    Who else to turn to?

    Most of the press would happily not just co-operate with the security forces without question, they would paint a pretty picture of how they had stood up against terrorism and helped jail dangerous threats to our well being.

    Free Member

    There was interesting comment on Bruce Schneier’s blog at the weekend, on the customary squid post. Guido Fawkes has taken a view, could they come knocking at his door?

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